
Go to the documentation of this file.
00061 /*
00062  * Copyright (c) 1991-2006 Kawahara Lab., Kyoto University
00063  * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Shikano Lab., Nara Institute of Science and Technology
00064  * Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Julius project team, Nagoya Institute of Technology
00065  * All rights reserved
00066  */
00069 #include <sent/stddefs.h>
00070 #include <sent/speech.h>
00071 #include <sent/adin.h>
00073 static FILE *gfp;               
00074 static boolean wav_p;           
00075 static int maxlen;              
00076 static int nowlen;              
00082 static SP16 pre_data[2];
00083 static boolean has_pre;         
00085 static unsigned int sfreq;      
00087 /* read .wav data with endian conversion */
00088 /* (all .wav datas are in little endian) */
00101 static boolean
00102 myread(void *buf, size_t unitbyte, int unitnum, FILE *fp)
00103 {
00104   int tmp;
00105   if ((tmp = myfread(buf, unitbyte, unitnum, fp)) < unitnum) {
00106     return(FALSE);
00107   }
00108 #ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN
00109   swap_bytes(buf, unitbyte, unitnum);
00110 #endif
00111   return(TRUE);
00112 }
00114 #define MYREAD(A,B,C,D)  if (!myread(A, B, C, D)) {j_printerr("adin_file: file is corrupted\n"); return -1;}
00129 static boolean
00130 setup_wav(FILE *fp)
00131 {
00132   char dummy[9];
00133   unsigned int i, len;
00134   unsigned short s;
00136   /* 4 byte: byte num of rest ( = filesize - 8) */
00137   /* --- just skip them */
00138   MYREAD(dummy, 1, 4, fp);
00139   /* first part: WAVE format specifications */
00140   /* 4 byte: "WAVE" */
00141   MYREAD(dummy, 1, 4, fp);
00142   if (dummy[0] != 'W' ||
00143       dummy[1] != 'A' ||
00144       dummy[2] != 'V' ||
00145       dummy[3] != 'E') {
00146     j_printerr("adin_file: WAVE header not found, file corrupted?\n");
00147     fclose_readfile(fp); return FALSE;
00148   }
00149   /* format chunk: "fmt " */
00150   MYREAD(dummy, 1, 4, fp);
00151   if (dummy[0] != 'f' ||
00152       dummy[1] != 'm' ||
00153       dummy[2] != 't' ||
00154       dummy[3] != ' ') {
00155     j_printerr("adin_file: fmt chunk not found, file corrupted?\n");
00156     fclose_readfile(fp); return FALSE;
00157   }
00158   /* 4byte: byte size of this part */
00159   MYREAD(&len, 4, 1, fp);
00161   /* 2byte: data format */
00162   MYREAD(&s, 2, 1, fp);
00163   if (s != 1) {
00164     j_printerr("adin_file: data format != PCM (id=%d)\n", s);
00165     fclose_readfile(fp); return FALSE;
00166   }
00167   /* 2byte: channel num */
00168   MYREAD(&s, 2, 1, fp);
00169   if (s >= 2) {
00170     j_printerr("adin_file: channel num != 1 (%d)\n", s);
00171     fclose_readfile(fp); return FALSE;
00172   }
00173   /* 4byte: sampling rate */
00174   MYREAD(&i, 4, 1, fp);
00175   if (i != sfreq) {
00176     j_printerr("adin_file: sampling rate != %d (%d)\n", sfreq, i);
00177     fclose_readfile(fp); return FALSE;
00178   }
00179   /* 4byte: bytes per second */
00180   MYREAD(&i, 4, 1, fp);
00181   if (i != sfreq * sizeof(SP16)) {
00182     j_printerr("adin_file: bytes per second != %d (%d)\n", sfreq * sizeof(SP16), i);
00183     fclose_readfile(fp); return FALSE;
00184   }
00185   /* 2bytes: bytes per frame ( = (bytes per sample) x channel ) */
00186   MYREAD(&s, 2, 1, fp);
00187   if (s != 2) {
00188     j_printerr("adin_file: (bytes per sample) x channel != 2 (%d)\n", s);
00189     fclose_readfile(fp); return FALSE;
00190   }
00191   /* 2bytes: bits per sample */
00192   MYREAD(&s, 2, 1, fp);
00193   if (s != 16) {
00194     j_printerr("adin_file: bits per sample != 16 (%d)\n", s);
00195     fclose_readfile(fp); return FALSE;
00196   }
00197   /* skip rest */
00198   if (len > 16) {
00199     len -= 16;
00200     while (len > 0) {
00201       if (len > 8) {
00202         MYREAD(dummy, 1, 8, fp);
00203         len -= 8;
00204       } else {
00205         MYREAD(dummy, 1, len, fp);
