libsent/include/sent/htk_hmm.h File Reference

Data structures for handling HTK HMM definition. More...

#include <sent/stddefs.h>
#include <sent/htk_defs.h>
#include <sent/ptree.h>
#include <sent/mfcc.h>
#include <sent/htk_param.h>

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  HTK_HMM_StreamInfo
 Stream information (although current Julius supports only single stream). More...
struct  HTK_HMM_Options
 HMM Option More...
struct  _HTK_HMM_trans
 HMM transition table More...
struct  _HTK_HMM_variance
 HMM variance data More...
struct  _HTK_HMM_dens
 HMM Gaussian density (or mixture) data More...
struct  _HTK_HMM_stream_weight
 HMM stream weight definition More...
struct  _HTK_HMM_PDF
 HMM mixture PDF for a stream More...
struct  _HTK_HMM_state
 HMM state data More...
struct  _HTK_HMM_data
 Top HMM model, corresponds to "~h" macro in hmmdefs. More...
 Gaussian mixture codebook in tied-mixture model. More...
struct  GS_SET
 Set of HMM states for Gaussian Mixture Selection. More...
struct  CD_State_Set
 Context-dependent state set, equivalent to HTK_HMM_State, part of pseudo phone. More...
struct  _cd_set
 Context-dependent HMM set (called "pseudo") for a logical context. More...
 Top structure to hold all the HMM sets. More...
struct  _HMM_logical
 Logical HMM to map logical names to physical/pseudo HMM. More...
 Basephone information extracted from hmminfo. More...
struct  HMM_basephone
 List of all basephone in hmminfo. More...
struct  HTK_HMM_INFO
 Top HMM structure that holds all the HTK HMM definition. More...


#define currentis(A)   (!strcasecmp(A, rdhmmdef_token))
 Macro to check whether the next token is "A".
#define NoTokErr(S)   if (!rdhmmdef_token) rderr(S)
 Macro to jump to error if no token left.
#define HMMDEF_DELM   " \t\n<>"
 Delimiter string for parsing HMM definition file.
#define MAX_STATE_NUM   2147483647
 Possible maximum value of state ID (in unsigned short).
#define HMM_RC_DLIM   "+"
 Delimiter strings/characters to generate logical triphone names Right context delimiter in string.
#define HMM_LC_DLIM   "-"
 Left context delimiter in string.
#define HMM_RC_DLIM_C   '+'
 Right context delimiter in character.
#define HMM_LC_DLIM_C   '-'
 Left context delimiter in character.
 Default logical name of short pause model.
#define MAX_HMMNAME_LEN   256
 Length limit of HMM name (including ones generated in Julius).


typedef _HTK_HMM_trans HTK_HMM_Trans
 HMM transition table
typedef _HTK_HMM_variance HTK_HMM_Var
 HMM variance data
typedef _HTK_HMM_dens HTK_HMM_Dens
 HMM Gaussian density (or mixture) data
typedef _HTK_HMM_stream_weight HTK_HMM_StreamWeight
 HMM stream weight definition
 HMM mixture PDF for a stream
typedef _HTK_HMM_state HTK_HMM_State
 HMM state data
typedef _HTK_HMM_data HTK_HMM_Data
 Top HMM model, corresponds to "~h" macro in hmmdefs.
typedef _cd_set CD_Set
 Context-dependent HMM set (called "pseudo") for a logical context.
typedef _HMM_logical HMM_Logical
 Logical HMM to map logical names to physical/pseudo HMM.


 Specify method of calculating approximated acoustic score at inter-word context pseudo phones on word edge. More...


