julius/charconv.c File Reference

Character set conversion using iconv library. More...

#include "app.h"

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static boolean charconv_setup_real (char *fromcode, char *tocode)
 Setup charset conversion.
char * charconv (char *instr, char *outstr, int maxoutlen)
 Apply charset conversion to a string.
static boolean opt_charconv (Jconf *jconf, char *arg[], int argnum)
static boolean opt_nocharconv (Jconf *jconf, char *arg[], int argnum)
static boolean opt_kanji (Jconf *jconf, char *arg[], int argnum)
void charconv_add_option ()
boolean charconv_setup ()


static boolean convert_enabled = FALSE
 TRUE if charset converstion is enabled.
static char * from_code = NULL
static char * to_code = NULL

Detailed Description

Character set conversion using iconv library.

The actual functions are defined for iconv, win32 and libjcode, depending on the OS environment.

Akinobu LEE
Thu Feb 17 16:02:41 2005

Definition in file charconv.c.

Function Documentation

static boolean charconv_setup_real ( char *  fromcode,
char *  tocode 
) [static]

Setup charset conversion.

fromcode [in] input charset name (only libjcode accepts NULL)
tocode [in] output charset name, or NULL when disable conversion
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.

Definition at line 47 of file charconv.c.

Referenced by charconv_setup().

char* charconv ( char *  instr,
char *  outstr,
int  maxoutlen 

Apply charset conversion to a string.

instr [in] source string
outstr [in] destination buffer
maxoutlen [in] allocated length of outstr in byte.
either of instr or outstr, that holds the result string.

Definition at line 81 of file charconv.c.

Referenced by myprintf().

Generated on Thu Jul 23 12:12:38 2009 for Julius by  doxygen 1.5.1