* EXHIBITION [#te5cb5d6]

> 徳田・李研究室では音声・画像研究の推進のためのソフトウェア等を開発,公開して
> In Tokuda & Lee laboratory, softwares for promotion of speech and image research  are developed and opened to the public. These are used  to research in various organizations and companies.

//> 徳田・李研究室では音声・画像研究の推進のためのソフトウェア等を開発,公開して

** Software [#od9a694f]

*** HMM Speech Sysnthesis System toolkit: HTS [#k67a045b]


> 海外を含め,多くの研究機関(Microsoft, IBM, etc)が
> HTS is a basic software for speech synthesis that a lot of research laboratories(Microsoft, IBM, etc) adopt.

> [[こちら>http://hts.sp.nitech.ac.jp/]]
> [[Here>http://hts.sp.nitech.ac.jp/]]

*** General-purpose large vocabulary continuous speech recognition engine: Julius [#w94d774a]
*** General-purpose large vocabulary continuous speech recognition decoder: Julius [#w94d774a]


> フリーソフトとしては日本一のGoogle Rankを保持し,
> This is a speech recognition software that is adopted by various research laboratories, and maintains Google Rank of the top of Japan as free software.
//> フリーソフトとしては日本一のGoogle Rankを保持し,

> [[こちら>http://julius.sourceforge.jp/]]
> [[Here>http://julius.sourceforge.jp/en_index.php?q=index-en.html]]

*** Speech signal processing toolkit: SPTK [#j89fcdd2]


> This is a software for signal proccessing for acoustical analysis,etc. 
> This is a software that does signal processing and data processing for the acoustical analysis. 

> [[こちら>http://sp-tk.sourceforge.net/]]
> [[Here>http://sp-tk.sourceforge.net/]]

//- [[韻律・言語情報編集ツール PLEd:http://www.sp.nitech.ac.jp/~tokuda/PLEd/]]

*** 擬人化音声対話エージェント Galatea [#w7c29df7]
*** Anthropomorphic spoken dialogue agent: Galatea [#w7c29df7]


> 擬人化音声対話エージェントの
>This is an open-source, license-free software toolkit for building anthropomorphic spoken dialogue agents. This is a product of project which speech, language, and image researchers from ten or more university in Japan participate to build anthropomorphic spoken dialogue agents. HTS and Julius, those are developed in this laboratory, are used on speech wave form generation module and speech recognition module respectively in this software.

> [[こちら>http://hil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~galatea/index-jp.html]]
//> 擬人化音声対話エージェントの

> [[Here>http://hil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~galatea/index.html]]

//** デモ [#s3e54a0a]
//*** [[GalateaTalk:http://www.sp.nitech.ac.jp/~demo/tts/gtalk.php]] [#ddad24a2]
//> なんたらかんたら.

** データベース [#g698609d]
** Data base [#g698609d]

*** 研究用マルチモーダル音声データベース M2TINIT [#ib4d29e6]
*** Multimodal speech data base for research: M2TINIT [#ib4d29e6]


> マルチモーダル音声研究の推進のため,東京工業大学大学院院総合理工学研究科 小林隆夫研究室,および名古屋工業大学知能情報システム学科 北村・徳田研究室(現在,情報工学科 徳田・李研究室)が開発・公開する音声・唇動画像同時収録データベースです.~

> [[こちら>http://m2tinit.sp.nitech.ac.jp/]]

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