libjulius/src/gramlist.c File Reference

Grammar file list management on startup. More...

#include <julius/julius.h>

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void multigram_add_gramlist (char *dfafile, char *dictfile, JCONF_LM *j, int lmvar)
 Add a grammar to the grammar list to be read at startup.
void multigram_remove_gramlist (JCONF_LM *j)
 Remove the grammar list to be read at startup.
boolean multigram_add_prefix_list (char *prefix_list, char *cwd, JCONF_LM *j, int lmvar)
 Add multiple grammars given by their prefixs to the grammar list.
boolean multigram_add_prefix_filelist (char *listfile, JCONF_LM *j, int lmvar)
 Add multiple grammars from prefix list file to the grammar list.

Detailed Description

Grammar file list management on startup.

These functions are for managing list of grammar files to be loaded at startup. You can also specify (list of) grammars to be included for recognition at startup by calling these functions. If you want to add, modify or remove grammars while recognition, you should prepare grammar data and call functions in multi-gram.c directly.

See also:
julius/module.c for the implementation details.
Akinobu Lee
Tue Oct 30 12:27:53 2007

Definition in file gramlist.c.

Generated on Thu Jul 23 12:13:49 2009 for Julius by  doxygen 1.5.1