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gms_gprune.c File Reference

Calculate the GMS monophone HMM for Gaussian Mixture Selection using Gaussian pruning. More...

#include <sent/stddefs.h>
#include <sent/htk_hmm.h>
#include <sent/htk_param.h>
#include <sent/hmm.h>
#include <sent/gprune.h>
#include "globalvars.h"

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#define GS_MAX_PROB
 Compute only max for GS states.
#define LAST_BEST
 Enable beam pruning.
#define BEAM_OFFSET   10.0
 Beam offset, used when BEAM enabled.
#define GS_MAX_PROB
 Compute only max for GS states.


void gms_gprune_init (HTK_HMM_INFO *hmminfo, int gsset_num)
void gms_gprune_prepare ()
static LOGPROB calc_contprob_with_safe_pruning (HTK_HMM_Dens *binfo, LOGPROB thres)
static LOGPROB compute_g_max (HTK_HMM_State *stateinfo, int last_maxi, int *maxi_ret)
void compute_gs_scores (GS_SET *gsset, int gsset_num, LOGPROB *scores_ret)


static int my_gsset_num
 num of gsset states (local copy)
static int * last_max_id
 maximum mixture id of last call for each states

Detailed Description

Calculate the GMS monophone HMM for Gaussian Mixture Selection using Gaussian pruning.

Akinobu LEE
Thu Feb 17 15:05:08 2005

Definition in file gms_gprune.c.

Define Documentation

#define LAST_BEST

Enable beam pruning.

Compute last best Gaussians first

Definition at line 33 of file gms_gprune.c.

Function Documentation

void gms_gprune_init HTK_HMM_INFO hmminfo,
int  gsset_num

Initialization of GMS HMM likelihood computation.

hmminfo [in] GMS HMM definition
gsset_num [in] number of states in GMS HMM

Definition at line 60 of file gms_gprune.c.

Referenced by gms_init().

void gms_gprune_prepare  ) 

Prepare GMS HMM computation for the next speech input.

Definition at line 75 of file gms_gprune.c.

Referenced by gms_prepare().

static LOGPROB calc_contprob_with_safe_pruning HTK_HMM_Dens binfo,
LOGPROB  thres

Compute only max by safe pruning

binfo [in] Gaussian density
thres [in] constant pruning threshold
the computed likelihood.

Definition at line 95 of file gms_gprune.c.

Referenced by compute_g_max().

static LOGPROB compute_g_max HTK_HMM_State stateinfo,
int  last_maxi,
int *  maxi_ret

Compute log output likelihood of a state. Only maximum Gaussian will be computed.

stateinfo [in] HMM state to compute
last_maxi [in] the mixture id that got the maximum value at the previous frame, or -1 if not exist.
maxi_ret [out] tue mixture id that get the maximum value at this call.
the log likelihood.

Definition at line 201 of file gms_gprune.c.

Referenced by compute_gs_scores().

void compute_gs_scores GS_SET gsset,
int  gsset_num,
LOGPROB scores_ret

Main function to compute all the GMS HMM states in a frame with the input vectore specified by OP_vec. This function assumes that this will be called for sequencial frame, since it utilizes the result of previous frame for faster pruning.

gsset [in] list of GMS HMM state set.
gsset_num [in] length of above
scores_ret [out] array of scores for each GMS HMM state

Definition at line 293 of file gms_gprune.c.

Referenced by do_gms().

Generated on Tue Mar 28 16:19:29 2006 for Julius by  doxygen 1.4.2