void htk_hmm_set_pause_model (HTK_HMM_INFO *hmminfo, char *spmodel_name)
 Set up pause model.
void rderr (char *str)
 Output error message, with current reading status, and terminate.
char * read_token (FILE *fp)
 Read next token and ste it to rdhmmdef_token.
boolean rdhmmdef (FILE *, HTK_HMM_INFO *)
 Main top routine to read in HTK HMM definition file.
void htk_hmm_inverse_variances (HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm)
 Invert all the variance values.
boolean set_global_opt (FILE *fp, HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm)
 Set global options starting at the current token to HMM definition data.
char * get_cov_str (short covtype)
 Get covariance option name string from its type code.
char * get_dur_str (short durtype)
 Get duration option name string from its type code.
void trans_add (HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm, HTK_HMM_Trans *newParam)
 Add a new data to the global structure.
HTK_HMM_Transget_trans_data (FILE *, HTK_HMM_INFO *)
 Return a pointer to the data located at the current point.
void def_trans_macro (char *, FILE *, HTK_HMM_INFO *)
 Read a new data and store it as a macro.
HTK_HMM_Stateget_state_data (FILE *, HTK_HMM_INFO *)
 Return a pointer to the data located at the current point.
void def_state_macro (char *, FILE *, HTK_HMM_INFO *)
 Read a new data and store it as a macro.
HTK_HMM_Statestate_lookup (HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm, char *keyname)
 Look up a data macro by the name.
void state_add (HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm, HTK_HMM_State *newParam)
 Add a new data to the global structure.
void mpdf_add (HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm, HTK_HMM_PDF *newParam)
 Add a new data to the global structure.
HTK_HMM_PDFmpdf_lookup (HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm, char *keyname)
 Look up a data macro by the name.
HTK_HMM_PDFget_mpdf_data (FILE *fp, HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm, int mix_num, short stream_id)
 Return a pointer to the data located at the current point.
void def_mpdf_macro (char *name, FILE *fp, HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm)
 Read a new data and store it as a macro.
HTK_HMM_Densget_dens_data (FILE *, HTK_HMM_INFO *)
 Return a pointer to the data located at the current point.
void def_dens_macro (char *, FILE *, HTK_HMM_INFO *)
 Read a new data and store it as a macro.
HTK_HMM_Densdens_lookup (HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm, char *keyname)
 Look up a data macro by the name.
void dens_add (HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm, HTK_HMM_Dens *newParam)
 Add a new data to the global structure.
HTK_HMM_Varget_var_data (FILE *, HTK_HMM_INFO *)
 Return a pointer to the data located at the current point.
void def_var_macro (char *, FILE *, HTK_HMM_INFO *)
 Read a new data and store it as a macro.
void var_add (HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm, HTK_HMM_Var *newParam)
 Add a new data to the global structure.
HTK_HMM_StreamWeightget_streamweight_data (FILE *fp, HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm)
 Return a pointer to the data located at the current point.
void def_streamweight_macro (char *, FILE *, HTK_HMM_INFO *)
 Read a stream weight definition and store it as a macro.
void sw_add (HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm, HTK_HMM_StreamWeight *newParam)
 Add a new data to the global structure.
void def_HMM (char *, FILE *, HTK_HMM_INFO *)
 Read a new data and store it as a macro.
HTK_HMM_Datahtk_hmmdata_new (HTK_HMM_INFO *)
 Allocate a new data and return it.
void htk_hmmdata_add (HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm, HTK_HMM_Data *newParam)
 Add a new data to the global structure.
void tmix_read (FILE *fp, HTK_HMM_PDF *mpdf, HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm)
 Read a codebook name and weights, build the codebook structure on demand, and assigns them to the current mixture PDF.
void codebook_add (HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm, GCODEBOOK *newParam)
 Add a new data to the global structure.
void def_regtree_macro (char *name, FILE *fp, HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm)
 Skip a regression tree data or its macro reference.
boolean rdhmmlist (FILE *fp, HTK_HMM_INFO *hmminfo)
 Read a HMMList file and build initial logical triphone list.
boolean save_hmmlist_bin (FILE *fp, HTK_HMM_INFO *hmminfo)
boolean load_hmmlist_bin (FILE *fp, HTK_HMM_INFO *hmminfo)
void put_htk_trans (FILE *fp, HTK_HMM_Trans *t)
 Output transition matrix.
void put_htk_var (FILE *fp, HTK_HMM_Var *v)
 Output variance vector (diagonal).
void put_htk_dens (FILE *fp, HTK_HMM_Dens *d)
 Output a density information, mean and variance.
void put_htk_mpdf (FILE *fp, HTK_HMM_PDF *m)
 Output a mixture component.
void put_htk_state (FILE *fp, HTK_HMM_State *s)
 Output a state.
void put_htk_hmm (FILE *fp, HTK_HMM_Data *h)
 Output HMM model, number of states and information for each state.
void put_logical_hmm (FILE *fp, HMM_Logical *l)
 Output logical HMM data and its mapping status.
void print_hmmdef_info (FILE *fp, HTK_HMM_INFO *)
 Output total statistic informations of the HMM definition data.
HTK_HMM_INFOhmminfo_new ()
 Allocate memory for a new HMM definition data.
boolean hmminfo_free (HTK_HMM_INFO *)
 Free memory of an HMM.
boolean init_hmminfo (HTK_HMM_INFO *hmminfo, char *filename, char *mapfile, Value *para)
 Load HTK HMM definition file and HMMList file, and setup phone HMM information.
HTK_HMM_Datahtk_hmmdata_lookup_physical (HTK_HMM_INFO *, char *)
 Look up physical (defined in HTK HMM definition file) HMM by its name.
HMM_Logicalhtk_hmmdata_lookup_logical (HTK_HMM_INFO *, char *)
 Look up logical HMM by its name.
void hmm_add_physical_to_logical (HTK_HMM_INFO *)
 Add all physical HMM to logical HMM.
void hmm_add_pseudo_phones (HTK_HMM_INFO *hmminfo)
 Update logical HMM list by adding all the possible pseudo monophone and biphone to the list.
void make_hmm_basephone_list (HTK_HMM_INFO *hmminfo)
 Build a list of base phones by gathering center phones of the defined HMM.
boolean htk_hmm_has_several_arc_on_edge (HTK_HMM_INFO *hmminfo)
 Return TRUE if it has more than one arc from initial state, or to the final state.
boolean check_hmm_limit (HTK_HMM_Data *dt)
 Check if the transition matrix conforms the ristrictions of Julius.
boolean check_all_hmm_limit (HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm)
 Check all the HMM definitions in a HTK HMM definition data.
boolean check_hmm_options (HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm)
 Check if the required parameter type in this HMM can be handled by Julius.
boolean is_skippable_model (HTK_HMM_Data *d)
 Check if the model has direct transition from initial state to final state, skipping all the output state.
boolean guess_if_cd_hmm (HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm)
 Guess whether the given HMM definition contains context-dependent modeling, just by the naming rule.
HMM_Logicalget_right_context_HMM (HMM_Logical *base, char *rc_name, HTK_HMM_INFO *hmminfo)
 Search for right context HMM in logical HMM.
HMM_Logicalget_left_context_HMM (HMM_Logical *base, char *lc_name, HTK_HMM_INFO *hmminfo)
 Search for left context HMM in logical HMM.
void add_right_context (char name[], char *rc)
 Generate context-dependent phone name from base phone name and its right context phone name.
void add_left_context (char name[], char *lc)
 Generate context-dependent phone name from base phone name and its left context phone name.
char * center_name (char *hmmname, char *buf)
 Extract the center phone name and copy to the specified buffer.
char * leftcenter_name (char *hmmname, char *buf)
 Return "left - center" phone name, modifying buf.
char * rightcenter_name (char *hmmname, char *buf)
 Return "center + right" phone name, modifying buf.
boolean regist_cdset (APATNODE **root, HTK_HMM_Data *d, char *cdname, BMALLOC_BASE **mroot)
 Register a physical HMM as a member of a pseudo phone set.
boolean make_cdset (HTK_HMM_INFO *hmminfo)
 Construct the whole pseudo HMM information, and also add them to the logical Triphone tree.
void put_all_cdinfo (HTK_HMM_INFO *hmminfo)
 Output all pseudo phone set information to stdout.
void free_cdset (APATNODE **root, BMALLOC_BASE **mroot)
 Remove all the registered category-indexed pseudo state sets.
CD_Setcdset_lookup (HTK_HMM_INFO *hmminfo, char *cdstr)
 Look up for a pseudo phone with the name, and return the content.
CD_Setlcdset_lookup_by_hmmname (HTK_HMM_INFO *hmminfo, char *hmmname)
 Look up for a pseudo phone by the "left - center" name of the given phone name.
CD_Setrcdset_lookup_by_hmmname (HTK_HMM_INFO *hmminfo, char *hmmname)
 Look up for a pseudo phone by the "center + right" name of the given phone name.
int hmm_logical_state_num (HMM_Logical *lg)
 Generic function to get the number of states in a logical HMM.
HTK_HMM_Transhmm_logical_trans (HMM_Logical *lg)
 Generic function to get transition matrix of a logical HMM.
boolean check_param_coherence (HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm, HTK_Param *pinfo)
 Check if an input parameter type exactly matches that of HMM.
boolean check_param_basetype (HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm, HTK_Param *pinfo)
 Check if the base type of input parameter matches that of HMM.
int param_check_and_adjust (HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm, HTK_Param *pinfo, boolean vflag)
 Top function to adjust parameter.
boolean write_binhmm (FILE *fp, HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm, Value *para)
 Top function to write HMM definition data to a binary file.
boolean read_binhmm (FILE *fp, HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm, boolean gzfile_p, Value *para)
 Top function to read a binary HMM file from fp.

