libjulius/include/julius/extern.h File Reference

External function declarations. More...

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void bt_init (BACKTRELLIS *bt)
 Initialize backtrellis that will hold the whole word trellis (called once on startup).
void bt_prepare (BACKTRELLIS *bt)
 Prepare backtrellis for the next input (called at beginning of each speech segment).
void bt_free (BACKTRELLIS *bt)
 Free memories of backtrellis.
 Allocate a new trellis word atom.
void bt_store (BACKTRELLIS *bt, TRELLIS_ATOM *aotm)
 Store a trellis word generated on the 1st pass for the 2nd pass.
void bt_relocate_rw (BACKTRELLIS *bt)
 Re-locate the stored atom lists per frame (will be called after the 1st pass).
void set_terminal_words (RecogProcess *r)
 When using progressive decoding with short pause segmentation, This function extracts the best word hypothesis on head and tail of the current input segment just after the 1st pass ends, and store them as start/end word in the following 2nd pass.
void bt_discount_pescore (WCHMM_INFO *wchmm, BACKTRELLIS *bt, HTK_Param *param)
 Discount the output probabilities of the last state from the accumulated score on word edge for all trellis words survived on the 1st pass, for the acoustic re-computation on the 2nd pass.
void bt_discount_lm (BACKTRELLIS *bt)
 Subtract 2-gram scores at each trellis word for the 2nd pass.
void bt_sort_rw (BACKTRELLIS *bt)
 Sort the trellis words in the backtrellis by the word IDs per each frame, for rapid access on the 2nd pass.
TRELLIS_ATOMbt_binsearch_atom (BACKTRELLIS *bt, int time, WORD_ID wkey)
 Search a word on the specified frame in a word trellis data.
void make_iwcache_index (WCHMM_INFO *wchmm)
 Make a list of word head nodes on which cross-word factoring cache is needed.
void adjust_sc_index (WCHMM_INFO *wchmm)
 Adjust factoring data in tree lexicon for multipath transition handling.
void make_successor_list (WCHMM_INFO *wchmm)
 Main function to build whole successor list to lexicon tree.
void make_successor_list_unigram_factoring (WCHMM_INFO *wchmm)
 Main function to build whole successor list to lexicon tree for unigram factoring.
void max_successor_cache_init (WCHMM_INFO *wchmm)
 Initialize factoring cache for a tree lexicon, allocating memory for cache.
void max_successor_cache_free (WCHMM_INFO *wchmm)
 Free all memory for factoring cache.
LOGPROB max_successor_prob (WCHMM_INFO *wchmm, WORD_ID lastword, int node)
 compute factoring LM score for the given word-internal node.
LOGPROBmax_successor_prob_iw (WCHMM_INFO *wchmm, WORD_ID lastword)
 Compute cross-word facgtoring values for word head nodes and return the list.
void calc_all_unigram_factoring_values (WCHMM_INFO *wchmm)
 Calculate all the 1-gram factoring values on tree lexicon.
boolean can_succeed (WCHMM_INFO *wchmm, WORD_ID lastword, int node)
 Deterministic factoring for grammar-based recognition (Julian).
boolean get_back_trellis_init (HTK_Param *param, RecogProcess *r)
 Initialization of the frame synchronous beam search.
boolean get_back_trellis_proceed (int t, HTK_Param *param, RecogProcess *r, boolean final_for_multipath)
 Frame synchronous beam search: proceed for 2nd frame and later.
void get_back_trellis_end (HTK_Param *param, RecogProcess *r)
 Frame synchronous beam search: last frame.
void fsbeam_free (FSBeam *d)
 Free work area for the first pass.
void finalize_1st_pass (RecogProcess *r, int len)
 Finalize the 1st pass.
int decode_proceed (Recog *recog)
 Process one input frame for all recognition process instance.
void decode_end_segmented (Recog *recog)
 End procedure of the first pass (when segmented).
void decode_end (Recog *recog)
 End procedure of the first pass.
boolean get_back_trellis (Recog *recog)
 Frame synchronous beam search: the main (for batch mode).
boolean is_sil (WORD_ID w, RecogProcess *r)
 Check if the fiven word is a short-pause word.
void mfcc_copy_to_rest_and_shrink (MFCCCalc *mfcc, int start, int end)
 Split input parameter for segmentation.
void mfcc_shrink (MFCCCalc *mfcc, int p)
 Shrink the parameter sequence.
boolean detect_end_of_segment (RecogProcess *r, int time)
 Speech end point detection.
void finalize_segment (Recog *recog)
 Finalize the first pass for successive decoding.
void spsegment_init (Recog *recog)
boolean spsegment_trigger_sync (Recog *recog)
boolean spsegment_need_restart (Recog *recog, int *rf_ret, boolean *repro_ret)
 Check if rewind and restart of recognition is needed.
void spsegment_restart_mfccs (Recog *recog, int rewind_frame, boolean reprocess)
 Execute rewinding.
void outprob_style_cache_init (WCHMM_INFO *wchmm)
 Initialize cache for triphone changing on every word head.
CD_Setlcdset_lookup_with_category (WCHMM_INFO *wchmm, HMM_Logical *hmm, WORD_ID category)
 Lookup a word-end triphone set (aka pseudo phone set) with category id for grammar recognition.
void lcdset_register_with_category_all (WCHMM_INFO *wchmm)
 Generate all possible category-indexed pseudo phone sets for grammar recognition.
void lcdset_remove_with_category_all (WCHMM_INFO *wchmm)
 Remove all the registered category-indexed pseudo state sets.
LOGPROB outprob_style (WCHMM_INFO *wchmm, int node, int last_wid, int t, HTK_Param *param)
 Calculate output probability on a tree lexion node.
void error_missing_right_triphone (HMM_Logical *base, char *rc_name)
 Triphone error message for right context.
void error_missing_left_triphone (HMM_Logical *base, char *lc_name)
 Triphone error message for left context.
int ngram_firstwords (NEXTWORD **nw, int peseqlen, int maxnw, RecogProcess *r)
 Get initial word hypotheses at the beginning.
int ngram_nextwords (NODE *hypo, NEXTWORD **nw, int maxnw, RecogProcess *r)
 Return the list of next word candidate.
boolean ngram_acceptable (NODE *hypo, RecogProcess *r)
 Acceptance check.
int dfa_firstwords (NEXTWORD **nw, int peseqlen, int maxnw, RecogProcess *r)
 Return initial word set from grammar.
int dfa_nextwords (NODE *hypo, NEXTWORD **nw, int maxnw, RecogProcess *r)
 Given a part-of-sentence hypothesis, returns the next word set defined by DFA grammar.
boolean dfa_acceptable (NODE *hypo, RecogProcess *r)
 Return whether the hypothesis is currently on final state.
boolean dfa_look_around (NEXTWORD *nword, NODE *hypo, RecogProcess *r)
 Check if the given nextword exists in the word trellis around the estimated connection time.
void segment_set_last_nword (NODE *hypo, RecogProcess *r)
 Set the previous word context for the recognition of the next input segment from the current recognition result.
void pass2_finalize_on_no_result (RecogProcess *r, boolean use_1pass_as_final)
 Post-process of 2nd pass when no result is obtained.
void wchmm_fbs (HTK_Param *param, RecogProcess *r, int cate_bgn, int cate_num)
 Main function to perform stack decoding of the 2nd search pass.
void clear_stocker (StackDecode *s)
 Clear the node stocker for recycle.
void free_node (NODE *node)
 Stock an unused hypothesis node for recycle.
NODEcpy_node (NODE *dst, NODE *src)
 Copy the content of node to another.
NODEnewnode (RecogProcess *r)
 Allocate a new hypothesis node.
void malloc_wordtrellis (RecogProcess *r)
 Allocate work area for trellis computation of a word.
void free_wordtrellis (StackDecode *dwrk)
 Free the work area for trellis computation of a word.
void scan_word (NODE *now, HTK_Param *param, RecogProcess *r)
 Compute the forward viterbi for the last word to update forward scores and ready for word connection.
void next_word (NODE *now, NODE *newParam, NEXTWORD *nword, HTK_Param *param, RecogProcess *r)
 Connect a new word to generate a next hypothesis.
void start_word (NODE *newParam, NEXTWORD *nword, HTK_Param *param, RecogProcess *r)
 Generate an initial hypothesis from given word.
void last_next_word (NODE *now, NODE *newParam, HTK_Param *param, RecogProcess *r)
 Hypothesis termination: set the final sentence scores of hypothesis that has already reached to the end.
boolean wav2mfcc (SP16 speech[], int speechlen, Recog *recog)
 Extract MFCC parameters with sentence CMN from given waveform.
void j_put_header (FILE *stream)
 Output application header.
void j_put_version (FILE *stream)
 Output version information.
void j_put_compile_defs (FILE *stream)
 Output compile-time settings.
void j_put_library_defs (FILE *stream)
 Output library configuration.
WCHMM_INFOwchmm_new ()
 Allocate a new tree lexicon structure.
void wchmm_free (WCHMM_INFO *w)
 Free all data in a tree lexicon.
void print_wchmm_info (WCHMM_INFO *wchmm)
 Output some specifications of the tree lexicon (size etc.
boolean build_wchmm (WCHMM_INFO *wchmm, JCONF_LM *lmconf)
 Build a tree lexicon from given word dictionary and language model.
boolean build_wchmm2 (WCHMM_INFO *wchmm, JCONF_LM *lmconf)
 Build a tree lexicon from given word dictionary and language model.
void wchmm_check_interactive (WCHMM_INFO *wchmm)
 Command loop to browse and check the structure of the constructed tree lexicon on startup.
void check_wchmm (WCHMM_INFO *wchmm)
 Check coherence of tree lexicon (for internal debug only!).
boolean RealTimeInit (Recog *recog)
 Initializations for the on-the-fly 1st pass decoding.
boolean RealTimePipeLinePrepare (Recog *recog)
 Preparation for the on-the-fly 1st pass decoding.
boolean RealTimeMFCC (MFCCCalc *mfcc, SP16 *window, int windowlen)
 Compute a parameter vector from a speech window.
int RealTimePipeLine (SP16 *Speech, int len, Recog *recog)
 Main function of the on-the-fly 1st pass decoding.
int RealTimeResume (Recog *recog)
 Resuming recognition for short pause segmentation.
boolean RealTimeParam (Recog *recog)
 Finalize the 1st pass on-the-fly decoding.
void RealTimeCMNUpdate (MFCCCalc *mfcc, Recog *recog)
 Update cepstral mean.
void RealTimeTerminate (Recog *recog)
 Terminate the 1st pass on-the-fly decoding.
void realbeam_free (Recog *recog)
 Free the whole work area for 1st pass on-the-fly decoding.
int mfcc_go (Recog *recog, int(*ad_check)(Recog *))

