
Go to the documentation of this file.
00150 /*
00151  * Copyright (c) 1991-2006 Kawahara Lab., Kyoto University
00152  * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Shikano Lab., Nara Institute of Science and Technology
00153  * Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Julius project team, Nagoya Institute of Technology
00154  * All rights reserved
00155  */
00157 #include <julius.h>
00159 #ifndef CATEGORY_TREE
00161 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00183 static void
00184 add_successor(WCHMM_INFO *wchmm, int node, WORD_ID w)
00185 {
00186   S_CELL *sctmp, *sc;
00188   /* malloc a new successor list element */
00189   sctmp=(S_CELL *) mymalloc(sizeof(S_CELL));
00190   if (sctmp == NULL) {
00191     j_error("malloc fault at add_succesor(%d,%d)\n",node,w);
00192   }
00193   /* assign word ID to the new element */
00194   sctmp->word = w;
00195   /* add the new element to existing list (keeping order) */
00196   if (wchmm->state[node].scid == 0) {
00197     j_error("InternalError: sclist id not assigned to branch node?\n");
00198   }
00199   sc = wchmm->sclist[wchmm->state[node].scid];
00200   if (sc == NULL || sctmp->word < sc->word) {
00201     sctmp->next = sc;
00202     wchmm->sclist[wchmm->state[node].scid] = sctmp;
00203   } else {
00204     for(;sc;sc=sc->next) {
00205       if (sc->next == NULL || sctmp->word < (sc->next)->word) {
00206         if (sctmp->word == sc->word) break; /* avoid duplication */
00207         sctmp->next = sc->next;
00208         sc->next = sctmp;
00209         break;
00210       }
00211     }
00212   }
00213 }
00235 static boolean
00236 match_successor(WCHMM_INFO *wchmm, int node1, int node2)
00237 {
00238   S_CELL *sc1,*sc2;
00240   /* assume successor is sorted by ID */
00241   if (wchmm->state[node1].scid == 0 || wchmm->state[node2].scid == 0) {
00242     j_error("InternalError: sclist id not assigned to branch node?\n");
00243   }
00244   sc1 = wchmm->sclist[wchmm->state[node1].scid];
00245   sc2 = wchmm->sclist[wchmm->state[node2].scid];
00246   for (;;) {
00247     if (sc1 == NULL || sc2 == NULL) {
00248       if (sc1 == NULL && sc2 == NULL) {
00249         return TRUE;
00250       } else {
00251         return FALSE;
00252       }
00253     } else if (sc1->word != sc2->word) {
00254       return FALSE;
00255     }
00256     sc1 = sc1->next;
00257     sc2 = sc2->next;
00258   }
00259 }
00275 static void
00276 free_successor(WCHMM_INFO *wchmm, int scid)
00277 {
00278   S_CELL *sc;
00279   S_CELL *sctmp;
00281   /* free sclist */
00282   sc = wchmm->sclist[scid];
00283   while (sc != NULL) {
00284     sctmp = sc;
00285     sc = sc->next;
00286     free(sctmp);
00287   }
00288 }
00304 static void
00305 compaction_successor(WCHMM_INFO *wchmm)
00306 {
00307   int src, dst;
00309   dst = 1;
00310   for(src=1;src<wchmm->scnum;src++) {
00311     if (wchmm->state[wchmm->sclist2node[src]].scid <= 0) {
00312       /* already freed, skip */
00313       continue;
00314     }
00315     if (dst != src) {
00316       wchmm->sclist[dst] = wchmm->sclist[src];
00317       wchmm->sclist2node[dst] = wchmm->sclist2node[src];
00318       wchmm->state[wchmm->sclist2node[dst]].scid = dst;
00319     }
00320     dst++;
00321   }
00322   if (debug2_flag) j_printerr("  successor list shrinked from %d to %d...\n", wchmm->scnum, dst);
00323   wchmm->scnum = dst;
00324 }
00340 static void
00341 shrink_successor(WCHMM_INFO *wchmm)
00342 {
00343   wchmm->sclist = (S_CELL **)myrealloc(wchmm->sclist, sizeof(S_CELL *) * wchmm->scnum);
