libsent/src/phmm/calc_tied_mix.c File Reference

Compute weighed sum of Gaussian mixture for tied-mixture model (cache enabled). More...

#include <sent/stddefs.h>
#include <sent/htk_hmm.h>
#include <sent/htk_param.h>
#include <sent/hmm.h>
#include <sent/gprune.h>
#include "globalvars.h"

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boolean calc_tied_mix_init ()
boolean calc_tied_mix_prepare (int framenum)
void calc_tied_mix_free ()
LOGPROB calc_tied_mix ()
 Compute the output probability of current state OP_State on tied-mixture model.


static MIXCACHE *** mixture_cache = NULL
 Codebook cache: [time][book_id][0..computed_mixture_num].
static MIXCACHE ** tcache
 Local work area that holds pointer to the cache array [bookid][0..computed_mixture_num] of the current time.
static MIXCACHEttcache
 Local work area that holds pointer to the cache list [0..computed_mixture_num] of the current time and the current codebook.
static int * last_id
 List of computed mixture id on the previous input frame.
static int allocframenum
 Allocated frame length of codebook cache.
static MIXCACHE ** last_tcache
 Pointer to the cache array of previous frame, to pass to compute_gaussset().
static MIXCACHElast_ttcache
 Pointer to the cache list of current codebook on previous frame.

Detailed Description

Compute weighed sum of Gaussian mixture for tied-mixture model (cache enabled).

Akinobu LEE
Thu Feb 17 14:22:44 2005
In tied-mixture computation, the computed output probability of each Gaussian component will be cache per codebook, for each input frame. If the same codebook of the same time is accessed later, the cached value will be returned.


Definition in file calc_tied_mix.c.

Function Documentation

boolean calc_tied_mix_init (  ) 

Initialize codebook cache area.

TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.

Definition at line 57 of file calc_tied_mix.c.

Referenced by outprob_init().

boolean calc_tied_mix_prepare ( int  framenum  ) 

Setup codebook cache for the next incoming input.

framenum [in] length of the next input.
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.

Definition at line 73 of file calc_tied_mix.c.

Referenced by outprob_prepare().

void calc_tied_mix_free (  ) 

Free work area for tied-mixture calculation.

Definition at line 113 of file calc_tied_mix.c.

Referenced by outprob_free().

LOGPROB calc_tied_mix (  ) 

Compute the output probability of current state OP_State on tied-mixture model.

This function assumes that the OP_state is assigned to a tied-mixture codebook. Here the output probability of Gaussian mixture component referred by OP_state is consulted to the book level cache, and if not computed yet on that input frame time, it will be computed here.

the computed output probability in log10.

Definition at line 138 of file calc_tied_mix.c.

Referenced by outprob_init().

Generated on Tue Dec 26 16:18:09 2006 for Julius by  doxygen 1.5.0