Detailed Description

Data structures for handling HTK HMM definition.

This file defines data structures for HMM definition file in HTK format.

Akinobu LEE
Thu Feb 10 19:36:47 2005

Definition in file htk_hmm.h.

Function Documentation

void htk_hmm_set_pause_model ( HTK_HMM_INFO hmminfo,
char *  spmodel_name 

Set up pause model.

hmminfo [i/o] HMM definition data
spmodel_name [in] name string of short pause model

Definition at line 238 of file init_phmm.c.

Referenced by initialize_HMM().

void rderr ( char *  str  ) 

Output error message, with current reading status, and terminate.

str [in] error string

Definition at line 61 of file rdhmmdef.c.

Referenced by codebook_add(), def_mpdf_macro(), def_regtree_macro(), dens_add(), dens_read(), get_dens_data(), get_mpdf_data(), get_opttype_str(), get_state_data(), get_streamweight_data(), get_trans_data(), get_var_data(), htk_hmmdata_add(), htk_hmmdata_read(), mpdf_add(), mpdf_read(), rdhmmdef(), read_global_opt(), state_add(), state_read(), sw_add(), sw_read(), tmix_read(), trans_add(), trans_read(), var_add(), and var_read().

char* read_token ( FILE *  fp  ) 

Read next token and ste it to rdhmmdef_token.

fp [in] file pointer
the pointer to the read token, or NULL on end of file or error.

Definition at line 80 of file rdhmmdef.c.

Referenced by dens_read(), get_dens_data(), get_mpdf_data(), get_state_data(), get_streamweight_data(), get_trans_data(), get_var_data(), htk_hmmdata_read(), mpdf_read(), rdhmmdef(), read_global_opt(), regtree_read(), state_read(), sw_read(), tmix_read(), trans_read(), and var_read().

boolean rdhmmdef ( FILE *  fp,

Main top routine to read in HTK HMM definition file.

A HTK HMM definition file will be read from fp. After reading, the parameter type is checked and calculate some statistics.

fp [in] file pointer
hmm [out] pointer to a HMM definition structure to store data.
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.

Definition at line 184 of file rdhmmdef.c.

Referenced by init_hmminfo().

void htk_hmm_inverse_variances ( HTK_HMM_INFO hmm  ) 

Invert all the variance values.

hmm [i/o] HMM definition data to modify.

Definition at line 130 of file rdhmmdef.c.

Referenced by gmm_init(), outprob_init(), rdhmmdef(), and read_binhmm().

boolean set_global_opt ( FILE *  fp,

Set global options starting at the current token to HMM definition data.

fp [in] file pointer
hmm [out] HMM definition data to store the global options
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure or error.

Definition at line 146 of file rdhmmdef_options.c.

Referenced by rdhmmdef().

char* get_cov_str ( short  covtype  ) 

Get covariance option name string from its type code.

covtype [in] type code to search
the name string if found, or NULL if not found.

Definition at line 197 of file rdhmmdef_options.c.

char* get_dur_str ( short  durtype  ) 

Get duration option name string from its type code.

durtype [in] type code to search
the name string if found, or NULL if not found.