00344   wchmm->sclist2node = (int *)myrealloc(wchmm->sclist2node, sizeof(int) * wchmm->scnum);
00345 }
00359 void
00360 make_successor_list(WCHMM_INFO *wchmm)
00361 {
00362   int node;
00363   WORD_ID w;
00364   int i;
00365   boolean *freemark;
00366   int s;
00368   VERMES("  make successor lists for factoring...\n");
00370   /* 1. initialize */
00371   /* initialize node->sclist index */
00372   for (node=0;node<wchmm->n;node++) wchmm->state[node].scid = 0;
00373   /* parse tree to get the possible maximum number of successor list */
00374   s = 1;
00375   for (w=0;w<wchmm->winfo->num;w++) {
00376     for (i=0;i<wchmm->winfo->wlen[w];i++) {
00377       if (wchmm->state[wchmm->offset[w][i]].scid == 0) {
00378         wchmm->state[wchmm->offset[w][i]].scid = s;
00379         s++;
00380       }
00381     }
00382     if (wchmm->state[wchmm->wordend[w]].scid == 0) {
00383       wchmm->state[wchmm->wordend[w]].scid = s;
00384       s++;
00385     }
00386   }
00387   wchmm->scnum = s;
00388   if (debug2_flag) j_printerr("  initial successor list size = %d...\n", wchmm->scnum);
00389   /* allocate successor list */
00390   wchmm->sclist = (S_CELL **)mymalloc(sizeof(S_CELL *) * wchmm->scnum);
00391   for (i=1;i<wchmm->scnum;i++) wchmm->sclist[i] = NULL;
00392   wchmm->sclist2node = (int *)mymalloc(sizeof(int) * wchmm->scnum);
00393   /* allocate misc. work area */
00394   freemark = (boolean *)mymalloc(sizeof(boolean) * wchmm->scnum);
00395   for (i=1;i<wchmm->scnum;i++) freemark[i] = FALSE;
00397   /* 2. make initial successor list: assign at all possible nodes */
00398   for (w=0;w<wchmm->winfo->num;w++) {
00399     /* at each start node of phonemes */
00400     for (i=0;i<wchmm->winfo->wlen[w];i++) {
00401       wchmm->sclist2node[wchmm->state[wchmm->offset[w][i]].scid] = wchmm->offset[w][i];
00402       add_successor(wchmm, wchmm->offset[w][i], w);
00403     }
00404     /* at word end */
00405     wchmm->sclist2node[wchmm->state[wchmm->wordend[w]].scid] = wchmm->wordend[w];
00406     add_successor(wchmm, wchmm->wordend[w], w);
00407   }
00409   /* 3. erase unnecessary successor list */
00410   /* sucessor list same as the previous node is not needed, so */
00411   /* parse lexicon tree from every leaf to find the same succesor list */
00412   for (w=0;w<wchmm->winfo->num;w++) {
00413     node = wchmm->wordend[w];   /* begin from the word end node */
00414     i = wchmm->winfo->wlen[w]-1;
00415     while (i >= 0) {            /* for each phoneme start node */
00416       if (node == wchmm->offset[w][i]) {
00417         /*      printf("same:w=%d,phoneloc=%d,node=%d,%d\n", w, i, wchmm->offset[w][i], node);
00418         {
00419           S_CELL *sc;
00420           for(sc=wchmm->state[node].sc;sc;sc=sc->next) {
00421             printf("%d[%s],", sc->word, ngram->wname[sc->word]);
00422           }
00423           printf("\n");
00424           }*/
00425         /* word with only 1 state: skip */
00426         i--;
00427         continue;
00428       }
00429       if (match_successor(wchmm, node, wchmm->offset[w][i])) {
00430         freemark[wchmm->state[node].scid] = TRUE;       /* mark the node */
00431       }
00432 /* 
00433  *       if (freemark[wchmm->offset[w][i]] != FALSE) {
00434  *         break;
00435  *       }
00436  */
00437       node = wchmm->offset[w][i];
00438       i--;
00439     }
00440   }
00441   /* really free */
00442   for (i=1;i<wchmm->scnum;i++) {
00443     if (freemark[i] == TRUE) {
00444       free_successor(wchmm, i);
