
We have proposed an HMM-based speech synthesis system. In the system, pitch and state duration are modeled by multi-space probability distribution HMMs and multi-dimensional Gaussian distributions, respectively. The distributions for spectral parameter, pitch parameter and the state duration are clustered independently by using a decision-tree based context clustering technique.

Modeling of spectrum, pitch and duration

In the system, spectrum, pitch and duration are modeled by HMM. We use mel-cepstral coefficients as spectral parameter. Sequences of mel-cepstral coefficient vector, which are obtained from speech database using a mel-cepstral analysis technique are modeled by continuous density HMMs. The mel-cepstral analysis technique enables speech to be re-synthesized from the mel-cepstral coefficients using the MLSA (Mel Log Spectrum Approximation) filter .

Pitch patterns are modeled by a hidden Markov model based on multi-space probability distribution (MSD-HMM) We cannot apply the conventional discrete or continuous HMMs to pitch pattern modeling since the observation sequence of pitch pattern is composed of one-dimensional continuous values and a discrete symbol which represents ``unvoiced''. The MSD-HMM includes discrete HMM and continuous mixture HMM as special cases, and further can model the sequence of observation vectors with variable dimension including zero-dimensional observations, i.e., discrete symbols. As a result, MSD-HMMs can model pitch patterns without heuristic assumption.

We construct spectrum and excitation models by using embedded training because the embedded training does not need label boundaries when appropriate initial models are available. However, if spectrum models and excitation models are embedded-trained separately, speech segmentations may be discrepant between them. To avoid this problem, context dependent HMMs are trained with feature vector which consists of spectrum, excitation and their dynamic features.

State duration densities are modeled by single Gaussian distributions. Dimension of state duration densities is equal to the number of state of HMM, and the nth dimension of state duration densities is corresponding to the nth state of HMMs.

When we construct context dependent models taking account of many combinations of the above contextual factors, we expect to be able to obtain appropriate models. However, as contextual factors increase, their combinations also increase exponentially. Therefore, model parameters with sufficient accuracy cannot be estimated with limited training data. Furthermore, it is impossible to prepare speech database which includes all combinations of contextual factors. To overcome this problem, we apply a decision-tree based context clustering technique to distributions for spectrum, excitation and state duration. The decision-tree based context clustering algorithm have been extended for MSD-HMMs. Since each of spectrum, excitation and duration have its own influential contextual factors, the distributions for spectral parameter and excitation parameter and the state duration are clustered independently.

Text-to-Speech Synthesis

In the synthesis part, an arbitrarily given text to be synthesized is converted to a context-based label sequence. Then, according to the label sequence, a sentence HMM is constructed by concatenating context dependent HMMs. State durations of the sentence HMM are determined so as to maximize the likelihood of the state duration densities According to the obtained state durations, a sequence of mel-cepstral coefficients and excitation parameter is generated from the sentence HMM by using the speech parameter generation algorithm. Finally, speech is synthesized directly from the generated mel-cepstral coefficients and excitation parameter by the MLSA filter.


HMMs were trained using phonetically balanced 450 sentences from ATR Japanese speech database for training. Speech signals were sampled at 16~kHz and windowed by a 25-ms Blackman window with a 5-ms shift, and then mel-cepstral coefficients were obtained by the mel-cepstral analysis. Feature vector consists of spectral and excitation parameter vectors. Spectral parameter vector consists of 25 mel-cepstral coefficients including the zeroth coefficient, their delta and delta-delta coefficients. Excitaiton parameter vector consists of log pitch, bandpass voicing strength, Fourier magnitude and their delta and delta-delta. We used 5-state left-to-right HMMs with single diagonal Gaussian output distributions.

Examples of speech generated from our TTS system