void word_align (WORD_ID *words, short wnum, HTK_Param *param, SentenceAlign *align, RecogProcess *r)
 Do forced alignment per word for the given word sequence.
void phoneme_align (WORD_ID *words, short wnum, HTK_Param *param, SentenceAlign *align, RecogProcess *r)
 Do forced alignment per phoneme for the given word sequence.
void state_align (WORD_ID *words, short wnum, HTK_Param *param, SentenceAlign *align, RecogProcess *r)
 Do forced alignment per HMM state for the given word sequence.
void word_rev_align (WORD_ID *revwords, short wnum, HTK_Param *param, SentenceAlign *align, RecogProcess *r)
 Do forced alignment per word for the given word sequence (reversed order).
void phoneme_rev_align (WORD_ID *revwords, short wnum, HTK_Param *param, SentenceAlign *align, RecogProcess *r)
 Do forced alignment per phoneme for the given word sequence (reversed order).
void state_rev_align (WORD_ID *revwords, short wnum, HTK_Param *param, SentenceAlign *align, RecogProcess *r)
 Do forced alignment per state for the given word sequence (reversed order).
void do_alignment_all (RecogProcess *r, HTK_Param *param)
 Do required forced alignment for the recognition results.
void opt_terminate ()
void j_output_argument_help (FILE *fp)
 Output help document.
char * filepath (char *filename, char *dirname)
 Change relative path to full path.
boolean opt_parse (int argc, char *argv[], char *cwd, Jconf *jconf)
 Option parsing.
void opt_release (Jconf *jconf)
 Free memories of variables allocated by option arguments.
void get_dirname (char *path)
 Get directory name from a path name of a file.
boolean config_file_parse (char *conffile, Jconf *jconf)
 Read and parse a jconf file, and set the specified option values.
boolean checkpath (char *filename)
 Check if a file actually exist and is readable.
boolean j_jconf_finalize (Jconf *jconf)
 Check and finalize jconf parameters.
int set_beam_width (WCHMM_INFO *wchmm, int specified)
 Determine beam width on the 1st pass.
void print_jconf_overview (Jconf *jconf)
 Output module overview in a global configuration variables to log.
void print_engine_info (Recog *recog)
 Output all informations of an engine instance to log.
void system_bootup (Recog *recog)
boolean adin_initialize (Recog *recog)
 Set up audio input device according to the jconf configurations.
boolean j_load_am (Recog *recog, JCONF_AM *amconf)
 Load an acoustic model.
boolean j_load_lm (Recog *recog, JCONF_LM *lmconf)
 Load a language model.
boolean j_load_all (Recog *recog, Jconf *jconf)
 Read in all models for recognition.
boolean j_launch_recognition_instance (Recog *recog, JCONF_SEARCH *sconf)
 Launch a recognition process instance.
boolean j_final_fusion (Recog *recog)
 Combine all loaded models and settings into one engine instance.
void create_mfcc_calc_instances (Recog *recog)
 Create MFCC calculation instance for AM processing instances and GMM.
void hmm_check (RecogProcess *r)
 Mode to do interactive triphone conversion check ("-check triphone").
void visual_init (Recog *recog)
void visual_show (BACKTRELLIS *bt)
void visual2_init (int maxhypo)
void visual2_popped (NODE *n, int popctr)
void visual2_next_word (NODE *next, NODE *prev, int popctr)
void visual2_best (NODE *now, WORD_INFO *winfo)
boolean gmm_init (Recog *recog)
 Initialization for computing GMM likelihoods.
void gmm_prepare (Recog *recog)
 Prepare for the next GMM computation.
void gmm_proceed (Recog *recog)
 Compute output probabilities of all GMM for a given input vector, and accumulate the results to the gmm_score buffer.
void gmm_end (Recog *recog)
 Finish the GMM computation for an input, and output the result.
boolean gmm_valid_input (Recog *recog)
 Return whether the last input was valid or invalid, from the result of GMM computation.
void gmm_free (Recog *recog)
 Free work area used for GMM calculation.
void wordgraph_init (WCHMM_INFO *wchmm)
 Initialize data for graphout.
void wordgraph_free (WordGraph *wg)
 Free a graph word.
void put_wordgraph (FILE *fp, WordGraph *wg, WORD_INFO *winfo)
 Output information of a graph word in text in the format below: (n means the word).
void wordgraph_dump (FILE *fp, WordGraph *root, WORD_INFO *winfo)
 Output text information of all the words in word graph.
WordGraphwordgraph_assign (WORD_ID wid, WORD_ID wid_left, WORD_ID wid_right, int leftframe, int rightframe, LOGPROB fscore_head, LOGPROB fscore_tail, LOGPROB gscore_head, LOGPROB gscore_tail, LOGPROB lscore, LOGPROB cmscore, RecogProcess *r)
 Return a newly allocated graph word candidates.
boolean wordgraph_check_and_add_rightword (WordGraph *wg, WordGraph *right, LOGPROB lscore)
 Check for the right context if the specified graph already exists, and add it if not yet.
boolean wordgraph_check_and_add_leftword (WordGraph *wg, WordGraph *left, LOGPROB lscore)
 Check for the left context if the specified graph already exists, and add it if not yet.
void wordgraph_save (WordGraph *wg, WordGraph *right, WordGraph **root)
 Register a graph word candidate to the word graph as a member.
WordGraphwordgraph_check_merge (WordGraph *now, WordGraph **root, WORD_ID next_wid, boolean *merged_p, JCONF_SEARCH *jconf)
 Check if a graph word with the same word ID and same position as the given graph word candidate exists in the already registered word graph.
WordGraphwordgraph_dup (WordGraph *wg, WordGraph **root)
void wordgraph_purge_leaf_nodes (WordGraph **rootp, RecogProcess *r)
 Post-processing step 1: Extract initial word graph.
void wordgraph_depth_cut (WordGraph **rootp, RecogProcess *r)
 Post-processing step 1.5: word graph depth cutting.
void wordgraph_adjust_boundary (WordGraph **rootp, RecogProcess *r)
 Post-processing step 2: Adjust word boundaries.
void wordgraph_clean (WordGraph **rootp)
 Free all the words in a word graph.
void wordgraph_compaction_thesame (WordGraph **rootp)
 Post-processing step 3: Bundle words (exactly the same ones).
void wordgraph_compaction_exacttime (WordGraph **rootp, RecogProcess *r)
 Post-processing step 4: Bundle words (same boundaries).
void wordgraph_compaction_neighbor (WordGraph **rootp, RecogProcess *r)
 Post-processing step 5: Bundle words (neighbor words).
int wordgraph_sort_and_annotate_id (WordGraph **rootp, RecogProcess *r)
 Sort words by left time and annotate sequencial id for them in a word graph.
void wordgraph_check_coherence (WordGraph *rootp, RecogProcess *r)
 For debug: Check the coherence in word graph.
void graph_forward_backward (WordGraph *root, RecogProcess *r)
 Compute graph-based confidence scores by forward-backward parsing on the generated lattice.
void jconf_set_default_values (Jconf *j)
 Fill in the system default values to a parameter structure Jconf.
void jconf_set_default_values_am (JCONF_AM *j)
 Fill in system default values to an AM parameter structure.
void jconf_set_default_values_lm (JCONF_LM *j)
 Fill in system default values to an LM parameter structure.
void jconf_set_default_values_search (JCONF_SEARCH *j)
 Fill in system default values to a search parameter structure.
int multigram_add (DFA_INFO *dfa, WORD_INFO *winfo, char *name, PROCESS_LM *lm)
 Add a new grammar to the current list of grammars.
boolean multigram_delete (int gid, PROCESS_LM *lm)
 Mark a grammar in the grammar list to be deleted at the next grammar update.
void multigram_delete_all (PROCESS_LM *lm)
 Mark all grammars to be deleted at next grammar update.
boolean multigram_update (PROCESS_LM *lm)
 Update global grammar if needed.
boolean multigram_build (RecogProcess *r)
 Check for global grammar and (re-)build tree lexicon if needed.
int multigram_activate (int gid, PROCESS_LM *lm)
 Activate a grammar in the grammar list.
int multigram_deactivate (int gid, PROCESS_LM *lm)
 Deactivate a grammar in the grammar list.
boolean multigram_load_all_gramlist (PROCESS_LM *lm)
 Load all the grammars specified at startup.
int multigram_get_gram_from_category (int category, PROCESS_LM *lm)
 Get which grammar the given category belongs to.
int multigram_get_gram_from_wid (WORD_ID wid, PROCESS_LM *lm)
 Get which grammar the given word belongs to.
int multigram_get_all_num (PROCESS_LM *lm)
 Get the number of current grammars (both active and inactive).
void multigram_free_all (MULTIGRAM *root)
 Free all grammars.
int multigram_get_id_by_name (PROCESS_LM *lm, char *gramname)
 Return a grammar ID of the given grammar name.
MULTIGRAMmultigram_get_grammar_by_name (PROCESS_LM *lm, char *gramname)
 Find a grammar in LM by its name.
MULTIGRAMmultigram_get_grammar_by_id (PROCESS_LM *lm, unsigned short id)
 Find a grammar in LM by its ID number.
boolean multigram_add_words_to_grammar (PROCESS_LM *lm, MULTIGRAM *m, WORD_INFO *winfo)
 Append words to a grammar.
boolean multigram_add_words_to_grammar_by_name (PROCESS_LM *lm, char *gramname, WORD_INFO *winfo)
 Append words to a grammar, given by its name.
boolean multigram_add_words_to_grammar_by_id (PROCESS_LM *lm, unsigned short id, WORD_INFO *winfo)
 Append words to a grammar, given by its ID number.
void multigram_add_gramlist (char *dfafile, char *dictfile, JCONF_LM *j, int lmvar)
 Add a grammar to the grammar list to be read at startup.
void multigram_remove_gramlist (JCONF_LM *j)
 Remove the grammar list to be read at startup.
boolean multigram_add_prefix_list (char *prefix_list, char *cwd, JCONF_LM *j, int lmvar)
 Add multiple grammars given by their prefixs to the grammar list.
boolean multigram_add_prefix_filelist (char *listfile, JCONF_LM *j, int lmvar)
 Add multiple grammars from prefix list file to the grammar list.
boolean adin_setup_param (ADIn *adin, Jconf *jconf)
 Set up parameters for A/D-in and input detection.
boolean adin_thread_create (Recog *recog)
 Start new A/D-in thread, and initialize buffer.
boolean adin_thread_cancel (Recog *recog)
 Delete A/D-in thread.
int adin_go (int(*ad_process)(SP16 *, int, Recog *), int(*ad_check)(Recog *), Recog *recog)
 Top function to start input processing.
boolean adin_standby (ADIn *a, int freq, void *arg)
 Call device-specific initialization.
boolean adin_begin (ADIn *a)
 Call device-specific function to begin capturing of the audio stream.
boolean adin_end (ADIn *a)
 Call device-specific function to end capturing of the audio stream.
void adin_free_param (Recog *recog)
 Free memories of A/D-in work area.
CN_CLUSTERconfnet_create (WordGraph *root, RecogProcess *r)
 Create a confusion network from word graph.
void graph_make_order (WordGraph *root, RecogProcess *r)
 Extract order relationship between any two words in the word graph for confusion network generation.
void graph_free_order (RecogProcess *r)
 Free the order relation data.
void cn_free_all (CN_CLUSTER **croot)
 Free all cluster holders.
void callback_init (Recog *recog)
 Initialize callback management area.
int callback_add (Recog *recog, int code, void(*func)(Recog *recog, void *data), void *data)
 Register a function to a callback registory.
int callback_add_adin (Recog *recog, int code, void(*func)(Recog *recog, SP16 *buf, int len, void *data), void *data)
 Register a function to the A/D-in type callback registory.
void callback_exec (int code, Recog *recog)
 Execute all functions assigned to a callback registory.
void callback_exec_adin (int code, Recog *recog, SP16 *buf, int len)
 Execute all functions assigned to a A/D-in callback.
boolean callback_exist (Recog *recog, int code)
 Check if at least one function has been registered to a callback repository.
boolean callback_delete (Recog *recog, int id)
 Delete an already registered function from callback.
int adin_cut_callback_store_buffer (SP16 *now, int len, Recog *recog)
 adin_go() callback to score triggered inputs to buffer.
SentenceAlignresult_align_new ()
 allocate storage of recognition alignment results.
void result_align_free (SentenceAlign *a)
 free storage of recognition alignment results.
void result_sentence_malloc (RecogProcess *r, int num)
 Allocate storage of recognition results.
void result_sentence_free (RecogProcess *r)
 Free storage of recognition results.
void clear_result (RecogProcess *r)
 Clear all result storages for next input.
int plugin_get_id (char *name)
void plugin_init ()
boolean plugin_load_file (char *file)
 Load a plugin file.
boolean plugin_load_dir (char *dir)
 Search for plugin file in a directory and load them.
void plugin_load_dirs (char *dirent)
 read in plugins in multiple directories
int plugin_find_optname (char *optfuncname, char *str)
FUNC_VOID plugin_get_func (int sid, char *name)
boolean plugin_exec_engine_startup (Recog *recog)
void plugin_exec_adin_captured (short *buf, int len)
void plugin_exec_adin_triggered (short *buf, int len)
void plugin_exec_vector_postprocess (VECT *vecbuf, int veclen, int nframe)
void plugin_exec_vector_postprocess_all (HTK_Param *param)
void plugin_exec_process_result (Recog *recog)
boolean mfc_module_init (MFCCCalc *mfcc, Recog *recog)
boolean mfc_module_set_header (MFCCCalc *mfcc, Recog *recog)
boolean mfc_module_standby (MFCCCalc *mfcc)
boolean mfc_module_begin (MFCCCalc *mfcc)
boolean mfc_module_end (MFCCCalc *mfcc)
int mfc_module_read (MFCCCalc *mfcc, int *new_t)

