CENTER:※'喜' means pleasure and '怒' means anger
//(('喜' means pleasure and '怒' means anger))

> Generally, in the speech synthesis system, it makes models by learning the "normal" speech data base.~
However, if the system learns more emotional speech, what speech is synthesized?~
This section demonstrates synthesized speech in the case of learning "angry" speech.~
//> 通常,音声合成システムの構築では,

- Examples of speech used to learn 
//- 学習に用いた音声の例
-- "Arayurugenjitsuwo, subetejibunnohouenejimagetanoda."~
( Every fact was distorted all to me.)~
//-- 「あらゆる現実を,全て自分の方へ捻じ曲げたのだ.」~
&ref(train.wav,,Normal Speech);
-- "Oi! baachammadashindeneenoni, nantekotosundayo!"~
(Hey! That's a awful thing to do! My grandmother hasn't die yet!)~
//-- 「おい!ばあちゃんまだ死んでねぇのに,なんてことすんだよ!」~
&ref(train_anger.wav,,Angry Speech);

- Synthesized speech
//- 合成音声
-- "Ochitsuiteirareruwakenaidaro!"~
(How can I calm down myself?)~
//-- 「落ち着いていられるわけないだろ!」~
&ref(synth_1.wav,,Normal Speech); &ref(synth_anger_1.wav,,Angry Speech);
//&ref(synth_1.wav,,平常音声); &ref(synth_anger_1.wav,,怒り音声);
-- "Nandesonnakotoshinakyaikenaindayo!"~
(Why must I do that?)~
//-- 「なんでそんなことしなきゃいけないんだよ!」~
&ref(synth_2.wav,,Normal Speech); &ref(synth_anger_2.wav,,Angry Speech);
-- "Issyuukanbakari, New York wosyuzaishita."~
(I stayed in New York for coverage for a week.)~
//-- 「一週間ばかり,ニューヨークを取材した.」~
&ref(synth_3.wav,,Normal Speech); &ref(synth_anger_3.wav,,Angry Speech);

> As the last example, we can synthesize "angry" speech from even normal speech sentence by using this technique.~
This technique allows us to expect synthesizing speech with more human emotion, and it is possible to apply this technique to the voice actor application and the automatic dubbing system and so on.~
//> この技術を用いると,最後の例のように通常の文も「怒り」の感情で合成することができます.~

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