Definition at line 210 of file rdhmmdef_options.c.

void trans_add ( HTK_HMM_INFO hmm,
HTK_HMM_Trans new 

Add a new data to the global structure.

hmm [i/o] HMM definition data to store it
new [in] new data to be added

Definition at line 61 of file rdhmmdef_trans.c.

Referenced by def_trans_macro(), get_trans_data(), and rd_trans().

HTK_HMM_Trans* get_trans_data ( FILE *  fp,

Return a pointer to the data located at the current point.

If the current point is a macro reference, the pointer to the already defined data will be searched and returned. Otherwise, the definition of the data will be read from the current point and pointer to the newly allocated data will be returned.

fp [in] file pointer
hmm [i/o] HMM definition data
pointer to the data located at the current point.

Definition at line 173 of file rdhmmdef_trans.c.

Referenced by htk_hmmdata_read().

void def_trans_macro ( char *  name,
FILE *  fp,

Read a new data and store it as a macro.

name [in] macro name
fp [in] file pointer
hmm [i/o] HMM definition data

Definition at line 208 of file rdhmmdef_trans.c.

Referenced by rdhmmdef().

HTK_HMM_State* get_state_data ( FILE *  fp,

Return a pointer to the data located at the current point.

If the current point is a macro reference, the pointer to the already defined data will be searched and returned. Otherwise, the definition of the data will be read from the current point and pointer to the newly allocated data will be returned.

fp [in] file pointer
hmm [i/o] HMM definition data
pointer to the data located at the current point.

Definition at line 187 of file rdhmmdef_state.c.

Referenced by htk_hmmdata_read().

void def_state_macro ( char *  name,
FILE *  fp,

Read a new data and store it as a macro.

name [in] macro name
fp [in] file pointer
hmm [i/o] HMM definition data

Definition at line 224 of file rdhmmdef_state.c.

Referenced by rdhmmdef().

HTK_HMM_State* state_lookup ( HTK_HMM_INFO hmm,
char *  keyname 

Look up a data macro by the name.

hmm [in] HMM definition data
keyname [in] macro name to find
pointer to the found data, or NULL if not found.

Definition at line 96 of file rdhmmdef_state.c.

Referenced by get_state_data().

void state_add ( HTK_HMM_INFO hmm,
HTK_HMM_State new 

Add a new data to the global structure.

hmm [i/o] HMM definition data to store it
new [in] new data to be added

Definition at line 62 of file rdhmmdef_state.c.

Referenced by def_state_macro(), get_state_data(), and rd_state().

void mpdf_add ( HTK_HMM_INFO hmm,

Add a new data to the global structure.

hmm [i/o] HMM definition data to store it
new [in] new data to be added

Definition at line 60 of file rdhmmdef_mpdf.c.

Referenced by def_mpdf_macro(), get_mpdf_data(), rd_mpdf(), and rd_state().

HTK_HMM_PDF* mpdf_lookup ( HTK_HMM_INFO hmm,
char *  keyname 

Look up a data macro by the name.

hmm [in] HMM definition data
keyname [in] macro name to find
pointer to the found data, or NULL if not found.

Definition at line 93 of file rdhmmdef_mpdf.c.

Referenced by get_mpdf_data().

HTK_HMM_PDF* get_mpdf_data ( FILE *  fp,
int  mix_num,
short  stream_id 

Return a pointer to the data located at the current point.

If the current point is a macro reference, the pointer to the already defined data will be searched and returned. Otherwise, the definition of the data will be read from the current point and pointer to the newly allocated data will be returned.

fp [in] file pointer
hmm [i/o] HMM definition data
mix_num [in] num of Gaussians to be read, or -1 if not specified
stream_id [in] stream ID, or -1 if not specified yet
pointer to the data located at the current point.

Definition at line 217 of file rdhmmdef_mpdf.c.

Referenced by state_read().

void def_mpdf_macro ( char *  name,
FILE *  fp,

Read a new data and store it as a macro.

name [in] macro name
fp [in] file pointer
hmm [i/o] HMM definition data

Definition at line 265 of file rdhmmdef_mpdf.c.

Referenced by rdhmmdef().

HTK_HMM_Dens* get_dens_data ( FILE *  fp,

Return a pointer to the data located at the current point.

If the current point is a macro reference, the pointer to the already defined data will be searched and returned. Otherwise, the definition of the data will be read from the current point and pointer to the newly allocated data will be returned.

fp [in] file pointer
hmm [i/o] HMM definition data
pointer to the data located at the current point.

Definition at line 200 of file rdhmmdef_dens.c.

Referenced by mpdf_read().

void def_dens_macro ( char *  name,
FILE *  fp,

Read a new data and store it as a macro.

name [in] macro name
fp [in] file pointer
hmm [i/o] HMM definition data

Definition at line 234 of file rdhmmdef_dens.c.

Referenced by rdhmmdef().

HTK_HMM_Dens* dens_lookup ( HTK_HMM_INFO hmm,
char *  keyname 

Look up a data macro by the name.

hmm [in] HMM definition data
keyname [in] macro name to find
pointer to the found data, or NULL if not found.

Definition at line 113 of file rdhmmdef_dens.c.

Referenced by get_dens_data(), and tmix_create_codebook_index().

void dens_add ( HTK_HMM_INFO hmm,
HTK_HMM_Dens new 

Add a new data to the global structure.

hmm [i/o] HMM definition data to store it
new [in] new data to be added

Definition at line 80 of file rdhmmdef_dens.c.