00445       /* reset node -> sclist link */
00446       wchmm->state[wchmm->sclist2node[i]].scid = 0;
00447     }
00448   }
00449   /* garbage collection of deleted sclist */
00450   compaction_successor(wchmm);
00452   free(freemark);
00454   VERMES("done\n");
00455 }
00457 #ifndef CATEGORY_TREE
00473 void
00474 adjust_sc_index(WCHMM_INFO *wchmm)
00475 {
00476   WORD_ID w;
00477   int i,j,k;
00478   HMM_Logical *ltmp;
00479   int ltmp_state_num;
00480   int ato;
00481   LOGPROB prob;
00482   int node, scid;
00483   A_CELL *ac;
00485   /* duplicate scid for HMMs with more than one arc from initial state */
00486   for(w=0;w<wchmm->winfo->num;w++) {
00487     for(k=0;k<wchmm->winfo->wlen[w];k++) {
00488       node = wchmm->offset[w][k];
00489       scid = wchmm->state[node].scid;
00490       if (scid == 0) continue;
00491       ltmp = wchmm->winfo->wseq[w][k];
00492       ltmp_state_num = hmm_logical_state_num(ltmp);
00493       if ((hmm_logical_trans(ltmp))->a[0][ltmp_state_num-1] != LOG_ZERO) {
00494         j = k + 1;
00495         if (j == wchmm->winfo->wlen[w]) {
00496           if (wchmm->state[wchmm->wordend[w]].scid == 0) {
00497             printf("word %d: factoring node copied for skip phone\n", w);
00498             wchmm->state[wchmm->wordend[w]].scid = scid;
00499           }
00500         } else {
00501           if (wchmm->state[wchmm->offset[w][j]].scid == 0) {
00502             printf("word %d: factoring node copied for skip phone\n", w);
00503             wchmm->state[wchmm->offset[w][j]].scid = scid;
00504           }
00505         }
00506       }
00507       for(ato=1;ato<ltmp_state_num;ato++) {
00508         prob = (hmm_logical_trans(ltmp))->a[0][ato];
00509         if (prob != LOG_ZERO) {
00510           wchmm->state[node+ato-1].scid = scid;
00511         }
00512       }
00513     }
00514   }
00516   /* move scid and fscore on the head state to the head grammar state */
00517   for(i=0;i<wchmm->startnum;i++) {
00518     node = wchmm->startnode[i];
00519     if (wchmm->state[node].out.state != NULL) {
00520       j_error("Error: outprob exist in word-head node??\n");
00521     }
00522     for(ac=wchmm->state[node].ac;ac;ac=ac->next) {
00523       if (wchmm->state[ac->arc].scid != 0) {
00524         if (wchmm->state[node].scid != 0 && wchmm->state[node].scid != wchmm->state[ac->arc].scid) {
00525           j_error("Error: different successor list within word-head phone?\n");
00526         }
00527         wchmm->state[node].scid = wchmm->state[ac->arc].scid;
00528         wchmm->state[ac->arc].scid = 0;
00529       }
00530     }
00531   }
00532 }
00534 # endif /* MULTIPATH_VERSION */
00535 #endif /* ~CATEGORY_TREE */
00538 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
00539 /* factoring computation */
00541 #ifdef USE_NGRAM
00543 /* cache should be conditioned by N-gram entry ID */
00545 /* word-internal factoring value cache:
00546    a branch node (that has successor list) will keep the factoring value
00547    on search, and re-use it if incoming token in the next frame has the
00548    same word context.
00549  */
00550 static LOGPROB *probcache;      
00551 static WORD_ID *lastwcache;     
00552 /* cross-word factoring value cache:
00553    when computing cross-word transition, (1)factoring values on all word
00554    start nodes should be computed for each word end, and thus (2)each start
00555    node has more than one transition within a frame.  So factoring value
00556    is better cached by the word end (last word) than by nodes.
