julius/global.h File Reference

Global variables. More...

#include <sent/stddefs.h>
#include <sent/hmm.h>
#include <sent/vocabulary.h>
#include <sent/ngram2.h>
#include "wchmm.h"
#include "search.h"
#include <sent/dfa.h>

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#define GLOBAL   extern
#define GLOBAL_VAL(v)


char * hmmfilename
 HMM definition file.
char * mapfilename
 HMMlist file.
char * hmm_gs_filename
 HMM definition for GMS.
char * dictfilename
 Word dictionary.
char * inputlist_filename
 Input file list.
char * cmnload_filename
 Load CMN parameter from.
char * cmnsave_filename
 Save CMN parameter to.
char * ssload_filename
 Load SS parameter from.
char * record_dirname
 Record speech data to this dir.
char * gmm_filename
 GMM definition file.
int speech_input
 Selected input source.
int adinnet_port
 Port number for adinnet input.
char * netaudio_devname
 Host/unit name for NetAudio/DatLink input.
int silence_cut
 0..off, 1..on, 2..use device default
int level_thres
 Level threshold.
int zero_cross_num
 Zero cross number threshold per a second.
int head_margin_msec
 Head margin in msec.
int tail_margin_msec
 Tail margin in msec.
boolean strip_zero_sample
 If TRUE, strip off zero samples.
boolean use_zmean
 If TRUE, remove DC offset by zero mean.
Value para
 MFCC computation parameters.
Value para_hmm
 MFCC computation parameters from HMM header.
Value para_htk
 MFCC parameters read from HTK Config.
Value para_default
 default MFCC computation parameters
Value para_dummy
 dummy entry for reading binary GMM/GMS HMMs
boolean sscalc
 If TRUE, compute SS using head silence for file input.
int sscalc_len
 Length of speech at input head to compute SS in msec.
char * spmodel_name
 Logical HMM name of short pause model.
int gprune_method
 Gaussian pruning method (default: use default of engine configuration).
int mixnum_thres
 Gaussian pruning: number of Gaussian to select per mixture.
int gs_statenum
 GMS: number of mixture PDF to select.
int gmm_gprune_num
 Number of Gaussians to be computed for GMM.
char * gmm_reject_cmn_string
 Comma-separated list of GMM to be rejected.
int rejectshortlen
 Length threshold to reject input.
int specified_trellis_beam_width
 User-specified beam width of 1st pass (-1: not specified, 0: guess from vocabulary size).
int trellis_beam_width
 Actual beam width of 1st pass (will be set on startup).
int enveloped_bestfirst_width
 Word beam width of 2nd pass (word envelope) (-1 for no beaming).
int hypo_overflow
 Hypo. overflow threshold at 2nd pass.
int stack_size
 Hypo. stack size of 2nd pass.
int lookup_range
 Trellis lookup frame range for word expansion in 2nd pass.
int nbest
 Search until n sentence are found.
int output_hypo_maxnum
 Number of sentence to output.
int result_output
 Selected output device.
int progout_interval
 Progressive output interval on 1st pass in msec.
char * from_code
 Input character set name.
char * to_code
 Output character set name.
int module_port
 Port number to listen.
float cmn_map_weight
 Weight for initial cepstral mean on MAP-CMN.
boolean wchmm_check_flag
 Enter lexicon structure consulting mode after bootup if TRUE.
boolean trellis_check_flag
 Enter trellis interactive check routine after bootup if TRUE.
boolean triphone_check_flag
 Enter triphone existence check routine after bootup if TRUE.
boolean forcedict_flag
 TRUE if ignore error words in dictionary and does not stop on error.
boolean compute_only_1pass
 TRUE if compute only 1pass.
boolean forced_realtime
 TRUE if do on-the-fly decoding on 1st pass.
boolean force_realtime_flag
 TRUE if force on-the-fly decoding, or FALSE if use device-specific default.
short iwcdmethod
 Calculation method for outprob score of a lcdset on cross-word triphone (default: use average of all).
short iwcdmaxn
 Number of states to be computed on top if IWCD_NBEST is specified in iwcdmethod.
boolean result_reorder_flag
 Re-order n-best result by score on 2nd pass if TRUE.
boolean align_result_word_flag
 If TRUE, do forced alignment per word.
boolean align_result_phoneme_flag
 If TRUE, do forced alignment per phoneme.
boolean align_result_state_flag
 If TRUE, do forced alignment per state.
boolean module_mode
 TRUE if started as module.
boolean verbose_flag
 Verbose output.
boolean debug2_flag
 Debug output.
boolean paramtype_check_flag
 if TRUE, check input parameter type with header of the hmmdefs
boolean progout_flag
 Progressive output.
boolean cmn_update
 update CMN while recognition
boolean lmp_specified
 True if -lmp specified.
boolean lmp2_specified
 True if -lmp2 specified.
boolean realtime_flag
 Do on-the-fly decoding if TRUE.
boolean ccd_flag
 Handle hmmdefs as context-dependent HMM if TRUE (default determined from hmmdefs macro name).
boolean ccd_flag_force
 If TRUE, user-specified ccd_flag will override hmmdefs defaults.
 Main phoneme HMM.
 HMM for Gaussian Selection.
 Main Word dictionary.
MULTIGRAM * gramlist
 List of grammars.
 Global DFA grammar, generated from gramlist.
 GMM for utterance verification.
 Word-conjunction HMM as tree lexicon.
BACKTRELLIS backtrellis
 Word trellis index generated at the 1st pass.
LOGPROB backmax
 Maximum score of best hypothesis at 1st pass.
int peseqlen
 Input length in frames.
 Input speech data.
int speechlen
 Length of speech.
boolean cmn_loaded
 TRUE if CMN parameter loaded from file at boot up.
float * ssbuf
 Estimated noise spectrum.
int sslen
 Length of ssbuf.
int module_sd
 Socket to the connected client.
WORD_ID pass1_wseq [MAXSEQNUM]
 Word sequence of best hypothesis on 1st pass.
int pass1_wnum
 Number of words in pass1_wseq.
LOGPROB pass1_score
 Score of pass1_wseq.
void(*) status_process_online ()
void(*) status_process_offline ()
void(*) status_recready ()
void(*) status_recstart ()
void(*) status_recend ()
void(*) status_param (HTK_Param *p)
void(*) result_pass1_begin ()
void(*) result_pass1_current (int t, WORD_ID *seq, int num, LOGPROB score, LOGPROB LMscore, WORD_INFO *winfo)
void(*) result_pass1_final (WORD_ID *seq, int num, LOGPROB score, LOGPROB LMscore, WORD_INFO *winfo)
void(*) result_pass1_end ()
void(*) result_pass2_begin ()
void(*) result_pass2 (NODE *hypo, int rank, WORD_INFO *winfo)
void(*) result_pass2_end ()
void(*) result_pass2_failed (WORD_INFO *winfo)
void(*) result_rejected (const char *)
void(*) result_gmm ()

Detailed Description

Global variables.

Akinobu Lee
Sun Sep 18 23:53:17 2005
Dfeault values are specified in this file.


Definition in file global.h.

Define Documentation

#define GLOBAL   extern

If GLOBAL_VARIABLE_DEFINE is defined, global variables are actually made. Else, these are external definition.

Definition at line 53 of file global.h.

Generated on Tue Dec 26 16:16:42 2006 for Julius by  doxygen 1.5.0