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util Directory Reference



file  aptree.c [code]
 Patricia index tree for name lookup: data type = pointer.
file  charconv.c [code]
 Character set conversion using iconv library.
file  charconv_iconv.c [code]
 Character set conversion using iconv library.
file  charconv_libjcode.c [code]
 Character set conversion using libjcode.
file  charconv_win32.c [code]
 Character set conversion using Win32 MultiByte function + libjcode.
file  endian.c [code]
 Byte order swapping.
file  gzfile.c [code]
 Read Compressed files using gzip or zlib.
file  j_printf.c [code]
 Message text output and error exit functions.
file  mybmalloc.c [code]
 Dynamic memory allocation per large block.
file  mymalloc.c [code]
 Dynamic memory allocation funtions.
file  mystrtok.c [code]
 Extract tokens from strings, with quotation handling.
file  ptree.c [code]
 Patricia index tree for name lookup: data type = int.
file  readfile.c [code]
 Read strings per line from various input source.
file  strcasecmp.c [code]
 Definition of strcasecmp.

Generated on Tue Mar 28 16:04:00 2006 for Julius by  doxygen 1.4.2