Referenced by def_dens_macro(), get_dens_data(), and rd_dens().

HTK_HMM_Var* get_var_data ( FILE *  fp,

Return a pointer to the data located at the current point.

If the current point is a macro reference, the pointer to the already defined data will be searched and returned. Otherwise, the definition of the data will be read from the current point and pointer to the newly allocated data will be returned.

fp [in] file pointer
hmm [i/o] HMM definition data
pointer to the data located at the current point.

Definition at line 163 of file rdhmmdef_var.c.

Referenced by dens_read().

void def_var_macro ( char *  name,
FILE *  fp,

Read a new data and store it as a macro.

name [in] macro name
fp [in] file pointer
hmm [i/o] HMM definition data

Definition at line 198 of file rdhmmdef_var.c.

Referenced by rdhmmdef().

void var_add ( HTK_HMM_INFO hmm,
HTK_HMM_Var new 

Add a new data to the global structure.

hmm [i/o] HMM definition data to store it
new [in] new data to be added

Definition at line 59 of file rdhmmdef_var.c.

Referenced by def_var_macro(), get_var_data(), and rd_var().

HTK_HMM_StreamWeight* get_streamweight_data ( FILE *  fp,

Return a pointer to the data located at the current point.

If the current point is a macro reference, the pointer to the already defined data will be searched and returned. Otherwise, the definition of the data will be read from the current point and pointer to the newly allocated data will be returned.

fp [in] file pointer
hmm [i/o] HMM definition data
pointer to the data located at the current point.

Definition at line 159 of file rdhmmdef_streamweight.c.

Referenced by state_read().

void def_streamweight_macro ( char *  name,
FILE *  fp,

Read a stream weight definition and store it as a macro.

name [in] macro name
fp [in] file pointer
hmm [i/o] HMM definition data

Definition at line 194 of file rdhmmdef_streamweight.c.

Referenced by rdhmmdef().

void sw_add ( HTK_HMM_INFO hmm,
HTK_HMM_StreamWeight new 

Add a new data to the global structure.

hmm [i/o] HMM definition data to store it
new [in] new data to be added

Definition at line 57 of file rdhmmdef_streamweight.c.

Referenced by def_streamweight_macro(), get_streamweight_data(), and rd_streamweight().

void def_HMM ( char *  name,
FILE *  fp,

Read a new data and store it as a macro.

name [in] macro name
fp [in] file pointer
hmm [i/o] HMM definition data

Definition at line 160 of file rdhmmdef_data.c.

Referenced by rdhmmdef().

HTK_HMM_Data* htk_hmmdata_new ( HTK_HMM_INFO hmminfo  ) 

Allocate a new data and return it.

pointer to newly allocated data.

Definition at line 36 of file rdhmmdef_data.c.

Referenced by htk_hmmdata_read().

void htk_hmmdata_add ( HTK_HMM_INFO hmm,
HTK_HMM_Data new 

Add a new data to the global structure.

hmm [i/o] HMM definition data to store it
new [in] new data to be added

Definition at line 58 of file rdhmmdef_data.c.

Referenced by def_HMM(), and rd_data().

void tmix_read ( FILE *  fp,

Read a codebook name and weights, build the codebook structure on demand, and assigns them to the current mixture PDF.

The required codebook on the current token will be assigned to this mpdf. If the corresponding codebook structure is not built yet, it will be constructed here on demand by gathering corresponding mixture density definitions. Then this mpdf will store the pointer to the codebook, together with its own mixture weights in the following tokens.

fp [in] file pointer
mpdf [i/o] current HMM mixture PDF to hold pointer to the codebook and their weights
hmm [i/o] HMM definition data, codebook statistics and tied-mixture marker will be modified.

Definition at line 137 of file rdhmmdef_tiedmix.c.

Referenced by mpdf_read().

void codebook_add ( HTK_HMM_INFO hmm,

Add a new data to the global structure.

hmm [i/o] HMM definition data to store it
new [in] new data to be added

Definition at line 59 of file rdhmmdef_tiedmix.c.

Referenced by rd_tmix(), and tmix_read().

void def_regtree_macro ( char *  name,
FILE *  fp,

Skip a regression tree data or its macro reference.

name [in] macro name
fp [in] file pointer
hmm [in] HMM definition data

Definition at line 72 of file rdhmmdef_regtree.c.

Referenced by rdhmmdef().

boolean rdhmmlist ( FILE *  fp,
HTK_HMM_INFO hmminfo 

Read a HMMList file and build initial logical triphone list.

fp [in] file pointer
hmminfo [i/o] HMM definition data to store the logical phone list
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.

Definition at line 69 of file rdhmmlist.c.

Referenced by init_hmminfo().

void put_htk_trans ( FILE *  fp,
HTK_HMM_Trans t 

Output transition matrix.

fp [in] file descriptor
t [in] pointer to a transion matrix

Definition at line 39 of file put_htkdata_info.c.

Referenced by check_hmm_limit(), and put_htk_hmm().

void put_htk_var ( FILE *  fp,
HTK_HMM_Var v 

Output variance vector (diagonal).

fp [in] file descriptor
v [in] pointer to a variance data

Definition at line 63 of file put_htkdata_info.c.

Referenced by put_htk_dens().

void put_htk_dens ( FILE *  fp,
HTK_HMM_Dens d 

Output a density information, mean and variance.

fp [in] file descriptor
d [in] pointer to a density data

Definition at line 86 of file put_htkdata_info.c.