Detailed Description

External function declarations.

Akinobu LEE
Mon Mar 7 23:19:14 2005

Definition in file extern.h.

Function Documentation

void bt_init ( BACKTRELLIS bt  ) 

Initialize backtrellis that will hold the whole word trellis (called once on startup).

bt [in] pointer to the backtrellis structure to initialize

Definition at line 79 of file backtrellis.c.

Referenced by j_launch_recognition_instance().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void bt_prepare ( BACKTRELLIS bt  ) 

Prepare backtrellis for the next input (called at beginning of each speech segment).

bt [in] pointer to the word trellis structure

Definition at line 104 of file backtrellis.c.

Referenced by get_back_trellis_init().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void bt_free ( BACKTRELLIS bt  ) 

Free memories of backtrellis.

bt [out] pointer to the word trellis structure.

Definition at line 131 of file backtrellis.c.

Referenced by j_recogprocess_free().

Here is the caller graph for this function:


Allocate a new trellis word atom.

bt [out] pointer to the word trellis structure.
pointer to the newly allocated trellis word.

Definition at line 154 of file backtrellis.c.

Referenced by save_trellis().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void bt_store ( BACKTRELLIS bt,

Store a trellis word generated on the 1st pass for the 2nd pass.

This function just store the new atom into backtrellis. They will be re-located per frame after 1st pass for quick access in the 2nd pass.

bt [i/o] backtrellis structure to store the trellis word
tatom [in] the trellis word to be stored

Definition at line 190 of file backtrellis.c.

Referenced by save_trellis().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void bt_relocate_rw ( BACKTRELLIS bt  ) 

Re-locate the stored atom lists per frame (will be called after the 1st pass).

bt [i/o] word trellis structure

Definition at line 218 of file backtrellis.c.

Referenced by finalize_1st_pass().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void set_terminal_words ( RecogProcess r  ) 

When using progressive decoding with short pause segmentation, This function extracts the best word hypothesis on head and tail of the current input segment just after the 1st pass ends, and store them as start/end word in the following 2nd pass.

r [in] recognition process instance

Definition at line 295 of file backtrellis.c.

Referenced by finalize_segment().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void bt_discount_pescore ( WCHMM_INFO wchmm,
HTK_Param param 

Discount the output probabilities of the last state from the accumulated score on word edge for all trellis words survived on the 1st pass, for the acoustic re-computation on the 2nd pass.

The acousitic likelihood of the word edge state will be re-computed when the next word hypotheses are expanded on the next 2nd pass.

wchmm [in] tree lexicon
bt [in] word trellis structure
param [in] input parameter

Definition at line 367 of file backtrellis.c.

Referenced by j_recognize_stream_core().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void bt_discount_lm ( BACKTRELLIS bt  ) 

Subtract 2-gram scores at each trellis word for the 2nd pass.

bt [in] word trellis

Definition at line 401 of file backtrellis.c.

Referenced by j_recognize_stream_core().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void bt_sort_rw ( BACKTRELLIS bt  ) 

Sort the trellis words in the backtrellis by the word IDs per each frame, for rapid access on the 2nd pass.

This should be called just after bt_relocate_rw() was called.

bt [i/o] word trellis structure

Definition at line 468 of file backtrellis.c.

Referenced by finalize_1st_pass().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

TRELLIS_ATOM* bt_binsearch_atom ( BACKTRELLIS bt,
int  t,
WORD_ID  wkey 

Search a word on the specified frame in a word trellis data.

bt [in] word trellis structure
t [in] word end frame on which to search
wkey [in] word ID to search
pointer to the found trellis word, or NULL if not found.

Definition at line 509 of file backtrellis.c.

Referenced by start_word().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void make_iwcache_index ( WCHMM_INFO wchmm  ) 

Make a list of word head nodes on which cross-word factoring cache is needed.

On 1-gram factoring, the branch nodes on tree lexicon has a fixed factoring value (maximum 1-gram score of all sub-tree words). Thus, when computing cross-word factoring at word head nodes on inter-word transition, such 1-gram factoring nodes on word head, shared by several words, need not be cached in inter-word factoring cache.

This function make a list of word-head nodes which requires inter-word factoring caching (i.e. isolated word head nodes, does not shared by other words) from the existing list of word head nodes, and set it to wchmm->start2isolate and wchmm->isolatenum.

wchmm [i/o] tree lexicon

Definition at line 865 of file factoring_sub.c.

void adjust_sc_index ( WCHMM_INFO wchmm  ) 

Adjust factoring data in tree lexicon for multipath transition handling.

wchmm [in] tree lexicon

Definition at line 635 of file factoring_sub.c.

void make_successor_list ( WCHMM_INFO wchmm  ) 

Main function to build whole successor list to lexicon tree.

wchmm [i/o] tree lexicon

Definition at line 374 of file factoring_sub.c.

Referenced by make_successor_list_unigram_factoring().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void make_successor_list_unigram_factoring ( WCHMM_INFO wchmm  ) 

Main function to build whole successor list to lexicon tree for unigram factoring.

wchmm [i/o] tree lexicon

Definition at line 487 of file factoring_sub.c.

void max_successor_cache_init ( WCHMM_INFO wchmm  ) 

Initialize factoring cache for a tree lexicon, allocating memory for cache.

This should be called only once on start up.

wchmm [i/o] tree lexicon

Definition at line 729 of file factoring_sub.c.

Referenced by j_launch_recognition_instance().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void max_successor_cache_free ( WCHMM_INFO wchmm  ) 

Free all memory for factoring cache.

wchmm [i/o] tree lexicon

Definition at line 811 of file factoring_sub.c.

LOGPROB max_successor_prob ( WCHMM_INFO wchmm,
WORD_ID  lastword,
int  node 

compute factoring LM score for the given word-internal node.

If it is a shared branch node and 1-gram factoring is used, the constant factoring value which has already been assigned before search will be returned immediately. Else, the maximum 2-gram probability of corresponding successor words are computed.

The word-internal factoring cache is consulted within this function. If the given last word is the same as the last call on that node, the last computed value will be returned, else the maximum value will be computed update the cache with the last word and value.

wchmm [in] tree lexicon
lastword [in] word ID of last context word
node [in] node ID
the LM factoring score.

Definition at line 1080 of file factoring_sub.c.

Referenced by beam_intra_word_core(), and init_nodescore().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

LOGPROB* max_successor_prob_iw ( WCHMM_INFO wchmm,
WORD_ID  lastword 

Compute cross-word facgtoring values for word head nodes and return the list.

Given a last word, this function compute the factoring LM scores for all the word head node to which the context-dependent (not 1-gram) factoring values should be computed. The resulting list of factoring values are cached within this function per the last word.

wchmm [in] tree lexicon
lastword [in] last word
the list of factoring LM scores for all the needed word-head nodes.

Definition at line 1187 of file factoring_sub.c.

Referenced by beam_inter_word().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void calc_all_unigram_factoring_values ( WCHMM_INFO wchmm  ) 

Calculate all the 1-gram factoring values on tree lexicon.

On 1-gram factoring, the shared nodes on branch has fixed factoring score from 1-gram values, independent of the word context on recognition. So the values are fixed for all recognition and can be calculated before search. This function stores all the neede 1-gram factoring value by traversing tree lexicon with successor lists and compute maximum 1-gram for each successor lists that has more than two words (=shared). Since a successor list is no more neede after the 1-gram value is computed, they will be freed.

Actually, computed factoring scores will be stored in wchmm->fscore sequencially, and the index value, starting from 1, to the fscore list is stored in scid of each nodes as a negative value. The free will be performed in compaction_successor() by checking if a successor's corresponding scid on tree lexicon has negative value.

wchmm [i/o] tree lexicon

Definition at line 928 of file factoring_sub.c.

Referenced by make_successor_list_unigram_factoring().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

boolean can_succeed ( WCHMM_INFO wchmm,
WORD_ID  lastword,
int  node 

Deterministic factoring for grammar-based recognition (Julian).