00206         len = 0;
00207       }
00208     }
00209   }
00210   /* end of fmt part */
00212   /* seek for 'data' part */
00213   while (myread(dummy, 1, 4, fp)) {
00214     MYREAD(&len, 4, 1, fp);
00215     if (dummy[0] == 'd' &&
00216         dummy[1] == 'a' &&
00217         dummy[2] == 't' &&
00218         dummy[3] == 'a') {
00219       break;
00220     }
00221     for (i=0;i<len;i++) myread(dummy, 1, 1, fp);
00222   }
00223   /* ready to read in "data" part --- this is speech data */
00224   maxlen = len / sizeof(SP16);
00225   nowlen = 0;
00226   return TRUE;
00227 }
00238 static boolean
00239 adin_file_open(char *filename)  /* NULL for standard input */
00240 {
00241   FILE *fp;
00242   char dummy[4];
00244   if (filename != NULL) {
00245     if ((fp = fopen_readfile(filename)) == NULL) {
00246       j_printerr("failed to open %s\n",filename);
00247       return(FALSE);
00248     }
00249   } else {
00250     fp = stdin;
00251   }
00252   /* check first 4 byte to detect Microsoft WAVE format */
00253   if (myfread(dummy, 1, 4, fp) < 4) {
00254     j_printerr("Error: size less than 4 bytes?\n",filename);
00255     fclose_readfile(fp);
00256     return(FALSE);
00257   }
00258   if (dummy[0] == 'R' &&
00259       dummy[1] == 'I' &&
00260       dummy[2] == 'F' &&
00261       dummy[3] == 'F') {
00262     /* it's a WAVE file */
00263     wav_p = TRUE;
00264     has_pre = FALSE;
00265     if (setup_wav(fp) == FALSE) {
00266       j_printerr("Error: failed to read %s as a wav file\n",filename);
00267       fclose_readfile(fp);
00268       return(FALSE);
00269     }
00270   } else {
00271     /* read as raw format file */
00272     wav_p = FALSE;
00273     memcpy(pre_data, dummy, 4);    /* already read (4/sizeof(SP)) samples */
00274     has_pre = TRUE;
00275   }
00277   gfp = fp;
00279   return(TRUE);
00280 }
00287 static boolean
00288 adin_file_close()
00289 {
00290   FILE *fp;
00292   fp = gfp;
00293   if (fclose_readfile(fp) != 0) {
00294     perror("adin_file_close: fclose_readfile");
00295     return FALSE;
00296   }
00297  return TRUE; 
00298 }
00302 /* get 1 line input from stdin with prompt */
00303 /* return value: newly allocated buffer */
00304 /* repeat if no input, and */
00305 /* returns NULL on EOF */
00313 char *
00314 get_line(char *prompt)
00315 {
00316   char *buf = NULL;
00317   char *p;
00319   buf = (char *)mymalloc(500);
00320   do {
00321     j_printerr("%s",prompt);
00322     if (fgets(buf, 500, stdin) == NULL) {
00323       free(buf);
00324       return(NULL);
00325     }
00326   } while (!buf[0]);            /* loop till some input */
00327   /* chop last newline */
00328   p = buf + strlen(buf) - 1;
00329   if (p >= buf && *p == '\n') {
00330     *(p --) = '\0';
00331   }
00332   if (p >= buf && *p == '\r') {
00333     *(p --) = '\0';
00334   }
00335   /* chop last space */
00336   while(p >= buf && *p == ' ') {
00337     *(p --) = '\0';
00338   }
00340   return(buf);
00341 }
00343 static boolean from_file;       
00344 static FILE *fp_list;           
00354 boolean
00355 adin_file_standby(int freq, void *arg)
00356 {
00357   char *fname = arg;
00358   if (fname != NULL) {
00359     /* read input filename from file */
00360     if ((fp_list = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL) {
00361       j_printerr("failed to open %s\n", fname);
00362       return(FALSE);
00363     }
00364     from_file = TRUE;
00365   } else {
00366     /* read filename from stdin */
00367     from_file = FALSE;
00368   }
00369   /* store sampling frequency */
00370   sfreq = freq;
00372   return(TRUE);
00373 }
00384 boolean
00385 adin_file_begin()
00386 {
00387   char *speechfilename;
00388   boolean readp;
00390   /* ready to read next input */
00391   readp = FALSE;
00392   while(readp == FALSE) {
00393     if (from_file) {
00394       /* read file name from listfile */
00395       speechfilename = (char *)mymalloc(500);
00396       do {
