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00024 /*
00025  * Copyright (c) 1991-2006 Kawahara Lab., Kyoto University
00026  * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Shikano Lab., Nara Institute of Science and Technology
00027  * Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Julius project team, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya Institute of Technology
00028  * All rights reserved
00029  */
00031 /* Sat Feb 19 13:48:00 JST 1994 */
00032 /*  Kawahara 1986 */
00033 /*  Munetsugu 1991 */
00034 /*  shinohara 1993 */
00035 /*  mikik 1993 */
00036 /*  ri 1997 for cycle buffer */
00038 #include <sent/stddefs.h>
00040 #define UNDEF 2                 
00041 #define POSITIVE 1              
00042 #define NEGATIVE -1             
00044 static int trigger;             
00045 static int length;              
00046 static int offset;              
00047 static int *is_zc;              
00048 static SP16 *data;              
00049 static int zero_cross;          
00050 static int sign;                
00051 static int is_trig;             
00052 static int top;                 
00053 static int valid_len;           
00062 void
00063 init_count_zc_e(int c_trigger, int c_length, int c_offset)
00064 {
00065   int i;
00067   trigger = c_trigger;
00068   length = c_length;
00069   offset = c_offset;
00071   zero_cross = 0;
00072   is_trig = FALSE;
00073   sign = POSITIVE;
00074   top = 0;
00075   valid_len = 0;
00077   /* data spool for header-margin */
00078   data = (SP16 *)mymalloc(length * sizeof(SP16));
00079   /* zero-cross location */
00080   is_zc = (int *)mymalloc(length * sizeof(int));
00081   for (i=0; i<length; i++){
00082     is_zc[i] = UNDEF;
00083   }
00084 }
00090 void
00091 end_count_zc_e()
00092 {
00093   free(is_zc);
00094   free(data);
00095 }
00106 int
00107 count_zc_e(SP16 *buf,int step)
00108 {
00109   int i;
00110   SP16 tmp;
00112   for (i=0; i<step; i++) {
00113     if (is_zc[top]==TRUE) {
00114       --zero_cross;
00115     }
00116     is_zc[top] = FALSE;
00117     /* exchange old data and buf */
00118     tmp = buf[i] + offset;
00119     if (is_trig) {
00120       if (sign==POSITIVE && tmp<0) {
00121         ++zero_cross;
00122         is_zc[top] = TRUE;
00123         is_trig = FALSE;
00124         sign = NEGATIVE;
00125       } else if (sign==NEGATIVE && tmp>0) {
00126         ++zero_cross;
00127         is_zc[top] = TRUE;
00128         is_trig = FALSE;
00129         sign = POSITIVE;
00130       }
00131     }
00132     if (abs(tmp)>trigger) {
00133       is_trig = TRUE;
00134     }
00135     data[top] = buf[i];
00136     top++;
00137     if (valid_len < top) valid_len = top;
00138     if (top >= length) {
00139       top = 0;
00140     }
00141   }
00142   return (zero_cross);
00143 }
00156 int
00157 count_zc_e_level(SP16 *buf,int step,int *levelp)
00158 {
00159   int i;
00160   SP16 tmp, level;
00162   level = 0;
00163   for (i=0; i<step; i++) {
00164     if (is_zc[top]==TRUE) {
00165       --zero_cross;
00166     }
00167     is_zc[top] = FALSE;
00168     /* exchange old data and buf */
00169     tmp = buf[i] + offset;
00170     if (is_trig) {
00171       if (sign==POSITIVE && tmp<0) {
00172         ++zero_cross;
00173         is_zc[top] = TRUE;
00174         is_trig = FALSE;
00175         sign = NEGATIVE;
00176       } else if (sign==NEGATIVE && tmp>0) {
00177         ++zero_cross;
00178         is_zc[top] = TRUE;
00179         is_trig = FALSE;
00180         sign = POSITIVE;
00181       }
00182     }
00183     if (abs(tmp)>trigger) {
00184       is_trig = TRUE;
00185     }
00186     if (abs(tmp)>level) level = abs(tmp);
00187     data[top] = buf[i];
00188     top++;
00189     if (valid_len < top) valid_len = top;
00190     if (top >= length) {
00191       top = 0;
00192     }
00193   }
00194   *levelp = (int)level;
00195   return (zero_cross);
00196 }
00204 void
00205 zc_copy_buffer(SP16 *newbuf, int *len)
00206 {
00207   int i, t;
00208   if (valid_len < length) {
00209     t = 0;
00210   } else {
00211     t = top;
00212   }
00213   for(i=0;i<valid_len;i++) {
00214     newbuf[i] = data[t];
00215     if (++t == length) t = 0;
00216   }
00217   *len = valid_len;
00218 }

Generated on Tue Mar 28 16:01:39 2006 for Julius by  doxygen 1.4.2