If CATEGORY_TREE is defined (this is default) on Julian, the tree lexicon will be organized per category and the category-pair constraint used in the 1st pass can be applied statically at cross-word transition.

If the CATEGORY_TREE is not defined, a single tree lexicon will be constucted for a whole dictionary. In this case, the category-pair constraint should be applied dynamically in the word-internal transition, like the factoring scheme with N-gram (Julius).

This function provides such word-internal factoring for grammar-based recognition (called deterministic factoring) when CATEGORY_TREE is undefined in Julian.

wchmm [in] tree lexicon
lastword [in] last word
node [in] node ID to check the constraint
TRUE if the transition to the branch is allowed on the category-pair constraint, or FALSE if not allowed.

Definition at line 1333 of file factoring_sub.c.

Referenced by beam_inter_word(), and beam_intra_word_core().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

boolean get_back_trellis_init ( HTK_Param param,
RecogProcess r 

Initialization of the frame synchronous beam search.

This function will initialize work area for the 1st pass. Generation of initial hypotheses will be performed in init_nodescore().

param [in] input vectors (only the first frame will be used)
r [i/o] recognition process instance

Definition at line 1787 of file beam.c.

Referenced by decode_proceed().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

boolean get_back_trellis_proceed ( int  t,
HTK_Param param,
RecogProcess r,
boolean  final_for_multipath 

Frame synchronous beam search: proceed for 2nd frame and later.

This is the main function of beam search on the 1st pass. Given a input vector of a frame, it proceeds the computation for the one frame, and store the words survived in the beam width to the word trellis structure. get_back_trellis_init() should be used for the first frame. For detailed procedure, please see the comments in this function.

t [in] current frame to be computed in param
param [in] input vector structure (only the vector at t will be used)
r [in] recognition process instance
final_for_multipath [i/o] TRUE if this is last frame of an input
TRUE if processing ended normally, or FALSE if the search was terminated (in case of short pause segmentation in successive decoding mode, or active nodes becomes zero).

< Local workarea to hold the generated trellis word

< Temporal work to hold the current node number on the lexicon tree

Definition at line 2583 of file beam.c.

Referenced by decode_proceed(), and get_back_trellis_end().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void get_back_trellis_end ( HTK_Param param,
RecogProcess r 

Frame synchronous beam search: last frame.

This function should be called at the end of the 1st pass. The last procedure will be done for the (param->samplenum - 1) frame.

param [in] input vectors (only param->samplenum is referred)
r [in] recognition process instance

Definition at line 2930 of file beam.c.

Referenced by decode_end().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void fsbeam_free ( FSBeam d  ) 

Free work area for the first pass.

d [in] work are for 1st pass input handling

Definition at line 3054 of file beam.c.

Referenced by j_recogprocess_free().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void finalize_1st_pass ( RecogProcess r,
int  len 

Finalize the 1st pass.

This function will be called just after get_back_trellis_end() to finalize the 1st pass. It processes the resulting word trellis structure to be accessible from the 2nd pass, and output the best sentence hypothesis by backtracing the word trellis.

r [in] recoginirion process instance
len [in] total number of processed frames
the maximum score of the best hypothesis, or LOG_ZERO if search failed.

Definition at line 3008 of file beam.c.

Referenced by decode_end(), and decode_end_segmented().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int decode_proceed ( Recog recog  ) 

Process one input frame for all recognition process instance.

This function proceeds the recognition for one frame. All recognition process instance will be processed synchronously. The input frame for each instance is stored in mfcc->f, where mfcc is the MFCC calculation instance assigned to each process instance.

If an instance's mfcc->invalid is set to TRUE, its processing will be skipped.

When using GMM, GMM computation will also be executed here. If GMM_VAD is defined, GMM-based voice detection will be performed inside this function, by using a scheme of short-pause segmentation.

This function also handles segmentation of recognition process. A segmentation will occur when end of speech is detected by level-based sound detection or GMM-based / decoder-based VAD, or by request from application. When segmented, it stores current frame and return with that status.

The frame-wise callbacks will be executed inside this function, when at least one valid recognition process instances exists.

recog [in] engine instance
0 on success, -1 on error, or 1 when an input segmentation occured/requested inside this function.

Definition at line 112 of file pass1.c.

Referenced by get_back_trellis(), proceed_one_frame(), RealTimeParam(), and RealTimeResume().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void decode_end_segmented ( Recog recog  ) 

End procedure of the first pass (when segmented).

This function do things for ending the first pass and prepare for the next recognition, when the input was segmented at the middle of recognition by some reason.

First, the best path at each recognition process instance will be parsed and stored. In case of recognition error or input rejection, the error status will be set.

Then, the last pause segment of the processed input will be cut and saved to be processed at first in the recognition of the next or remaining input.

recog [in] engine instance

Definition at line 372 of file pass1.c.

Referenced by get_back_trellis(), and RealTimeParam().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void decode_end ( Recog recog  ) 

End procedure of the first pass.

This function finish the first pass, when the input was fully processed to the end.

The best path at each recognition process instance will be parsed and stored. In case of recognition error or input rejection, the error status will be set.

recog [in] engine instance

Definition at line 450 of file pass1.c.

Referenced by get_back_trellis(), RealTimeParam(), and RealTimeTerminate().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

boolean get_back_trellis ( Recog recog  ) 

Frame synchronous beam search: the main (for batch mode).

This function perform the 1st recognition pass of frame-synchronous beam search and output the result. It also stores all the word ends in every input frame to word trellis structure.

This function will be called if the whole input vector is already given to the end. When online recognition, where the 1st pass will be processed in parallel with input, this function will not be used. In that case, functions defined in this file will be directly called from functions in realtime-1stpass.c.

recog [in] engine instance

Definition at line 602 of file pass1.c.

Referenced by j_recognize_stream_core().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

boolean is_sil ( WORD_ID  w,
RecogProcess r 

Check if the fiven word is a short-pause word.

w [in] word id
r [in] recognition process instance
TRUE if it is short pause word, FALSE if not.

Definition at line 98 of file spsegment.c.

Referenced by detect_end_of_segment(), j_launch_recognition_instance(), and segment_set_last_nword().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void mfcc_copy_to_rest_and_shrink ( MFCCCalc mfcc,
int  start,
int  end 

Split input parameter for segmentation.

Copy the rest samples in param to rest_param, and shrink the param in mfcc instance. [start...param->samplenum] will be copied to rest_param, and [0...end] will be left in param.

mfcc [i/o] MFCC calculation instance
start [in] copy start frame
end [in] original end frame

Definition at line 154 of file spsegment.c.

Referenced by finalize_segment().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void mfcc_shrink ( MFCCCalc mfcc,
int  p 

Shrink the parameter sequence.

Drop the first (p-1) frames and move [p..samplenum] to 0.

mfcc [i/o] MFCC Calculation instance
p [in] frame point to remain

Definition at line 194 of file spsegment.c.

Referenced by spsegment_restart_mfccs().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

boolean detect_end_of_segment ( RecogProcess r,
int  time 

Speech end point detection.

Detect end-of-input by duration of short-pause words when short-pause segmentation is enabled. When a pause word gets maximum score for a successive frames, the segment will be treated as a pause frames. When speech re-triggers, the current input will be segmented at that point.

When SPSEGMENT_NAIST is defined, this function performs extended version of the short pause segmentation, called "decoder-based VAD". When before speech trigger (r->pass1.after_trigger == FALSE), it tells the recognition functions not to generate word trellis and continue calculation. If a speech trigger is found (not a pause word gets maximum score), the input frames are 'rewinded' for a certain frame (r->config->successive.sp_margin) and start the normal recognition process from the rewinded frames (r->pass1.after_trigger = TRUE). When a pause frame duration reaches a limit (r->config->successive.sp_frame_duration), it terminate the search.

r [i/o] recognition process instance
time [in] current input frame
TRUE if end-of-input detected at this frame, FALSE if not.

Definition at line 262 of file spsegment.c.

Referenced by decode_proceed().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void finalize_segment ( Recog recog  ) 

Finalize the first pass for successive decoding.

When successive decoding mode is enabled, this function will be called just after finalize_1st_pass() to finish the beam search of the last segment. The beginning and ending words for the 2nd pass will be set according to the 1st pass result. Then the current input will be shrinked to the segmented length and the unprocessed region are copied to rest_param for the next decoding.

recog [in] engine instance

Definition at line 632 of file spsegment.c.

Referenced by decode_end(), and decode_end_segmented().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

boolean spsegment_need_restart ( Recog recog,
int *  rf_ret,
boolean repro_ret 

Check if rewind and restart of recognition is needed.

This function checks if an instance requires rewinding of input samples, and if recognition re-processing is needed after rewinding.

recog [in] engine instance
rf_ret [out] length of frame to rewind
repro_ret [out] TRUE if re-process is required after rewinding
TRUE if rewinding is required, or FALSE if not.

Definition at line 837 of file spsegment.c.

Referenced by get_back_trellis(), and proceed_one_frame().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void spsegment_restart_mfccs ( Recog recog,
int  rewind_frame,
boolean  reprocess 

Execute rewinding.

This function will set re-start point for the following processing, and shrink the parameters for the rewinded part. The re-start point is 0 (beginning of rest samples) for recognition restart, or simply go back to the specified rewind frames for non restart.

recog [i/o] engine instance
rewind_frame [in] frame length to rewind
reprocess [in] TRUE if re-processing recognition is required for the following processing

Definition at line 910 of file spsegment.c.

Referenced by get_back_trellis(), and proceed_one_frame().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void outprob_style_cache_init ( WCHMM_INFO wchmm  ) 

Initialize cache for triphone changing on every word head.

wchmm [i/o] tree lexicon

Definition at line 100 of file outprob_style.c.

Referenced by init_nodescore().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

CD_Set* lcdset_lookup_with_category ( WCHMM_INFO wchmm,
HMM_Logical hmm,
WORD_ID  category 

Lookup a word-end triphone set (aka pseudo phone set) with category id for grammar recognition.

wchmm [in] word lexicon tree
hmm [in] logical HMM of word end phone
category [in] belonging category id of the word
pointer to the corresponding phone set if found, or NULL if not found.

Definition at line 144 of file outprob_style.c.

Referenced by lcdset_register_with_category(), outprob_style(), and wchmm_add_word().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void lcdset_register_with_category_all ( WCHMM_INFO wchmm  ) 

Generate all possible category-indexed pseudo phone sets for grammar recognition.

wchmm [i/o] tree lexicon

Definition at line 267 of file outprob_style.c.

Referenced by build_wchmm(), and build_wchmm2().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void lcdset_remove_with_category_all ( WCHMM_INFO wchmm  ) 

Remove all the registered category-indexed pseudo state sets.