00557  */
00575 static LOGPROB **iw_sc_cache;
00580 static int iw_cache_num;
00581 #ifdef HASH_CACHE_IW
00582 static WORD_ID *iw_lw_cache; 
00583 #endif
00584 /* once initialized on startup, the factoring value caches will not be
00585    cleared */
00601 void
00602 max_successor_cache_init(WCHMM_INFO *wchmm)
00603 {
00604   int i;
00606   /* finally shrink the memory area of successor list here */
00607   shrink_successor(wchmm);
00609   /* for word-internal */
00610   probcache = (LOGPROB *) mymalloc(sizeof(LOGPROB) * wchmm->scnum);
00611   lastwcache = (WORD_ID *) mymalloc(sizeof(WORD_ID) * wchmm->scnum);
00612   for (i=0;i<wchmm->scnum;i++) {
00613     lastwcache[i] = WORD_INVALID;
00614   }
00615   /* for cross-word */
00616 #ifdef HASH_CACHE_IW
00617   iw_cache_num = wchmm->ngram->max_word_num * iw_cache_rate / 100;
00618   if (iw_cache_num < 10) iw_cache_num = 10;
00619 #else
00620   iw_cache_num = wchmm->ngram->max_word_num;
00621 #endif /* HASH_CACHE_IW */
00622   iw_sc_cache = (LOGPROB **)mymalloc(sizeof(LOGPROB *) * iw_cache_num);
00623   for (i=0;i<iw_cache_num;i++) {
00624     iw_sc_cache[i] = NULL;
00625   }
00626 #ifdef HASH_CACHE_IW
00627   iw_lw_cache = (WORD_ID *)mymalloc(sizeof(WORD_ID) * iw_cache_num);
00628   for (i=0;i<iw_cache_num;i++) {
00629     iw_lw_cache[i] = WORD_INVALID;
00630   }
00631 #endif
00632 }
00644 static void
00645 max_successor_prob_iw_free()
00646 {
00647   int i;
00648   for (i=0;i<iw_cache_num;i++) {
00649     if (iw_sc_cache[i] != NULL) free(iw_sc_cache[i]);
00650     iw_sc_cache[i] = NULL;
00651   }
00652 }
00664 void
00665 max_successor_cache_free()
00666 {
00667   free(probcache);
00668   free(lastwcache);
00669   max_successor_prob_iw_free();
00670   free(iw_sc_cache);
00671 #ifdef HASH_CACHE_IW
00672   free(iw_lw_cache);
00673 #endif
00674 }
00714 void
00715 make_iwcache_index(WCHMM_INFO *wchmm)
00716 {
00717   int i, node, num;
00719   wchmm->start2isolate = (int *)mymalloc(sizeof(int) * wchmm->startnum);
00720   num = 0;
00721   for(i=0;i<wchmm->startnum;i++) {
00722     node = wchmm->startnode[i];
00723     if (wchmm->state[node].scid >= 0) { /* not a factoring node (isolated node, has no 1-gram factoring value) */
00724       wchmm->start2isolate[i] = num;
00725       num++;
00726     } else {                    /* factoring node (shared) */
00727       wchmm->start2isolate[i] = -1;
00728     }
00729   }
00730   wchmm->isolatenum = num;
00731 }
00772 void
00773 calc_all_unigram_factoring_values(WCHMM_INFO *wchmm)
00774 {
00775   S_CELL *sc, *sctmp;
00776   LOGPROB tmpprob, maxprob;
00777   int i, n;
00779   /* count needed number of 1-gram factoring nodes */
00780   n = 0;
00781   for (i=1;i<wchmm->scnum;i++) {
00782     sc = wchmm->sclist[i];
00783     if (sc == NULL) {
00784       j_error("InternalError: sclist has no sc?\n");
00785     }
00786     if (sc->next != NULL) {
00787       /* more than two words, so compute maximum 1-gram probability */
00788       n++;
00789     }
00790   }
00791   wchmm->fsnum = n + 1;
00792   /* allocate area */
00793   wchmm->fscore = (LOGPROB *)mymalloc(sizeof(LOGPROB) * wchmm->fsnum);
00794   /* assign values */
00795   n = 1;
00796   for (i=1;i<wchmm->scnum;i++) {
00797     sc = wchmm->sclist[i];
00798     if (sc->next != NULL) {
00799       maxprob = LOG_ZERO;