00397         if (getl_fp(speechfilename, 500, fp_list) == NULL) { /* end of input */
00398           free(speechfilename);
00399           fclose(fp_list);
00400           return(FALSE); /* end of input */
00401         }
00402       } while (speechfilename[0] == '#'); /* skip comment */
00403     } else {
00404       /* read file name from stdin */
00405       speechfilename = get_line("enter filename->");
00406       if (speechfilename == NULL) return (FALSE);       /* end of input */
00407     }
00408     /* open input file */
00409     if (adin_file_open(speechfilename) == FALSE) {
00410       j_printerr("Error in reading speech data: \"%s\"\n",speechfilename);
00411     } else {
00412       j_printf("\ninput speechfile: %s\n",speechfilename);
00413       readp = TRUE;
00414     }
00415     free(speechfilename);
00416   }
00417   return TRUE;
00418 }
00428 int
00429 adin_file_read(SP16 *buf, int sampnum)
00430 {
00431   FILE *fp;
00432   int cnt;
00434   fp = gfp;
00436   if (wav_p) {
00437     cnt = myfread(buf, sizeof(SP16), sampnum, fp);
00438     if (nowlen + cnt > maxlen) {
00439       cnt = maxlen - nowlen;
00440     }
00441     nowlen += cnt;
00442   } else {
00443     if (has_pre) {
00444       buf[0] = pre_data[0]; buf[1] = pre_data[1];
00445       has_pre = FALSE;
00446       cnt = myfread(&(buf[2]), sizeof(SP16), sampnum - 2, fp);
00447       if (cnt > 0) cnt += 2;
00448     } else {
00449       cnt = myfread(buf, sizeof(SP16), sampnum, fp);
00450     }
00451   }
00452   if (cnt == 0) {               /* error or EOF */
00453     if (myfeof(fp) == 1) {              /* EOF */
00454       return -1;
00455     }
00456     perror("adin_file_read");
00457     adin_file_close();
00458     return -2;          /* error */
00459   }
00460   /* all .wav data are in little endian */
00461   /* assume .raw data are in big endian */
00462 #ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN
00463   if (wav_p) swap_sample_bytes(buf, cnt);
00464 #else
00465   if (!wav_p) swap_sample_bytes(buf, cnt);
00466 #endif
00467   return cnt;
00468 }
00475 boolean
00476 adin_file_end()
00477 {
00478   /* nothing needed */
00479   adin_file_close();
00480   return TRUE;
00481 }
00491 boolean
00492 adin_stdin_standby(int freq, void *arg)
00493 {
00494   /* store sampling frequency */
00495   sfreq = freq;
00496   return(TRUE);
00497 }
00504 boolean
00505 adin_stdin_begin()
00506 {
00507   if (feof(stdin)) {            /* already reached the end of input stream */
00508     return FALSE;               /* terminate search here */
00509   } else {
00510     /* open input stream */
00511     if (adin_file_open(NULL) == FALSE) {
00512       j_printerr("Error in reading speech data from stdin\n");
00513     }
00514     j_printf("Reading wavedata from stdin...\n");
00515   }
00516   return TRUE;
00517 }
00527 int
00528 adin_stdin_read(SP16 *buf, int sampnum)
00529 {
00530   int cnt;
00532   if (wav_p) {
00533     cnt = myfread(buf, sizeof(SP16), sampnum, stdin);
00534   } else {
00535     if (has_pre) {
00536       buf[0] = pre_data[0]; buf[1] = pre_data[1];
00537       has_pre = FALSE;
00538       cnt = fread(&(buf[2]), sizeof(SP16), sampnum - 2, stdin);
00539       if (cnt > 0) cnt += 2;
00540     } else {
00541       cnt = fread(buf, sizeof(SP16), sampnum, stdin);
00542     }
00543   }
00544   if (cnt == 0) {     
00545     if (ferror(stdin)) {                /* error */
00546       perror("adin_stdin_read");
00547       return -2;                /* error */
00548     }
00549     return -1;                  /* EOF */
00550   }
00551   /* all .wav data are in little endian */
00552   /* assume .raw data are in big endian */
00553 #ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN
00554   if (wav_p) swap_sample_bytes(buf, cnt);
00555 #else
00556   if (!wav_p) swap_sample_bytes(buf, cnt);
00557 #endif
00558   return cnt;
00559 }

Generated on Tue Dec 26 12:53:22 2006 for Julian by  doxygen 1.5.0