Referenced by put_htk_mpdf().

void put_htk_mpdf ( FILE *  fp,

Output a mixture component.

fp [in] file descriptor
m [in] pointer to HMM mixture PDF

Definition at line 111 of file put_htkdata_info.c.

Referenced by put_htk_state().

void put_htk_state ( FILE *  fp,
HTK_HMM_State s 

Output a state.

fp [in] file descriptor
s [in] pointer to HMM state

Definition at line 142 of file put_htkdata_info.c.

Referenced by put_hmm_outprob(), and put_htk_hmm().

void put_htk_hmm ( FILE *  fp,
HTK_HMM_Data h 

Output HMM model, number of states and information for each state.

fp [in] file descriptor
h [in] pointer to HMM model

Definition at line 173 of file put_htkdata_info.c.

void put_logical_hmm ( FILE *  fp,
HMM_Logical logical 

Output logical HMM data and its mapping status.

fp [in] file descriptor
logical [in] pointer to a logical HMM

Definition at line 194 of file put_htkdata_info.c.

Referenced by print_hmminfo().

void print_hmmdef_info ( FILE *  fp,
HTK_HMM_INFO hmminfo 

Output total statistic informations of the HMM definition data.

fp [in] file descriptor
hmminfo [in] HMM definition data.

Definition at line 348 of file put_htkdata_info.c.

Referenced by print_engine_info().

HTK_HMM_INFO* hmminfo_new (  ) 

Allocate memory for a new HMM definition data.

pointer to the newly allocated HMM definition data.

Definition at line 34 of file init_phmm.c.

Referenced by initialize_GMM(), initialize_GSHMM(), and initialize_HMM().

boolean hmminfo_free ( HTK_HMM_INFO hmm  ) 

Free memory of an HMM.

hmm [i/o] HMM definition data
TRUE on success, or FALSE if failed.

Definition at line 97 of file init_phmm.c.

Referenced by initialize_GMM(), initialize_GSHMM(), initialize_HMM(), j_process_am_free(), and j_recog_free().

boolean init_hmminfo ( HTK_HMM_INFO hmminfo,
char *  hmmfilename,
char *  namemapfile,
Value para 

Load HTK HMM definition file and HMMList file, and setup phone HMM information.

First try ascii format, then try binary format.

hmminfo [out] pointer to store all the HMM definition data.
hmmfilename [in] file name of HTK HMM definition file, NULL if not.
namemapfile [in] file name of HMMList mapping file.
para [out] store acoustic analysis condition parameters if exist in hmmfilename.

Definition at line 123 of file init_phmm.c.

Referenced by initialize_GMM(), initialize_GSHMM(), and initialize_HMM().

HTK_HMM_Data* htk_hmmdata_lookup_physical ( HTK_HMM_INFO hmminfo,
char *  keyname 

Look up physical (defined in HTK HMM definition file) HMM by its name.

hmminfo [in] HMM definition data
keyname [in] key string of HMM name
pointer to the found physical HMM, NULL if not found.

Definition at line 63 of file hmm_lookup.c.

Referenced by rdhmmlist().

HMM_Logical* htk_hmmdata_lookup_logical ( HTK_HMM_INFO hmminfo,
char *  keyname 

Look up logical HMM by its name.

hmminfo [in] HMM definition data
keyname [in] key string of HMM name
pointer to the found logical HMM, NULL if not found.

Definition at line 83 of file hmm_lookup.c.

Referenced by get_left_context_HMM(), get_right_context_HMM(), htk_hmm_set_pause_model(), print_hmminfo(), triphone_callback_normal(), triphone_callback_right(), voca_load_htkdict_line(), voca_load_wordlist_line(), and voca_mono2tri().

void hmm_add_physical_to_logical ( HTK_HMM_INFO hmminfo  ) 

Add all physical HMM to logical HMM.

This function should be called only if HMMList is not specified. Julius assumes all the triphones should be explicitly mapped using HMMList file.

hmminfo [in] HMM definition data.

Definition at line 120 of file hmm_lookup.c.

Referenced by init_hmminfo().

void hmm_add_pseudo_phones ( HTK_HMM_INFO hmminfo  ) 

Update logical HMM list by adding all the possible pseudo monophone and biphone to the list.

hmminfo [in] HMM definition data.

Definition at line 211 of file hmm_lookup.c.

Referenced by initialize_HMM().

void make_hmm_basephone_list ( HTK_HMM_INFO hmminfo  ) 

Build a list of base phones by gathering center phones of the defined HMM.

hmminfo [i/o] HMM definition data

Definition at line 48 of file chkhmmlist.c.

Referenced by init_hmminfo().

boolean htk_hmm_has_several_arc_on_edge ( HTK_HMM_INFO hmminfo  ) 

Return TRUE if it has more than one arc from initial state, or to the final state.

In such case, Julius should be run in multi-path version.

hmminfo [in] HMM definition
TRUE if has, or FALSE if not exist.

Definition at line 63 of file check_hmm_restriction.c.

Referenced by rdhmmdef(), and read_binhmm().

boolean check_hmm_limit ( HTK_HMM_Data dt  ) 

Check if the transition matrix conforms the ristrictions of Julius.

dt [in] HTK HMM model to check.
TRUE on success, FALSE if the check failed.

Definition at line 174 of file check_hmm_restriction.c.