00800       for (sctmp = sc; sctmp; sctmp = sctmp->next) {
00801         tmpprob = uni_prob(wchmm->ngram, wchmm->winfo->wton[sctmp->word])
00802 #ifdef CLASS_NGRAM
00803           + wchmm->winfo->cprob[sctmp->word] 
00804 #endif
00805           ;
00806         if (maxprob < tmpprob) maxprob = tmpprob;
00807       }
00808       wchmm->fscore[n] = maxprob;
00809       free_successor(wchmm, i);
00810       wchmm->state[wchmm->sclist2node[i]].scid = - n;
00811       n++;
00812     }
00813   }
00814   /* garbage collection of factored sclist */
00815   compaction_successor(wchmm);
00816 }
00818 #else  /* ~UNIGRAM_FACTORING */
00841 static LOGPROB
00842 calc_successor_prob(WCHMM_INFO *wchmm, WORD_ID last_nword, int node)
00843 {
00844   S_CELL *sc;
00845   LOGPROB tmpprob, maxprob;
00847   maxprob = LOG_ZERO;
00848   for (sc = wchmm->sclist[wchmm->state[node].scid]; sc; sc = sc->next) {
00849     tmpprob = bi_prob_lr(wchmm->ngram, last_nword, wchmm->winfo->wton[sc->word])
00850 #ifdef CLASS_NGRAM
00851       + wchmm->winfo->cprob[sc->word]
00852 #endif
00853       ;
00854     if (maxprob < tmpprob) maxprob = tmpprob;
00855   }
00856   return(maxprob);
00857 }
00859 #endif  /* ~UNIGRAM_FACTORING */
00900 max_successor_prob(WCHMM_INFO *wchmm, WORD_ID lastword, int node)
00901 {
00902   LOGPROB maxprob;
00903   WORD_ID last_nword, w;
00904   int scid;
00906   if (lastword != WORD_INVALID) { /* return nothing if no previous word */
00907     last_nword = wchmm->winfo->wton[lastword];
00908     scid = wchmm->state[node].scid;
00910     if (scid < 0) {
00911       /* return 1-gram factoring value already calced */
00912       return(wchmm->fscore[(- scid)]);
00913     } else {
00914       /* this node has only one successor */
00915       /* return precise 2-gram score */
00916       if (last_nword != lastwcache[scid]) {
00917         /* calc and cache */
00918         w = (wchmm->sclist[scid])->word;
00919         maxprob = bi_prob_lr(wchmm->ngram, last_nword, wchmm->winfo->wton[w])
00920 #ifdef CLASS_NGRAM
00921           + wchmm->winfo->cprob[w]
00922 #endif
00923           ;
00924         lastwcache[scid] = last_nword;
00925         probcache[scid] = maxprob;
00926         return(maxprob);
00927       } else {
00928         /* return cached */
00929         return (probcache[scid]);
00930       }
00931     }
00932 #else  /* UNIGRAM_FACTORING */
00933     /* 2-gram */
00934     if (last_nword != lastwcache[scid]) {
00935       maxprob = calc_successor_prob(wchmm, last_nword, node);
00936       /* store to cache */
00937       lastwcache[scid] = last_nword;
00938       probcache[scid] = maxprob;
00939       return(maxprob);
00940     } else {
00941       return (probcache[scid]);
00942     }
00943 #endif /* UNIGRAM_FACTORING */
00944   } else {
00945     return(0.0);
00946 #if 0
00947     maxprob = LOG_ZERO;
00948     for (sc=wchmm->state[node].sc;sc;sc=sc->next) {
00949       tmpprob = uni_prob(wchmm->ngram, sc->word);
00950       if (maxprob < tmpprob) maxprob = tmpprob;
00951     }
00952     return(maxprob);
00953 #endif
00954   }
00956 }
00958 #ifdef HASH_CACHE_IW
00959 #define hashid(A) A % iw_cache_limit 
00960 #endif
00991 LOGPROB *
00992 max_successor_prob_iw(WCHMM_INFO *wchmm, WORD_ID lastword)
00993 {
00994   int i, j, x, node;
00995   int last_nword;
00996   WORD_ID w;