This function will be called when a grammar is changed to re-build the state sets.

wchmm [i/o] lexicon tree information

Definition at line 317 of file outprob_style.c.

LOGPROB outprob_style ( WCHMM_INFO wchmm,
int  node,
int  last_wid,
int  t,
HTK_Param param 

Calculate output probability on a tree lexion node.

This function calculates log output probability of an input vector on time frame t in input paramter param at a node on tree lexicon.

wchmm [in] tree lexicon structure
node [in] node ID to compute the output probability
last_wid [in] word ID of last word hypothesis (used when the node is within the word beginning phone and triphone is used.
t [in] time frame of input vector in param to compute.
param [in] input parameter structure
the computed log probability.

< Local workarea for HMM name conversion

Definition at line 354 of file outprob_style.c.

Referenced by bt_discount_pescore(), get_back_trellis_proceed(), and init_nodescore().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void error_missing_right_triphone ( HMM_Logical base,
char *  rc_name 

Triphone error message for right context.

Output error message when a triphone with the specified right context is not defined.

base [in] base triphone
rc_name [in] name of right context phone

< Local workarea for HMM name conversion

Definition at line 520 of file outprob_style.c.

Referenced by lcdset_register_with_category(), next_word(), and scan_word().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void error_missing_left_triphone ( HMM_Logical base,
char *  lc_name 

Triphone error message for left context.

Output error message when a triphone with the specified right context is not defined.

base [in] base triphone
lc_name [in] name of left context phone

< Local workarea for HMM name conversion

Definition at line 552 of file outprob_style.c.

Referenced by outprob_style(), and scan_word().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ngram_firstwords ( NEXTWORD **  nw,
int  peseqlen,
int  maxnw,
RecogProcess r 

Get initial word hypotheses at the beginning.

on N-gram based recogntion, the initial hypothesis is fixed to the tail silence word. Exception is that, in short-pause segmentation mode, the initial hypothesis will be chosen from survived words on the last input frame in the first pass.

nw [out] pointer to hold the initial word candidates
peseqlen [in] input frame length
maxnw [in] maximum number of words that can be stored in nw
r [in] recognition process instance
the number of words extracted and stored to nw.

Definition at line 496 of file ngram_decode.c.

Referenced by wchmm_fbs().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ngram_nextwords ( NODE hypo,
NEXTWORD **  nw,
int  maxnw,
RecogProcess r 

Return the list of next word candidate.

Given a partial sentence hypothesis "hypo", it returns the list of next word candidates. Actually, it extracts from word trellis the list of words whose word-end node has survived near the estimated beginning-of-word frame of last word "hypo->estimated_next_t", and store them to "nw" with their N-gram probabilities.

hypo [in] source partial sentence hypothesis
nw [out] pointer to store the list of next word candidates (should be already allocated)
maxnw [in] maximum number of words that can be stored to nw
r [in] recognition process instance
the number of extracted next word candidates in nw.

Definition at line 563 of file ngram_decode.c.

boolean ngram_acceptable ( NODE hypo,
RecogProcess r 

Acceptance check.

Return whether the given partial hypothesis is acceptable as a sentence and can be treated as a final search candidate. In N-gram mode, it checks whether the last word is the beginning-of-sentence silence (silhead).

hypo [in] partial sentence hypothesis to be examined
r [in] recognition process instance
TRUE if acceptable as a sentence, or FALSE if not.

Definition at line 613 of file ngram_decode.c.

int dfa_firstwords ( NEXTWORD **  nw,
int  peseqlen,
int  maxnw,
RecogProcess r 

Return initial word set from grammar.

nw [out] pointer to hold the resulting next word set
peseqlen [in] input frame length
maxnw [in] maximum number of words that can be set in nw
r [in] recognition process instance
the number of predicted words, or -1 on error.

Definition at line 89 of file dfa_decode.c.

Referenced by wchmm_fbs().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int dfa_nextwords ( NODE hypo,
NEXTWORD **  nw,
int  maxnw,
RecogProcess r 

Given a part-of-sentence hypothesis, returns the next word set defined by DFA grammar.

hypo [in] the source part-of-sentene hypothesis
nw [out] pointer to hold the resulting next word set
maxnw [in] maximum number of words that can be set in nw
r [in] recognition process instance
the number of predicted words, or -1 on error.

Definition at line 155 of file dfa_decode.c.

boolean dfa_acceptable ( NODE hypo,
RecogProcess r 

Return whether the hypothesis is currently on final state.

hypo [in] sentence hypothesis
r [in] recognition process instance
TRUE when on final state, or FALSE if not acceptable.

Definition at line 222 of file dfa_decode.c.

boolean dfa_look_around ( NEXTWORD nword,
NODE hypo,
RecogProcess r 

Check if the given nextword exists in the word trellis around the estimated connection time.

If exist, set the pointer to the corresponding trellis word to the nextword. Since the best connection time will be re-computed later, it need not to be an optimal one.

nword [i/o] next word candidate (pointer to the found trellis word will be set)
hypo [in] source part-of-sentence hypothesis
r [in] recognition process instance
TRUE if the nextword exists on the word trellis around the estimated connection point, or FALSE if not exist.

Definition at line 267 of file dfa_decode.c.

void segment_set_last_nword ( NODE hypo,
RecogProcess r 

Set the previous word context for the recognition of the next input segment from the current recognition result.

The initial context word will be chosen from the current recognition result skipping transparent word and multiplied words.

hypo [in] sentence candidate as a recognition result of current input segment
r [in] recognition process instance

Definition at line 904 of file search_bestfirst_main.c.

Referenced by pass2_finalize_on_no_result(), and result_reorder_and_output().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void pass2_finalize_on_no_result ( RecogProcess r,
boolean  use_1pass_as_final 

Post-process of 2nd pass when no result is obtained.

This is a post-process for the 2nd pass which should be called when the 2nd pass has no result. This will occur when the 2nd pass was executed but failed with no sentence candidate, or skipped by an option.

When the 2nd argument is set to TRUE, the result of the 1st pass will be copied as final result of 2nd pass and the recognition status flag is set to SUCCESS. If FALSE, recognition status will be set to FAILED. On sp-segment decoding, the initial hypothesis marker for the next input segment will be set up from the 1st pass result also.

r [in] recognition process instance
use_1pass_as_final [in] when TRUE the 1st pass result will be used as final recognition result of 2nd pass.

Definition at line 1146 of file search_bestfirst_main.c.

Referenced by j_recognize_stream_core().

void wchmm_fbs ( HTK_Param param,
RecogProcess r,
int  cate_bgn,
int  cate_num 

Main function to perform stack decoding of the 2nd search pass.

The cate_bgn and cate_num (third and fourth argument) will have no effect when N-gram is used.

param [in] input parameter vector
r [i/o] recognition process instance
cate_bgn [in] category id to allow word expansion from (ignored in Julius)
cate_num [in] num of category to allow word expansion from (ignored in Julius)

Definition at line 1225 of file search_bestfirst_main.c.

Referenced by j_recognize_stream_core().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void clear_stocker ( StackDecode s  ) 

Clear the node stocker for recycle.

s [in] stack decoding work area

Definition at line 206 of file search_bestfirst_v1.c.

void free_node ( NODE node  ) 

Stock an unused hypothesis node for recycle.

node [in] hypothesis node

Definition at line 170 of file search_bestfirst_v1.c.

Referenced by free_all_nodes(), put_all_in_stack(), put_to_stack(), and result_reorder_and_output().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

NODE* cpy_node ( NODE dst,
NODE src 

Copy the content of node to another.

dst [out] target hypothesis
src [in] source hypothesis
the value of dst.

Definition at line 247 of file search_bestfirst_v1.c.

Referenced by last_next_word().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

NODE* newnode ( RecogProcess r  ) 

Allocate a new hypothesis node.

If the node stocker is not empty, the one in the stocker is re-used. Otherwise, allocate as new.

r [in] recognition process instance
pointer to the newly allocated node.

Definition at line 324 of file search_bestfirst_v1.c.

Referenced by pass2_finalize_on_no_result().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void malloc_wordtrellis ( RecogProcess r  ) 

Allocate work area for trellis computation of a word.

r [in] recognition process instance

Definition at line 427 of file search_bestfirst_v1.c.

Referenced by wchmm_fbs().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void scan_word ( NODE now,
HTK_Param param,
RecogProcess r 

Compute the forward viterbi for the last word to update forward scores and ready for word connection.

now [i/o] hypothesis
param [in] input parameter vectors
r [in] recognition process instance

< Temporal pointer to current buffer

< Temporal pointer to previous buffer

Definition at line 585 of file search_bestfirst_v1.c.

void next_word ( NODE now,
NODE new,
HTK_Param param,
RecogProcess r 

Connect a new word to generate a next hypothesis.

The optimal connection point and new sentence score of the new hypothesis will be estimated by looking up the corresponding words on word trellis.

now [in] source hypothesis
new [out] pointer to save the newly generated hypothesis
nword [in] next word to be connected
param [in] input parameter vector
r [in] recognition process instance

Definition at line 1378 of file search_bestfirst_v1.c.

void start_word ( NODE new,
HTK_Param param,
RecogProcess r 

Generate an initial hypothesis from given word.

new [out] pointer to save the newly generated hypothesis
nword [in] words of the first candidates
param [in] input parameter vector
r [in] recognition process instance

Definition at line 1610 of file search_bestfirst_v1.c.

void last_next_word ( NODE now,
NODE new,
HTK_Param param,
RecogProcess r 

Hypothesis termination: set the final sentence scores of hypothesis that has already reached to the end.

now [in] hypothesis that has already reached to the end
new [out] pointer to save the final sentence information
param [in] input parameter vectors
r [in] recognition process instance

Definition at line 1704 of file search_bestfirst_v1.c.

boolean wav2mfcc ( SP16  speech[],
int  speechlen,
Recog recog 

Extract MFCC parameters with sentence CMN from given waveform.

Parameters will be computed for each MFCC calculation instance in the engine instance, and stored in mfcc->param for each.

speech [in] buffer of speech waveform
speechlen [in] length of speech in samples
recog [in] engine instance
TRUE on success, FALSE on error.

Definition at line 85 of file wav2mfcc.c.

Referenced by j_recognize_stream_core().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void j_put_header ( FILE *  strm  ) 

Output application header.

strm [in] output stream

Definition at line 47 of file version.c.

Referenced by j_output_argument_help(), opt_parse(), and print_engine_info().

void j_put_version ( FILE *  strm  ) 

Output version information.

strm [in] output stream

Definition at line 65 of file version.c.

Referenced by main().

void j_put_compile_defs ( FILE *  strm  ) 

Output compile-time settings.

strm [in] input stream

Definition at line 88 of file version.c.

Referenced by j_output_argument_help(), opt_parse(), and print_engine_info().

void j_put_library_defs ( FILE *  strm  ) 

Output library configuration.

strm [in] output stream

Definition at line 251 of file version.c.