Referenced by check_all_hmm_limit().

boolean check_all_hmm_limit ( HTK_HMM_INFO hmminfo  ) 

Check all the HMM definitions in a HTK HMM definition data.

hmminfo [in] HTK HMM data to check.
TRUE if there was no bad models, FALSE if at least one model is bad.

Definition at line 198 of file check_hmm_restriction.c.

Referenced by rdhmmdef().

boolean check_hmm_options ( HTK_HMM_INFO hmm  ) 

Check if the required parameter type in this HMM can be handled by Julius.

hmm [in] HMM definition data
TRUE if Julius supports it, otherwise return FALSE.

Definition at line 38 of file check_hmmtype.c.

Referenced by rdhmmdef().

boolean is_skippable_model ( HTK_HMM_Data d  ) 

Check if the model has direct transition from initial state to final state, skipping all the output state.

d [in] logical HMM
TRUE if it has direct transition from initial state to final state, that is, this is a "skippable" model. Otherwise, return FALSE.

Definition at line 232 of file check_hmm_restriction.c.

boolean guess_if_cd_hmm ( HTK_HMM_INFO hmminfo  ) 

Guess whether the given HMM definition contains context-dependent modeling, just by the naming rule.

hmminfo [in] target HMM definition
TRUE if the result is context-dependent model, FALSE if context-dependent model.

Definition at line 42 of file guess_cdHMM.c.

Referenced by init_hmminfo().

HMM_Logical* get_right_context_HMM ( HMM_Logical base,
char *  rc_name,
HTK_HMM_INFO hmminfo 

Search for right context HMM in logical HMM.

The name of a new right context HMM, given base phone HMM and a right context phone string, will be generated, and search it in the list of logical HMM. If found, return the pointer to the logical HMM.

base [in] base phone HMM
rc_name [in] right context phone name (allow context-dependent name)
hmminfo [in] HTK HMM definition data
the pointer to the logical HMM, or NULL if not found.

Definition at line 107 of file cdhmm.c.

Referenced by lcdset_register_with_category(), next_word(), scan_word(), and wordgraph_assign().

HMM_Logical* get_left_context_HMM ( HMM_Logical base,
char *  lc_name,
HTK_HMM_INFO hmminfo 

Search for left context HMM in logical HMM.

The name of a new left context HMM, given base phone HMM and a left context phone string, will be generated, and search it in the list of logical HMM. If found, return the pointer to the logical HMM.

base [in] base phone HMM
lc_name [in] left context phone name (allow context-dependent name)
hmminfo [in] HTK HMM definition data
the pointer to the logical HMM, or NULL if not found.

Definition at line 129 of file cdhmm.c.

Referenced by lcdset_register_with_category_all(), outprob_style(), scan_word(), and wordgraph_assign().

void add_right_context ( char  name[],
char *  rc 

Generate context-dependent phone name from base phone name and its right context phone name.

The center phone name of the right context name will be appended to the base phone name. If the phone name already has right context, it will be renamed to the new one.

name [i/o] string of phone name to be the base name (will be modified)
rc [in] right context phone name

Definition at line 46 of file cdhmm.c.

Referenced by error_missing_right_triphone(), get_right_context_HMM(), triphone_callback_normal(), and triphone_callback_right().

void add_left_context ( char  name[],
char *  lc 

Generate context-dependent phone name from base phone name and its left context phone name.

The center phone name of the left context name will be appended to the base phone name. If the phone name already has left context, it will be renamed to the new one.

name [i/o] string of phone name to be the base name (will be modified)
lc [in] left context phone name

Definition at line 73 of file cdhmm.c.

Referenced by error_missing_left_triphone(), get_left_context_HMM(), outprob_style(), triphone_callback_left(), and triphone_callback_normal().

char* center_name ( char *  hmmname,
char *  buf 

Extract the center phone name and copy to the specified buffer.

hmmname [in] string from which the center phone name will be extracted
buf [out] the extracted phone name will be written here
the argument buf.

Definition at line 145 of file cdhmm.c.

Referenced by add_left_context(), add_right_context(), edit_distance(), hmm_add_pseudo_phones(), make_cdset(), make_hmm_basephone_list(), mark_word_edge(), msock_word_out1(), msock_word_out2(), outfile_sentence(), put_hypo_phoneme(), result_pass1(), and voca_load_wordlist_line().

char* leftcenter_name ( char *  hmmname,
char *  buf 

Return "left - center" phone name, modifying buf.

hmmname [in] context-dependent phone name string
buf [out] resulting phone name
the argument buf.

Definition at line 176 of file cdhmm.c.

Referenced by hmm_add_pseudo_phones(), lcdset_lookup_by_hmmname(), lcdset_lookup_with_category(), lcdset_register_with_category(), make_cdset(), and voca_load_wordlist_line().

char* rightcenter_name ( char *  hmmname,
char *  buf 

Return "center + right" phone name, modifying buf.

hmmname [in] context-dependent phone name string
buf [out] resulting phone name
the argument buf.

Definition at line 198 of file cdhmm.c.

Referenced by hmm_add_pseudo_phones(), make_cdset(), rcdset_lookup_by_hmmname(), and voca_load_wordlist_line().

boolean regist_cdset ( APATNODE **  root,
HTK_HMM_Data d,
char *  cdname,
BMALLOC_BASE **  mroot 

Register a physical HMM as a member of a pseudo phone set.

root [i/o] root node of HMM search index node.
d [in] a physical defined HMM to be added.
cdname [in] name of the pseudo phone set.
TRUE if newly registered, FALSE if the specified physical HMM already exists in the pseudo phone.

