
00019 /*
00020  * Copyright (c) 1991-2007 Kawahara Lab., Kyoto University
00021  * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Shikano Lab., Nara Institute of Science and Technology
00022  * Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Julius project team, Nagoya Institute of Technology
00023  * All rights reserved
00024  */
00026 #include <sent/stddefs.h>
00027 #include <sent/htk_param.h>
00034 void
00035 param_init_content(HTK_Param *p)
00036 {
00037   p->samplenum = 0;
00038 }
00053 boolean
00054 param_alloc(HTK_Param *p, unsigned int samplenum, short veclen)
00055 {
00056   unsigned int t;
00057   VECT **new;
00058   unsigned int newlen;
00060   if (p->parvec == NULL) {
00061     /* at least some length should be allocated */
00062     if (samplenum < HTK_PARAM_INCREMENT_STEP_FRAME) {
00063       p->samplenum_alloc = HTK_PARAM_INCREMENT_STEP_FRAME;
00064     } else {
00065       p->samplenum_alloc = samplenum;
00066     }
00067     /* first time: just allocate veclen x samplenum */
00068     p->parvec = (VECT **)mybmalloc2(sizeof(VECT *) * p->samplenum_alloc, &(p->mroot));
00069     for(t=0;t<p->samplenum_alloc;t++) {
00070       p->parvec[t] = (VECT *)mybmalloc2(sizeof(VECT) * veclen, &(p->mroot));
00071     }
00072     p->veclen_alloc = veclen;
00073   } else {
00074     /* already allocated */
00075     /* check required vector length */
00076     if (veclen > p->veclen_alloc) {
00077       jlog("Error: param_malloc: longer vector required, re-allocate all\n");
00078       jlog("Error: param_malloc: allocated = %d, required = %d\n", p->veclen_alloc, veclen);
00079       return FALSE;
00080     }
00081     if (samplenum > p->samplenum_alloc) {
00082       /* need frame expansion */
00083       newlen = p->samplenum_alloc;
00084       while(newlen < samplenum) newlen += HTK_PARAM_INCREMENT_STEP_FRAME;
00085       //jlog("Debug: param_malloc: parvec extend to %d\n", newlen);
00086       new = (VECT **)mybmalloc2(sizeof(VECT *) * newlen, &(p->mroot));
00087       for(t = 0; t < p->samplenum_alloc; t++) {
00088         new[t] = p->parvec[t];
00089       }
00090       for(t = p->samplenum_alloc; t < newlen; t++) {
00091         new[t] = (VECT *)mybmalloc2(sizeof(VECT) * p->veclen_alloc, &(p->mroot));
00092       }
00093       p->parvec = new;
00094       p->samplenum_alloc = newlen;
00095     }
00096   }
00097   return TRUE;
00098 }
00105 void
00106 param_free_content(HTK_Param *p)
00107 {
00108   mybfree2(&(p->mroot));
00109   p->parvec = NULL;
00110   p->samplenum_alloc = 0;
00111   param_init_content(p);
00112 }
00120 HTK_Param *
00121 new_param()
00122 {
00123   HTK_Param *new;
00124   new = (HTK_Param *)mymalloc(sizeof(HTK_Param));
00125   new->mroot = NULL;
00126   new->parvec = NULL;
00127   new->samplenum_alloc = 0;
00128   param_init_content(new);
00129   return(new);
00130 }
00137 void
00138 free_param(HTK_Param *pinfo)
00139 {
00140   param_free_content(pinfo);
00141   free(pinfo);
00142 }

Juliusに対してTue Dec 18 16:04:23 2007に生成されました。  doxygen 1.5.4