Referenced by opt_parse().

WCHMM_INFO* wchmm_new (  ) 

Allocate a new tree lexicon structure.

pointer to the newly allocated tree lexicon structure.

Definition at line 70 of file wchmm.c.

Referenced by j_launch_recognition_instance(), and multigram_rebuild_wchmm().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void wchmm_free ( WCHMM_INFO w  ) 

Free all data in a tree lexicon.

w [in] tree lexicon

Definition at line 213 of file wchmm.c.

Referenced by j_recogprocess_free(), and multigram_rebuild_wchmm().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void print_wchmm_info ( WCHMM_INFO wchmm  ) 

Output some specifications of the tree lexicon (size etc.

) to stdout.

wchmm [in] tree lexicon already built

Definition at line 2102 of file wchmm.c.

boolean build_wchmm ( WCHMM_INFO wchmm,
JCONF_LM lmconf 

Build a tree lexicon from given word dictionary and language model.

This function is slow and only used when "-oldtree" option is specified in Julian. Julian without that option and Julius uses build_wchmm2() instead of this.

wchmm [i/o] lexicon tree
lmconf [in] language model (LM) configuration parameters

Definition at line 1553 of file wchmm.c.

Referenced by j_launch_recognition_instance(), and multigram_rebuild_wchmm().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

boolean build_wchmm2 ( WCHMM_INFO wchmm,
JCONF_LM lmconf 

Build a tree lexicon from given word dictionary and language model.

This function does the same job as build_wchmm(), but it is much faster because finding of the longest matched word to an adding word is done by first sorting all the words in the dictoinary by their phoneme sequence order. This function will be used instead of build_wchmm() by default.

wchmm [i/o] lexicon tree
lmconf [in] language model (LM) configuration parameters

Definition at line 1766 of file wchmm.c.

Referenced by j_launch_recognition_instance(), and multigram_rebuild_wchmm().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void wchmm_check_interactive ( WCHMM_INFO wchmm  ) 

Command loop to browse and check the structure of the constructed tree lexicon on startup.

wchmm [in] tree lexicon

Definition at line 328 of file wchmm_check.c.

Referenced by j_launch_recognition_instance(), and multigram_rebuild_wchmm().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void check_wchmm ( WCHMM_INFO wchmm  ) 

Check coherence of tree lexicon (for internal debug only!).

wchmm [in] tree lexicon

Definition at line 443 of file wchmm_check.c.

boolean RealTimeInit ( Recog recog  ) 

Initializations for the on-the-fly 1st pass decoding.

Work areas for all MFCC caculation instances are allocated. Additionaly, some initialization will be done such as allocating work area for spectral subtraction, loading noise spectrum from file, loading initial ceptral mean data for CMN from file, etc.

This will be called only once, on system startup.

recog [i/o] engine instance

Definition at line 220 of file realtime-1stpass.c.

Referenced by j_final_fusion().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

boolean RealTimePipeLinePrepare ( Recog recog  ) 

Preparation for the on-the-fly 1st pass decoding.

Variables are reset and data are prepared for the next input recognition.

This function will be called before starting each input (segment).

recog [i/o] engine instance
TRUE on success. FALSE on failure.

Definition at line 372 of file realtime-1stpass.c.

Referenced by j_recognize_stream_core().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

boolean RealTimeMFCC ( MFCCCalc mfcc,
SP16 window,
int  windowlen 

Compute a parameter vector from a speech window.

This function calculates an MFCC vector from speech data windowed from input speech. The obtained MFCC vector will be stored to mfcc->tmpmfcc.

mfcc [i/o] MFCC calculation instance
window [in] speech input (windowed from input stream)
windowlen [in] length of window
TRUE on success (an vector obtained). Returns FALSE if no parameter vector obtained yet (due to delta delay).

Definition at line 476 of file realtime-1stpass.c.

Referenced by j_recog_new().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int RealTimePipeLine ( SP16 Speech,
int  nowlen,
Recog recog 

Main function of the on-the-fly 1st pass decoding.

This function performs sucessive MFCC calculation and 1st pass decoding. The given input data are windowed to a certain length, then converted to MFCC, and decoding for the input frame will be performed in one process cycle. The loop cycle will continue with window shift, until the whole given input has been processed.

In case of input segment request from decoding process (in decode_proceed()), this function keeps the rest un-processed speech to a buffer and tell the caller to stop input and end the 1st pass.

When back-end VAD such as SPSEGMENT_NAIST or GMM_VAD is defined, Decoder-based VAD is enabled and its decoding control will be managed here. In decoder-based VAD mode, the recognition will be processed but no output will be done at the first un-triggering input area. when speech input start is detected, this function will rewind the already obtained MFCC sequence to a certain frames, and re-start normal recognition at that point. When multiple recognition process instance is running, their segmentation will be synchronized.

This function will be called each time a new speech sample comes as as callback from A/D-in routine.

Speech [in] pointer to the speech sample segments
nowlen [in] length of above
recog [i/o] engine instance
-1 on error (tell caller to terminate), 0 on success (allow caller to call me for the next segment). It returns 1 when telling the caller to terminate input and go on to the next pass.

Definition at line 787 of file realtime-1stpass.c.

Referenced by j_recognize_stream_core(), and RealTimeResume().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int RealTimeResume ( Recog recog  ) 

Resuming recognition for short pause segmentation.

This function process overlapped data and remaining speech prior to the next input when input was segmented at last processing.

recog [i/o] engine instance
-1 on error (tell caller to terminate), 0 on success (allow caller to call me for the next segment), or 1 when an end-of-sentence detected at this point (in that case caller will stop input and go to 2nd pass)

Definition at line 938 of file realtime-1stpass.c.

Referenced by j_recognize_stream_core().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

boolean RealTimeParam ( Recog recog  ) 

Finalize the 1st pass on-the-fly decoding.

This function will be called after the 1st pass processing ends. It fix the input length of parameter vector sequence, call decode_end() (or decode_end_segmented() when last input was ended by segmentation) to finalize the 1st pass.

If the last input was ended by end-of-stream (in case input reached EOF in file input etc.), process the rest samples remaining in the delta buffers.

recog [i/o] engine instance
TRUE on success, or FALSE on error.

Definition at line 1105 of file realtime-1stpass.c.

Referenced by j_recognize_stream_core().

void RealTimeCMNUpdate ( MFCCCalc mfcc,
Recog recog 

Update cepstral mean.

This function updates the initial cepstral mean for CMN of the next input.

mfcc [i/o] MFCC Calculation instance to update its CMN
recog [i/o] engine instance

Definition at line 1357 of file realtime-1stpass.c.

Referenced by j_recognize_stream_core().

void RealTimeTerminate ( Recog recog  ) 

Terminate the 1st pass on-the-fly decoding.

recog [i/o] engine instance

Definition at line 1417 of file realtime-1stpass.c.

Referenced by j_recognize_stream_core().

void realbeam_free ( Recog recog  ) 

Free the whole work area for 1st pass on-the-fly decoding.

recog [in] engine instance

Definition at line 1442 of file realtime-1stpass.c.

Referenced by j_recog_free().

int mfcc_go ( Recog recog,
int(*)(Recog *)  ad_check 


2 when input termination requested by recognition process, 1 when segmentation request returned from input module, 0 when end of input returned from input module, -1 on error, -2 when input termination requested by ad_check().

Definition at line 1484 of file realtime-1stpass.c.

Referenced by j_recognize_stream_core().

void word_align ( WORD_ID words,
short  wnum,
HTK_Param param,
SentenceAlign align,
RecogProcess r 

Do forced alignment per word for the given word sequence.

words [in] word sequence
wnum [in] length of words
param [in] input parameter vectors
align [out] Sentence data area to store the alignment result
r [i/o] recognition process instance

Definition at line 370 of file word_align.c.

Referenced by do_alignment_all().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void phoneme_align ( WORD_ID words,
short  num,
HTK_Param param,
SentenceAlign align,
RecogProcess r 

Do forced alignment per phoneme for the given word sequence.

words [in] word sequence
num [in] length of words
param [in] input parameter vectors
align [out] Sentence data area to store the alignment result
r [i/o] recognition process instance

Definition at line 431 of file word_align.c.

Referenced by do_alignment_all().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void state_align ( WORD_ID words,
short  num,
HTK_Param param,
SentenceAlign align,
RecogProcess r 

Do forced alignment per HMM state for the given word sequence.

words [in] word sequence
num [in] length of words
param [in] input parameter vectors
align [out] Sentence data area to store the alignment result
r [i/o] recognition process instance

Definition at line 492 of file word_align.c.

Referenced by do_alignment_all().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void word_rev_align ( WORD_ID revwords,
short  wnum,
HTK_Param param,
SentenceAlign align,
RecogProcess r 

Do forced alignment per word for the given word sequence (reversed order).

revwords [in] word sequence in reversed direction
wnum [in] length of revwords
param [in] input parameter vectors
align [out] Sentence data area to store the alignment result
r [i/o] recognition process instance

Definition at line 398 of file word_align.c.

void phoneme_rev_align ( WORD_ID revwords,
short  num,
HTK_Param param,
SentenceAlign align,
RecogProcess r 

Do forced alignment per phoneme for the given word sequence (reversed order).

revwords [in] word sequence in reversed direction
num [in] length of revwords
param [in] input parameter vectors
align [out] Sentence data area to store the alignment result
r [i/o] recognition process instance

Definition at line 459 of file word_align.c.

void state_rev_align ( WORD_ID revwords,
short  num,
HTK_Param param,
SentenceAlign align,
RecogProcess r 

Do forced alignment per state for the given word sequence (reversed order).

revwords [in] word sequence in reversed direction
num [in] length of revwords
param [in] input parameter vectors
align [out] Sentence data area to store the alignment result
r [i/o] recognition process instance

Definition at line 520 of file word_align.c.

void do_alignment_all ( RecogProcess r,
HTK_Param param 

Do required forced alignment for the recognition results.

r [i/o] recognition process instance
param [in] input parameter vectors

Definition at line 547 of file word_align.c.

Referenced by j_recognize_stream_core().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

char* filepath ( char *  filename,
char *  dirname 

Change relative path to full path.

If the file path is given as relative, prepend the dirname to it. If the file path is full, just copy it to new buffer and return.

filename [in] file path name
dirname [in] full path of current directory
newly malloced buffer holding the full path name.

Definition at line 58 of file m_options.c.

Referenced by multigram_add_prefix_filelist(), multigram_add_prefix_list(), and opt_parse().

boolean opt_parse ( int  argc,
char *  argv[],
char *  cwd,
Jconf jconf 

Option parsing.

argc [in] number of elements in argv
argv [in] array of argument strings
cwd [in] current directory
jconf [out] jconf structure to store data
TRUE on success, or FALSE on error.

Definition at line 174 of file m_options.c.