Definition at line 207 of file cdset.c.

Referenced by lcdset_register_with_category(), and make_cdset().

boolean make_cdset ( HTK_HMM_INFO hmminfo  ) 

Construct the whole pseudo HMM information, and also add them to the logical Triphone tree.

hmminfo [i/o] HMM definition data. The generated data will also be stored within this.
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.

Definition at line 320 of file cdset.c.

Referenced by initialize_HMM().

void put_all_cdinfo ( HTK_HMM_INFO hmminfo  ) 

Output all pseudo phone set information to stdout.

hmminfo [in] HMM definition data that holds pseudo phone data.

Definition at line 191 of file cdset.c.

void free_cdset ( APATNODE **  root,
BMALLOC_BASE **  mroot 

Remove all the registered category-indexed pseudo state sets.

This function will be called when a grammar is changed to re-build the state sets.

root [i/o] pointer to hold the root index pointer

Definition at line 379 of file cdset.c.

Referenced by hmminfo_free(), and lcdset_remove_with_category_all().

CD_Set* cdset_lookup ( HTK_HMM_INFO hmminfo,
char *  cdstr 

Look up for a pseudo phone with the name, and return the content.

hmminfo [in] HMM information to search for.
cdstr [in] string of pseudo phone name to search.
pointer to the pseudo phone if found, or NULL if not found.

Definition at line 113 of file cdset.c.

Referenced by hmm_add_pseudo_phones_sub(), lcdset_lookup_by_hmmname(), and rcdset_lookup_by_hmmname().

CD_Set* lcdset_lookup_by_hmmname ( HTK_HMM_INFO hmminfo,
char *  hmmname 

Look up for a pseudo phone by the "left - center" name of the given phone name.

hmminfo [in] HMM information to search for.
hmmname [in] string of the phone name.
pointer to the pseudo phone if found, or NULL if not found.

Definition at line 133 of file cdset.c.

Referenced by outprob_style(), and wchmm_add_word().

CD_Set* rcdset_lookup_by_hmmname ( HTK_HMM_INFO hmminfo,
char *  hmmname 

Look up for a pseudo phone by the "center + right" name of the given phone name.

hmminfo [in] HMM information to search for.
hmmname [in] string of the phone name.
pointer to the pseudo phone if found, or NULL if not found.

Definition at line 149 of file cdset.c.

int hmm_logical_state_num ( HMM_Logical lg  ) 

Generic function to get the number of states in a logical HMM.

lg [in] logical HMM
the number of states in the logical HMM.

Definition at line 255 of file hmm_lookup.c.

Referenced by adjust_sc_index(), do_align(), get_outtrans_list(), max_out_arc(), new_make_word_hmm_with_lm(), scan_word(), totalstatelen(), voca_set_stats(), wchmm_add_word(), wchmm_duplicate_leafnode(), wchmm_duplicate_state(), and wchmm_link_subword().

HTK_HMM_Trans* hmm_logical_trans ( HMM_Logical lg  ) 

Generic function to get transition matrix of a logical HMM.

lg [in] logical HMM
pointer to the transition matrix of the logical HMM.

Definition at line 271 of file hmm_lookup.c.

Referenced by adjust_sc_index(), get_outtrans_list(), max_out_arc(), wchmm_calc_wordend_arc(), wchmm_duplicate_leafnode(), and wchmm_link_subword().

boolean check_param_coherence ( HTK_HMM_INFO hmm,
HTK_Param pinfo 

Check if an input parameter type exactly matches that of HMM.

hmm [in] HMM definition data
pinfo [in] input parameter
TRUE if matches, FALSE if differs.

Definition at line 71 of file check_hmmtype.c.

Referenced by param_check_and_adjust(), and RealTimePipeLinePrepare().

boolean check_param_basetype ( HTK_HMM_INFO hmm,
HTK_Param pinfo 

Check if the base type of input parameter matches that of HMM.

hmm [in] HMM definition data
pinfo [in] input parameter
TRUE if matches, FALSE if differs.

Definition at line 109 of file check_hmmtype.c.

Referenced by param_check_and_adjust().

int param_check_and_adjust ( HTK_HMM_INFO hmminfo,
HTK_Param param,
boolean  vflag 

Top function to adjust parameter.

It compares the types for the given parameter param and HMM definition hmminfo. If type is not the same, adjustment will be tried.

hmminfo [in] HTK HMM definition
param [i/o] input parameter, will be freed if adjustment was performed in this function
vflag [in] if TRUE, output verbose messages
1 on success, 0 if no adjustment needed, or -1 on failure (in case parameter type does not match even by the adjustment).

Definition at line 371 of file paramselect.c.

Referenced by j_recognize_stream_core().

boolean write_binhmm ( FILE *  fp,
Value para 

Top function to write HMM definition data to a binary file.

fp [in] file pointer
hmm [in] HMM definition structure to be written
para [in] acoustic analysis parameter, or NULL if not available
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.

Definition at line 992 of file write_binhmm.c.

boolean read_binhmm ( FILE *  fp,
boolean  gzfile_p,
Value para 

Top function to read a binary HMM file from fp.

fp [in] file pointer
hmm [out] HMM definition structure to hold the read models.
gzfile_p [in] TRUE if the file pointer points to a gzip file
para [out] store acoustic parameters if embedded in binhmm (V2)
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.

Definition at line 745 of file read_binhmm.c.

Referenced by init_hmminfo().

Generated on Thu Jul 23 12:14:19 2009 for Julius by  doxygen 1.5.1