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00017 /*
00018  * Copyright (c) 1991-2006 Kawahara Lab., Kyoto University
00019  * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Shikano Lab., Nara Institute of Science and Technology
00020  * Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Julius project team, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya Institute of Technology
00021  * All rights reserved
00022  */
00024 #include <sent/stddefs.h>
00025 #include <sent/dfa.h>
00027 static char buf[MAXLINELEN];    
00034 void
00035 dfa_state_init(DFA_INFO *dinfo)
00036 {
00037   int i;
00038   dinfo->maxstatenum = DFA_STATESTEP;
00039   dinfo->st = (DFA_STATE *)mymalloc(sizeof(DFA_STATE) * dinfo->maxstatenum);
00040   for (i=0;i<dinfo->maxstatenum;i++) {
00041     dinfo->st[i].number = i;
00042     dinfo->st[i].status = 0;
00043     dinfo->st[i].arc = NULL;
00044   }
00045   dinfo->state_num = dinfo->arc_num = dinfo->term_num = 0;
00046   dinfo->sp_id = WORD_INVALID;
00047 }
00055 void
00056 dfa_state_expand(DFA_INFO *dinfo, int needed)
00057 {
00058   int oldnum, i;
00059   oldnum = dinfo->maxstatenum;
00060   dinfo->maxstatenum += DFA_STATESTEP;
00061   if (dinfo->maxstatenum < needed) dinfo->maxstatenum = needed;
00062   dinfo->st = (DFA_STATE *)myrealloc(dinfo->st, sizeof(DFA_STATE) * dinfo->maxstatenum);
00063   for (i=oldnum;i<dinfo->maxstatenum;i++) {
00064     dinfo->st[i].number = i;
00065     dinfo->st[i].status = 0;
00066     dinfo->st[i].arc = NULL;
00067   }
00068 }
00078 boolean
00079 rddfa(FILE *fp, DFA_INFO *dinfo)
00080 {
00081   int state_max, arc_num, terminal_max;
00083   /* initialize */
00084   dfa_state_init(dinfo);
00085   state_max = 0;
00086   arc_num = 0;
00087   terminal_max = 0;
00089   while (getl(buf, MAXLINELEN, fp) != NULL) {
00090     if (rddfa_line(buf, dinfo, &state_max, &arc_num, &terminal_max) == FALSE) {
00091       break;
00092     }
00093   }
00094   dinfo->state_num = state_max + 1;
00095   dinfo->arc_num = arc_num;
00096   dinfo->term_num = terminal_max + 1;
00097   return(TRUE);
00098 }
00108 boolean
00109 rddfa_fd(int fd, DFA_INFO *dinfo)
00110 {
00111   int state_max, arc_num, terminal_max;
00113   /* initialize */
00114   dfa_state_init(dinfo);
00115   state_max = 0;
00116   arc_num = 0;
00117   terminal_max = 0;
00119   while(getl_fd(buf, MAXLINELEN, fd) != NULL) {
00120     if (rddfa_line(buf, dinfo, &state_max, &arc_num, &terminal_max) == FALSE) {
00121       break;
00122     }
00123   }
00124   dinfo->state_num = state_max + 1;
00125   dinfo->arc_num = arc_num;
00126   dinfo->term_num = terminal_max + 1;
00127   return(TRUE);
00128 }
00138 boolean
00139 rddfa_sd(int sd, DFA_INFO *dinfo)
00140 {
00141   int state_max, arc_num, terminal_max;
00143   /* initialize */
00144   dfa_state_init(dinfo);
00145   state_max = 0;
00146   arc_num = 0;
00147   terminal_max = 0;
00149   while(getl_sd(buf, MAXLINELEN, sd) != NULL) {
00150     if (rddfa_line(buf, dinfo, &state_max, &arc_num, &terminal_max) == FALSE) {
00151       break;
00152     }
00153   }
00154   dinfo->state_num = state_max + 1;
00155   dinfo->arc_num = arc_num;
00156   dinfo->term_num = terminal_max + 1;
00157   return(TRUE);
00158 }
00171 boolean
00172 rddfa_line(char *line, DFA_INFO *dinfo, int *state_max, int *arc_num, int *terminal_max)
00173 {
00174   DFA_ARC *newarc;
00175   int state, terminal, next_state;
00176   unsigned int status;
00178   if (strmatch(buf, "DFAEND")) return(FALSE);
00179   /* format: state terminalID nextstate statuscode_of_state */
00180   state = atoi(first_token(line));
00181   terminal = atoi(next_token());
00182   next_state = atoi(next_token());
00183   sscanf(next_token(), "%x", &status);
00185   if (state >= dinfo->maxstatenum) {      /* expand */
00186     dfa_state_expand(dinfo, state+1);
00187   }
00188   if (next_state >= dinfo->maxstatenum) { /* expand */
00189     dfa_state_expand(dinfo, next_state+1);
00190   }
00192   /* set state status (accept / initial) */
00193   if (status & ACCEPT_S) {
00194     dinfo->st[state].status |= ACCEPT_S;
00195   }
00196   /* the state #0 is an initial state */
00197   if (state == 0) {
00198     dinfo->st[state].status |= INITIAL_S;
00199   }
00201   /* skip line with negative terminalID/nextstate */
00202   if (terminal > 0 || next_state > 0) {
00203     /* add new arc to the state */
00204     newarc = (DFA_ARC *)mymalloc(sizeof(DFA_ARC));
00205     newarc->label    = terminal;
00206     newarc->to_state = next_state;
00207     newarc->next     = dinfo->st[state].arc;
00208     dinfo->st[state].arc = newarc;
00209   }
00211   (*arc_num)++;
00212   if (*state_max < state) *state_max = state;
00213   if (*terminal_max < terminal) *terminal_max = terminal;
00215   return(TRUE);
00216 }
00218 /* append dfa info to other */
00219 /* soffset: state offset  coffset: category(terminal) offset */
00229 void
00230 dfa_append(DFA_INFO *dst, DFA_INFO *src, int soffset, int coffset)
00231 {
00232   DFA_ARC *arc, *newarc;
00233   int s, state, terminal, next_state;
00234   unsigned int status;
00236   for (s = 0; s < src->state_num; s++) {
00237     state = s + soffset;
00238     status = src->st[s].status;
00239     if (state >= dst->maxstatenum) {      /* expand */
00240       dfa_state_expand(dst, state+1);
00241     }
00242     /* set state status (accept / initial) */
00243     if (status & ACCEPT_S) {
00244       dst->st[state].status |= ACCEPT_S;
00245     }
00246     /* the state #0 is an initial state */
00247     if (s == 0) {
00248       dst->st[state].status |= INITIAL_S;
00249     }
00250     for (arc = src->st[s].arc; arc; arc = arc->next) {
00251       terminal = arc->label + coffset;
00252       next_state = arc->to_state + soffset;
00254       if (next_state >= dst->maxstatenum) { /* expand */
00255         dfa_state_expand(dst, next_state+1);
00256       }
00257       /* add new arc to the state */
00258       newarc = (DFA_ARC *)mymalloc(sizeof(DFA_ARC));
00259       newarc->label    = terminal;
00260       newarc->to_state = next_state;
00261       newarc->next     = dst->st[state].arc;
00262       dst->st[state].arc = newarc;
00264       dst->arc_num++;
00265       if (dst->term_num < terminal + 1) dst->term_num = terminal + 1;
00266     }
00267     if (dst->state_num < state + 1) dst->state_num = state + 1;
00268   }
00269 }

Generated on Tue Mar 28 16:01:39 2006 for Julius by  doxygen 1.4.2