Referenced by config_file_parse(), j_config_load_args(), and j_config_load_args_new().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void opt_release ( Jconf jconf  ) 

Free memories of variables allocated by option arguments.

jconf [i/o] jconf configuration data

Definition at line 1390 of file m_options.c.

Referenced by j_jconf_free().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void get_dirname ( char *  path  ) 

Get directory name from a path name of a file.

The trailing slash will be left, and the given buffer will be modified.

path [i/o] file path name, will be modified to directory name

Definition at line 154 of file m_jconf.c.

Referenced by config_file_parse(), and multigram_add_prefix_filelist().

boolean config_file_parse ( char *  conffile,
Jconf jconf 

Read and parse a jconf file, and set the specified option values.

conffile [in] jconf file path name
jconf [out] global configuration data to be written.

Definition at line 378 of file m_jconf.c.

Referenced by j_config_load_file(), j_config_load_file_new(), and opt_parse().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

boolean checkpath ( char *  filename  ) 

Check if a file actually exist and is readable.

filename [in] file path name

Definition at line 49 of file m_chkparam.c.

Referenced by j_jconf_finalize(), multigram_add_prefix_filelist(), and multigram_add_prefix_list().

int set_beam_width ( WCHMM_INFO wchmm,
int  specified 

Determine beam width on the 1st pass.

wchmm [in] tree lexicon data
specified [in] user-specified beam width (0: full search, -1: not specified)
the final beam width to be used.

Definition at line 437 of file m_chkparam.c.

Referenced by j_launch_recognition_instance(), and multigram_rebuild_wchmm().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void print_jconf_overview ( Jconf jconf  ) 

Output module overview in a global configuration variables to log.

jconf [in] global configuration variables

Definition at line 42 of file m_info.c.

Referenced by j_jconf_finalize(), and print_engine_info().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void print_engine_info ( Recog recog  ) 

Output all informations of an engine instance to log.

recog [in] engine instance

Definition at line 149 of file m_info.c.

Referenced by j_recog_info().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

boolean adin_initialize ( Recog recog  ) 

Set up audio input device according to the jconf configurations.

recog [i/o] engine instance

Definition at line 228 of file m_adin.c.

Referenced by j_adin_init().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void create_mfcc_calc_instances ( Recog recog  ) 

Create MFCC calculation instance for AM processing instances and GMM.

If more than one AM processing instance (or GMM) has the same configuration, the same MFCC calculation instance will be shared among them.

recog [i/o] engine instance

Definition at line 826 of file m_fusion.c.

Referenced by j_final_fusion().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void hmm_check ( RecogProcess r  ) 

Mode to do interactive triphone conversion check ("-check triphone").

r [in] recognition process instance

Definition at line 303 of file hmm_check.c.

Referenced by j_launch_recognition_instance().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

boolean gmm_init ( Recog recog  ) 

Initialization for computing GMM likelihoods.

This will be called once on startup.

recog [i/o] engine instance

Definition at line 429 of file gmm.c.

Referenced by j_final_fusion().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gmm_prepare ( Recog recog  ) 

Prepare for the next GMM computation.

This will be called just before an input begins.

recog [i/o] engine instance

Definition at line 522 of file gmm.c.

Referenced by decode_proceed().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gmm_proceed ( Recog recog  ) 

Compute output probabilities of all GMM for a given input vector, and accumulate the results to the gmm_score buffer.

When GMM_VAD is defined, VAD scores, "(maximum score of speech GMMs) - (maximum score of noise GMMs)" of last frames (jconf->detect.gmm_margin) will be stored for later VAD decision.

recog [i/o] engine instance

Definition at line 574 of file gmm.c.

Referenced by decode_proceed().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gmm_end ( Recog recog  ) 

Finish the GMM computation for an input, and output the result.

The GMM of the maximum score is finally determined from the accumulated scores computed by gmm_proceed(), and compute the confidence score of the maximum GMM using posterior probability. Then the result will be output using result_gmm().

recog [i/o] engine instance

Definition at line 657 of file gmm.c.

Referenced by decode_end(), and decode_end_segmented().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

boolean gmm_valid_input ( Recog recog  ) 

Return whether the last input was valid or invalid, from the result of GMM computation.

recog [i/o] engine instance
TRUE if input is valid, i.e. the name of maximum GMM is not included in gmm_reject_cmn_string, or FALSE if input is invalid, i.e. the name is included in that string.

Definition at line 734 of file gmm.c.

Referenced by j_recognize_stream_core().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gmm_free ( Recog recog  ) 

Free work area used for GMM calculation.

recog [i/o] engine instance

Definition at line 758 of file gmm.c.

Referenced by j_recog_free().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void wordgraph_init ( WCHMM_INFO wchmm  ) 

Initialize data for graphout.

wchmm [in] tree lexicon

Definition at line 54 of file graphout.c.

Referenced by wchmm_fbs().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void wordgraph_free ( WordGraph wg  ) 

Free a graph word.

wg [in] graph word to be freed.

Definition at line 181 of file graphout.c.

Referenced by free_node(), wordgraph_clean(), and wordgraph_exec_erase().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void put_wordgraph ( FILE *  fp,
WordGraph wg,
WORD_INFO winfo 

Output information of a graph word in text in the format below: (n means the word).

   ID: left=left_context_ID[,ID,...] right=right_context_ID[,ID,...]
   name="word string"
   lname="N-gram word string (Julius) or category number (Julian)"
   f="partial sentence score at left edge (g(n) + h(n+1)) on search time"
   f_prev="partial sentence score at right edge (g(n-1) + h(n)) on search time"
   g_head="accumulated viterbi score at left edge (g(n))"
   g_prev="accumulated viterbi score at right edge (g(n-1) + LM(n)"
   lscore="language score LM(n)  (Julius only)"
   AMavg="average acoustic likelihood per frame"
   cmscore="confidence score"
fp [in] file pointer to which output should go
wg [in] graph word to output
winfo [in] word dictionary

Definition at line 2193 of file graphout.c.

Referenced by graph_forward_backward(), result_confnet(), wordgraph_check_coherence(), and wordgraph_dump().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void wordgraph_dump ( FILE *  fp,
WordGraph root,
WORD_INFO winfo 

Output text information of all the words in word graph.

fp [in] file pointer to which output should go
root [in] pointer to root node of a word graph
winfo [in] word dictionary

Definition at line 2252 of file graphout.c.

Referenced by graph_forward_backward(), outfile_graph(), and result_graph().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

WordGraph* wordgraph_assign ( WORD_ID  wid,
WORD_ID  wid_left,
WORD_ID  wid_right,
int  leftframe,
int  rightframe,
LOGPROB  fscore_head,
LOGPROB  fscore_tail,
LOGPROB  gscore_head,
LOGPROB  gscore_tail,
LOGPROB  lscore,
RecogProcess r 

Return a newly allocated graph word candidates.

The resulting word is not registered to the word graph yet.

wid [in] word ID
wid_left [in] word ID of left context for determining head phone
wid_right [in] word ID of right context for determining tail phone
leftframe [in] beginning time in frames
rightframe [in] end time in frames
fscore_head [in] sentence score on search at word head (g + h)
fscore_tail [in] sentence score on search at word tail (g + h)
gscore_head [in] Viterbi score accumulated from input end at word head (g)
gscore_tail [in] Viterbi score accumulated from input end at word tail (g)
lscore [in] language score
cm [in] confidence score
r [in] recognition process instance
pointer to the newly created graph word candidate.

Definition at line 1901 of file graphout.c.

boolean wordgraph_check_and_add_rightword ( WordGraph wg,
WordGraph right,
LOGPROB  lscore 

Check for the right context if the specified graph already exists, and add it if not yet.

wg [i/o] graph word whose right context will be checked
right [in] graph word to be checked as right context of wg
lscore [in] word connection score
TRUE if not exist yet and has been added, or FALSE if already exist and thus not added.

Definition at line 347 of file graphout.c.

Referenced by wordgraph_link_context().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

boolean wordgraph_check_and_add_leftword ( WordGraph wg,
WordGraph left,
LOGPROB  lscore 

Check for the left context if the specified graph already exists, and add it if not yet.

wg [i/o] graph word whose left context will be checked
left [in] graph word to be checked as left context of wg
lscore [in] word connection score
TRUE if not exist yet and has been added, or FALSE if already exist and thus not added.

Definition at line 295 of file graphout.c.

Referenced by wordgraph_link_context().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void wordgraph_save ( WordGraph wg,
WordGraph right,
WordGraph **  root 

Register a graph word candidate to the word graph as a member.

The registered word will have the saved member to be set to TRUE.

wg [i/o] graph word candidate to be registered
right [i/o] right context graph word
root [i/o] pointer to root node of already registered word graph

Definition at line 1957 of file graphout.c.

WordGraph* wordgraph_check_merge ( WordGraph now,
WordGraph **  root,
WORD_ID  next_wid,
boolean merged_p,

Check if a graph word with the same word ID and same position as the given graph word candidate exists in the already registered word graph.

If such graph word is found, the word contexts of the given word graph candidate will be merged to the found graph word in the registered word graph.

When GRAPHOUT_SEARCH is defined, whether to terminate the search at here will be determined here. That is, if the next word in search already exists in the list of left context words of the merged graph word, it is determined that the next path has already been expanded and thus there is no need to proceed more on this hypothesis.

now [i/o] graph word candidate
root [i/o] pointer to root node of already registered word graph
next_wid [in] next word on search
merged_p [out] will be set to TRUE if search should be terminated, or FALSE if search should be proceeded (when GRAPHOUT_SEARCH defined)
jconf [in] configuration parameters for this search
the pointer to the already registered graph word when the same word was found on the same position, or NULL if such word not found in already registered word graph.

Definition at line 2020 of file graphout.c.

void wordgraph_purge_leaf_nodes ( WordGraph **  rootp,
RecogProcess r 

Post-processing step 1: Extract initial word graph.

Extract initial word graph from generated word arcs while search, by purging leaf nodes and arcs that are not on the path from edge to edge.

rootp [i/o] pointer to root node of a word graph
r [in] recognition process instance

Definition at line 941 of file graphout.c.

void wordgraph_depth_cut ( WordGraph **  rootp,
RecogProcess r 

Post-processing step 1.5: word graph depth cutting.

If GRAPHOUT_DEPTHCUT is defined, perform word graph depth cutting.

rootp [i/o] pointer to root node of a word graph
r [in] recognition process instance

Definition at line 1050 of file graphout.c.

void wordgraph_adjust_boundary ( WordGraph **  rootp,
RecogProcess r 

Post-processing step 2: Adjust word boundaries.

When GRAPHOUT_PRECISE_BOUNDARY is defined, the word boundaries will be moved depending on the later word expansion to get context-dependent precise boundaries. So the precise boundary, modified after generation while search, should be propagated to the context words in the post processing.