00998   last_nword = wchmm->winfo->wton[lastword];
00999 #ifdef HASH_CACHE_IW
01000   x = hashid(last_nword);
01001   if (iw_lw_cache[x] == last_nword) { /* cache hit */
01002     return(iw_sc_cache[x]);
01003   }
01004 #else  /* full cache */
01005   if (iw_sc_cache[last_nword] != NULL) { /* cache hit */
01006     return(iw_sc_cache[last_nword]);
01007   }
01008   x = last_nword;
01009   /* cache mis-hit, calc probs and cache them as new */
01010 #endif
01011   /* allocate cache memory */
01012   if (iw_sc_cache[x] == NULL) {
01014     iw_sc_cache[x] = (LOGPROB *)mymalloc(sizeof(LOGPROB)*wchmm->isolatenum);
01015 #else
01016     iw_sc_cache[x] = (LOGPROB *)mymalloc(sizeof(LOGPROB)*wchmm->startnum);
01017 #endif
01018     if (iw_sc_cache[x] == NULL) { /* malloc failed */
01019       /* clear existing cache, and retry */
01020       max_successor_prob_iw_free();
01021       j_printf("inter-word LM cache (%dMB) rehashed\n",
01022                (iw_cache_num * 
01024                 wchmm->isolatenum
01025 #else
01026                 wchmm->startnum
01027 #endif
01028                 ) / 1000 * sizeof(LOGPROB) / 1000);
01030       iw_sc_cache[x] = (LOGPROB *)mymalloc(sizeof(LOGPROB)*wchmm->isolatenum);
01031 #else
01032       iw_sc_cache[x] = (LOGPROB *)mymalloc(sizeof(LOGPROB)*wchmm->startnum);
01033 #endif
01034       if (iw_sc_cache[x] == NULL) { /* malloc failed again? */
01035         j_error("max_successor_prob_iw: cannot malloc\n");
01036       }
01037     }
01038   }
01040   /* calc prob for all startid */
01042   for (j=0;j<wchmm->startnum;j++) {
01043     i = wchmm->start2isolate[j];
01044     if (i == -1) continue;
01045     node = wchmm->startnode[j];
01046     if (wchmm->state[node].scid <= 0) {
01047       /* should not happen!!! below is just for debugging */
01048       j_error("No!!\n");
01049     } else {
01050       w = (wchmm->sclist[wchmm->state[node].scid])->word;
01051       iw_sc_cache[x][i] = bi_prob_lr(ngram, last_nword, wchmm->winfo->wton[w])
01052 #ifdef CLASS_NGRAM
01053         + wchmm->winfo->cprob[w]
01054 #endif
01055         ;
01056     }
01057   }
01058 #else  /* ~UNIGRAM_FACTORING */
01059   for (i=0;i<wchmm->startnum;i++) {
01060     node = wchmm->startnode[i];
01061     iw_sc_cache[x][i] = calc_successor_prob(wchmm, last_nword, node);
01062   }
01063 #endif
01064 #ifdef HASH_CACHE_IW
01065   iw_lw_cache[x] = last_nword;
01066 #endif
01068   return(iw_sc_cache[x]);
01069 }
01072 #else /* USE_DFA --- カテゴリ木なら不必要 */
01119 boolean
01120 can_succeed(WCHMM_INFO *wchmm, WORD_ID lastword, int node)
01121 {
01122   int lc;
01123   S_CELL *sc;
01125   /* return TRUE if at least one subtree word can connect */
01127   if (lastword == WORD_INVALID) { /* case at beginning-of-word */
01128     for (sc=wchmm->sclist[wchmm->state[node].scid];sc;sc=sc->next) {
01129       if (dfa_cp_begin(wchmm->dfa, sc->word) == TRUE) return(TRUE);
01130     }
01131     return(FALSE);
01132   } else {
01133     lc = winfo->wton[lastword];
01134     for (sc=wchmm->sclist[wchmm->state[node].scid];sc;sc=sc->next) {
01135       if (dfa_cp(wchmm->dfa, lc, sc->word) == TRUE) return(TRUE);
01136     }
01137     return(FALSE);
01138   }
01139 }
01141 #endif /* USE_DFA */
01144 #endif /* CATEGORY_TREE */

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