** September 06, Interspeech 2009 [#f1256e7b]
> &ref(20090906_5.jpg,nolink);

> September 06, 2009 (5days)~
[[Interspeech2009>http://www.interspeech2009.org/]] was held in Brighton (England).~
It was difficlut for me to present in English, but it was a good experience.

*** Participants [#be9062bd]
- Keiichi Tokuda (Prof)
- Yoshihiko Nankaku (Research Associate)
*** Presenter [#y62a6e93]
- Keiichiro Oura (D3)
- Kei Hashimoto (D2)
- Sayaka Shiota (D1)

> by Sayaka Shiota

** September 06, 2009 The first HTS meeting [#a6321415]
> &ref(20090906_1.jpg,nolink);

> September 06, 2009~
[[The first HTS meeting>http://hts.sp.nitech.ac.jp/?The%20first%20HTS%20meeting]] was held in Brighton.~
We had about 60 participants, which is twice as many as
we expected initially.~
It was our pleasure to see ML members who are active on the ML but
whom we have not met.~
Any suggestions for future HTS meeting are welcome.

*** Co-organizers [#tba1ce84]
- Keiichi Tokuda (Prof)
- Junichi Yamagishi (Univ. Edinburgh)
*** Presenter [#h3eea78e]
- Keiichiro Oura (D3)

> by Keiichiro Oura

** September 06, 2009 The HTS tutorial [#x4565400]
> &ref(20090906_4.jpg,nolink);

> September 06, 2009~
A tutorial about HMM-based speech synthesis was held
at [[Interspeech 2009>http:www.interspeech2009.org]].

*** Lecturers [#z1e2d3c4]
- Keiichi Tokuda (Prof) 
- Heiga Zen (Toshiba Cambridge Research Lab.)

> by Keiichi Tokuda

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