libjulius/src/jfunc.c File Reference

API functions for applications. More...

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void j_request_pause (Recog *recog)
 Request engine to stop recognition.
void j_request_terminate (Recog *recog)
 Request engine to terminate recognition immediately.
void j_request_resume (Recog *recog)
 Resume the engine which has already paused or terminated.
void schedule_grammar_update (Recog *recog)
 Request engine to check update of all grammar and re-construct the glocal lexicon if needed.
void j_reset_reload (Recog *recog)
 Clear the grammar re-construction flag.
void j_enable_debug_message ()
 Enable debug messages in JuliusLib to log.
void j_disable_debug_message ()
 Disable debug messages in JuliusLib to log.
void j_enable_verbose_message ()
 Enable verbose messages in JuliusLib to log.
void j_disable_verbose_message ()
 Disable verbose messages in JuliusLib to log.
void j_internal_error (char *fmt,...)
 Output error message and exit the program.
int j_config_load_args (Jconf *jconf, int argc, char *argv[])
 Load parameters from command argments, and set to each configuration instances in jconf.
int j_config_load_file (Jconf *jconf, char *filename)
 Load parameters from a jconf file and set to each configuration instances in jconf.
Jconfj_config_load_args_new (int argc, char *argv[])
 Create a new configuration instance and load parameters from command argments.
Jconfj_config_load_file_new (char *filename)
 Create a new configuration instance and load parameters from a jconf file.
boolean j_adin_init (Recog *recog)
 Initialize and setup A/D-in device specified by the configuration for recognition.
char * j_get_current_filename ()
 Return current input speech file name.
void j_recog_info (Recog *recog)
 Output all configurations and system informations into log.
Recogj_create_instance_from_jconf (Jconf *jconf)
 Instanciate / generate a new engine instance according to the given global configuration instance.
boolean j_regist_user_lm_func (PROCESS_LM *lm, LOGPROB(*unifunc)(WORD_INFO *winfo, WORD_ID w, LOGPROB ngram_prob), LOGPROB(*bifunc)(WORD_INFO *winfo, WORD_ID context, WORD_ID w, LOGPROB ngram_prob), LOGPROB(*probfunc)(WORD_INFO *winfo, WORD_ID *contexts, int context_len, WORD_ID w, LOGPROB ngram_prob))
 Assign user-defined language scoring functions into a LM processing instance.
boolean j_regist_user_param_func (Recog *recog, boolean(*user_calc_vector)(MFCCCalc *, SP16 *, int))
 Assign a user-defined parameter extraction function to engine instance.
JCONF_AMj_get_amconf_by_name (Jconf *jconf, char *name)
 Get AM configuration structure in jconf by its name.
JCONF_AMj_get_amconf_by_id (Jconf *jconf, int id)
 Get AM configuration structure in jconf by its id.
JCONF_AMj_get_amconf_default (Jconf *jconf)
 Return default AM configuration.
JCONF_LMj_get_lmconf_by_name (Jconf *jconf, char *name)
 Get LM configuration structure in jconf by its name.
JCONF_LMj_get_lmconf_by_id (Jconf *jconf, int id)
 Get LM configuration structure in jconf by its id.
JCONF_SEARCHj_get_searchconf_by_name (Jconf *jconf, char *name)
 Get SEARCH configuration structure in jconf by its name.
JCONF_SEARCHj_get_searchconf_by_id (Jconf *jconf, int id)
 Get SEARCH configuration structure in jconf by its id.
boolean j_process_deactivate (Recog *recog, char *name)
 De-activate a recognition process instance designated by its name.
boolean j_process_deactivate_by_id (Recog *recog, int id)
 De-activate a recognition process instance designated by its ID.
boolean j_process_activate (Recog *recog, char *name)
 Activate a recognition process instance that has been made inactive, by its name.
boolean j_process_activate_by_id (Recog *recog, int id)
 Activate a recognition process instance that has been made inactive, by the ID.
boolean j_process_add_lm (Recog *recog, JCONF_LM *lmconf, JCONF_SEARCH *sconf, char *name)
 Create a new recognizer with a new LM and SR configurations.
boolean j_process_remove (Recog *recog, JCONF_SEARCH *sconf)
 Remove a recognition process instance.
boolean j_process_lm_remove (Recog *recog, JCONF_LM *lmconf)
 Remove an LM process instance.
boolean j_process_am_remove (Recog *recog, JCONF_AM *amconf)
 Remove an AM process instance (experimental).

Detailed Description

API functions for applications.

This file contains for API function definitions and miscellaneous functions implemented for JuliusLib.

Akinobu Lee
Wed Aug 8 15:04:28 2007

Definition in file jfunc.c.

Function Documentation

void j_internal_error ( char *  fmt,

Output error message and exit the program.

This is just for internal use.

fmt [in] format string, like printf.
... [in] variable length argument like printf.

Definition at line 301 of file jfunc.c.

Referenced by add_successor(), adjust_sc_index(), beam_inter_word_factoring(), calc_all_unigram_factoring_values(), get_outtrans_list(), graph_forward_backward(), match_successor(), max_successor_prob_iw(), mfcc_copy_to_rest_and_shrink(), ngram_nextwords(), outprob_style(), RealTimePipeLinePrepare(), scan_word(), and trace_backptr().

Generated on Thu Jul 23 12:13:55 2009 for Julius by  doxygen 1.5.1