Since the affect of word boundaries may propagate to the context words, the adjustment procedure has to be executed iteratively until all the boundaries are fixated. However, when graph is large, the oscillation of short words will results in very long loop. By defining GRAPHOUT_LIMIT_BOUNDARY_LOOP, the number of the adjustment loop can be up to the number specified by graphout_limit_bounrady_loop_num.

rootp [i/o] pointer to root node of a word graph
r [i/o] recognition process instance

< frame list for adjust_boundary_sub

< frame score list for adjust_boundary_sub

Definition at line 1595 of file graphout.c.

void wordgraph_clean ( WordGraph **  rootp  ) 

Free all the words in a word graph.

rootp [i/o] pointer to root node of a word graph

Definition at line 871 of file graphout.c.

Referenced by clear_result().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void wordgraph_compaction_thesame ( WordGraph **  rootp  ) 

Post-processing step 3: Bundle words (exactly the same ones).

This function bundles same words which have exactly the same boundaries and partial sentence scores.

rootp [i/o] pointer to root node of a word graph

Definition at line 1671 of file graphout.c.

void wordgraph_compaction_exacttime ( WordGraph **  rootp,
RecogProcess r 

Post-processing step 4: Bundle words (same boundaries).

This function bundles the same words which have exactly the same boundaries, allowing having different scores. The word with the best partial sentence score will be adopted. This function will not take effect when graph_merge_neightbor_range is lower than 0.

rootp [i/o] pointer to root node of a word graph
r [i/o] recognition process instance

Definition at line 1709 of file graphout.c.

void wordgraph_compaction_neighbor ( WordGraph **  rootp,
RecogProcess r 

Post-processing step 5: Bundle words (neighbor words).

This function bundles the same words which appears at similar place. If the difference of both the left boundary and right right boundary is under graph_merge_neighbor_range, it will be bundled. If its value is lower than or equal to 0, this function does not take effect.

rootp [i/o] pointer to root node of a word graph
r [i/o] recognition process instance

Definition at line 1795 of file graphout.c.

int wordgraph_sort_and_annotate_id ( WordGraph **  rootp,
RecogProcess r 

Sort words by left time and annotate sequencial id for them in a word graph.

rootp [i/o] address of pointer to root node of a word graph
r [i/o] recognition process instance

Definition at line 820 of file graphout.c.

void wordgraph_check_coherence ( WordGraph rootp,
RecogProcess r 

For debug: Check the coherence in word graph.

rootp [in] pointer to root node of a word graph
r [i/o] recognition process instance

Definition at line 2281 of file graphout.c.

void graph_forward_backward ( WordGraph root,
RecogProcess r 

Compute graph-based confidence scores by forward-backward parsing on the generated lattice.

The computed scores are stored in graph_cm of each graph words. The same alpha value of search-time confidence scoring (r->config->annotate.cm_alpha) will be used to compute the posterior probabilities.

root [in] root graph node
r [in] recognition process instance

Definition at line 2430 of file graphout.c.

void jconf_set_default_values ( Jconf j  ) 

Fill in the system default values to a parameter structure Jconf.

Only values of the Jconf will be set. The parameters in sub-structures (AM, LM, SEARCH) will not be set in this function: they should be initialized separatedly at each corresponding functions.

j [in] parameter structure

Definition at line 57 of file default.c.

Referenced by j_jconf_new().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void jconf_set_default_values_am ( JCONF_AM j  ) 

Fill in system default values to an AM parameter structure.

j [in] AM configuration parameter structure

Definition at line 122 of file default.c.

Referenced by j_jconf_am_new().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void jconf_set_default_values_lm ( JCONF_LM j  ) 

Fill in system default values to an LM parameter structure.

j [in] LM configuration parameter structure

Definition at line 171 of file default.c.

Referenced by j_jconf_lm_new().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void jconf_set_default_values_search ( JCONF_SEARCH j  ) 

Fill in system default values to a search parameter structure.

j [in] search configuration parameter structure

Definition at line 216 of file default.c.

Referenced by j_jconf_search_new().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

boolean multigram_load_all_gramlist ( PROCESS_LM lm  ) 

Load all the grammars specified at startup.

lm [i/o] LM processing instance

Definition at line 886 of file multi-gram.c.

Referenced by j_load_lm().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void multigram_free_all ( MULTIGRAM root  ) 

Free all grammars.

root [in] root pointer of grammar list

Definition at line 1027 of file multi-gram.c.

Referenced by j_process_lm_free().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

boolean adin_setup_param ( ADIn adin,
Jconf jconf 

Set up parameters for A/D-in and input detection.

Set variables in work area according to the configuration values.

adin [in] AD-in work area
jconf [in] configuration data

Definition at line 138 of file adin-cut.c.

Referenced by adin_setup_all().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

boolean adin_thread_create ( Recog recog  ) 

Start new A/D-in thread, and initialize buffer.

recog [in] engine instance

Definition at line 976 of file adin-cut.c.

Referenced by j_open_stream().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

boolean adin_thread_cancel ( Recog recog  ) 

Delete A/D-in thread.

recog [in] engine instance

Definition at line 1019 of file adin-cut.c.

Referenced by j_close_stream().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int adin_go ( int(*)(SP16 *, int, Recog *)  ad_process,
int(*)(Recog *)  ad_check,
Recog recog 

Top function to start input processing.

If threading mode is enabled, this function simply enters to adin_thread_process() to process triggered samples detected by another running A/D-in thread.

If threading mode is not available or disabled by either device requirement or OS capability, this function simply calls adin_cut() to detect speech segment from input device and process them concurrently by one process.

ad_process [in] function to process triggerted input.
ad_check [in] function to be called periodically.
recog [in] engine instance
2 when input termination requested by ad_process(), 1 when if detect end of an input segment (down trigger detected after up trigger), 0 when reached end of input device, -1 on error, -2 when input termination requested by ad_check().

Definition at line 1234 of file adin-cut.c.

Referenced by j_recognize_stream_core().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

boolean adin_standby ( ADIn a,
int  freq,
void *  arg 

Call device-specific initialization.

a [in] A/D-in work area
freq [in] sampling frequency
arg [in] device-dependent argument
TRUE if succeeded, FALSE if failed.

Definition at line 1265 of file adin-cut.c.

Referenced by adin_setup_all().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

boolean adin_begin ( ADIn a  ) 

Call device-specific function to begin capturing of the audio stream.

a [in] A/D-in work area
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.

Definition at line 1288 of file adin-cut.c.

Referenced by j_open_stream().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

boolean adin_end ( ADIn a  ) 

Call device-specific function to end capturing of the audio stream.

a [in] A/D-in work area
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.

Definition at line 1313 of file adin-cut.c.

Referenced by j_close_stream(), and j_recognize_stream_core().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void adin_free_param ( Recog recog  ) 

Free memories of A/D-in work area.

recog [in] engine instance

Definition at line 1337 of file adin-cut.c.

Referenced by j_recog_free().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

CN_CLUSTER* confnet_create ( WordGraph root,
RecogProcess r 

Create a confusion network from word graph.

root [in] root pointer of word graph
r [in] recognition process instance
root pointer to the cluster list.

Definition at line 697 of file confnet.c.

void graph_make_order ( WordGraph root,
RecogProcess r 

Extract order relationship between any two words in the word graph for confusion network generation.

root [in] root pointer to the word graph
r [in] recognition process instance

Definition at line 154 of file confnet.c.

void cn_free_all ( CN_CLUSTER **  croot  ) 

Free all cluster holders.

croot [out] pointer to root pointer of cluster holder list.

Definition at line 258 of file confnet.c.

Referenced by clear_result().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void callback_init ( Recog recog  ) 

Initialize callback management area.

recog [i/o] engine instance

Definition at line 53 of file callback.c.

Referenced by j_recog_new().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void callback_exec ( int  code,
Recog recog 

Execute all functions assigned to a callback registory.

code [in] callback code
recog [in] engine instance.

Definition at line 233 of file callback.c.

Referenced by adin_go(), callback_check_in_adin(), decode_proceed(), get_back_trellis(), gmm_end(), j_open_stream(), j_recognize_stream(), j_recognize_stream_core(), proceed_one_frame(), RealTimeParam(), RealTimeResume(), and result_error().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void callback_exec_adin ( int  code,
Recog recog,
SP16 buf,
int  len 

Execute all functions assigned to a A/D-in callback.

code [in] callbcak code
recog [in] engine instance
buf [in] buffer that holds the current input speech which will be passed to the functions
len [in] length of buf

Definition at line 265 of file callback.c.

Referenced by adin_cut().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int adin_cut_callback_store_buffer ( SP16 now,
int  len,
Recog recog 

adin_go() callback to score triggered inputs to buffer.

This function records the incomping speech segments detected in adin_go() to recog->speech. This function will be used when recognition runs in buffered mode (= non-realtime mode).

now [in] input speech samples.
len [in] length of now in samples
recog [i/o] engine instance
-1 on error (tell adin_go() to terminate), 0 on success (tell adin_go() to continue recording), or 1 when this function requires input segmentation.

Definition at line 385 of file recogmain.c.

Referenced by j_recognize_stream_core(), and RealTimePipeLine().

SentenceAlign* result_align_new (  ) 

allocate storage of recognition alignment results.

the new pointer

Definition at line 210 of file recogmain.c.

Referenced by do_alignment_all().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void result_align_free ( SentenceAlign a  ) 

free storage of recognition alignment results.

a [i/o] alignment data to be released

Definition at line 242 of file recogmain.c.

Referenced by result_sentence_free().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void result_sentence_malloc ( RecogProcess r,
int  num 

Allocate storage of recognition results.

r [out] recognition process instance
num [in] number of sentences to be output

Definition at line 270 of file recogmain.c.

Referenced by j_recognize_stream_core().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void result_sentence_free ( RecogProcess r  ) 

Free storage of recognition results.

r [i/o] recognition process instance

Definition at line 292 of file recogmain.c.

Referenced by clear_result().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void clear_result ( RecogProcess r  ) 

Clear all result storages for next input.

r [in] recognition process instance.

Definition at line 324 of file recogmain.c.

Referenced by j_recognize_stream_core().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

boolean plugin_load_file ( char *  file  ) 

Load a plugin file.

file [in] plugin file path
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.

Definition at line 156 of file plugin.c.

Referenced by plugin_load_dir().

boolean plugin_load_dir ( char *  dir  ) 

Search for plugin file in a directory and load them.

dir [in] directory
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure

Definition at line 235 of file plugin.c.

Referenced by plugin_load_dirs().

void plugin_load_dirs ( char *  dirent  ) 

read in plugins in multiple directories

dirent [i/o] directory entry in form of "dir1:dir2:dir3:...".

Definition at line 268 of file plugin.c.

Referenced by opt_parse().

Generated on Thu Jul 23 12:13:26 2009 for Julius by  doxygen 1.5.1