libjulius/src/hmm_check.c File Reference

Triphone checker on word dictionary. More...

#include <julius/julius.h>

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#define PHSTEP   10
 Malloc step for phoneme conversion.


static HMM_Logical ** new_str2phseq (char *str, HTK_HMM_INFO *hmminfo, int *len_ret)
 Convert phoneme sequences to logical HMM sequences, and output the result.
static boolean test_expand_triphone (HTK_HMM_INFO *hmminfo)
 Read in line from stdin as phoneme sequence and try convertion to triphone for checking.
void hmm_check (RecogProcess *r)
 Mode to do interactive triphone conversion check ("-check triphone").

Detailed Description

Triphone checker on word dictionary.

Akinobu LEE
Thu Mar 17 20:50:07 2005

Definition in file hmm_check.c.

Function Documentation

static HMM_Logical** new_str2phseq ( char *  str,
HTK_HMM_INFO hmminfo,
int *  len_ret 
) [static]

Convert phoneme sequences to logical HMM sequences, and output the result.

This function is for testing procedure to convert words in dictionary to corresponding HMM sequences in Julius/Julian, given an HMMList and HTK HMM definition.

Given a space-separated list of phoneme names in a string, each phonemes will be converted to context-dependent style (if using triphone model), and then converted to HMM sequence that will finally be used for recognition. Then, the following data will be output for all HMM:

Additionally, specifying '|' in the string gives a word boundary between phonemes, and triphone conversion will consider the cross-word expansion.

str [i/o] string that contains space-saparated phoneme sequence.
hmminfo [in] HMM definition structure
len_ret [out] num of elements in the return value
the newly allocated pointer array to the converted logical HMMs.

Definition at line 81 of file hmm_check.c.

Referenced by test_expand_triphone().

static boolean test_expand_triphone ( HTK_HMM_INFO hmminfo  )  [static]

Read in line from stdin as phoneme sequence and try convertion to triphone for checking.

hmminfo [in] HMM definition structure

Definition at line 260 of file hmm_check.c.

Referenced by hmm_check().

void hmm_check ( RecogProcess r  ) 

Mode to do interactive triphone conversion check ("-check triphone").

r [in] recognition process instance

Definition at line 303 of file hmm_check.c.

Referenced by j_launch_recognition_instance().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

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