Value Struct Reference

mfcc configuration parameter values More...

#include <mfcc.h>

Data Fields

long smp_period
 Sampling period in 100ns units.
long smp_freq
 Sampling frequency.
int framesize
 Window size in samples, similar to WINDOWSIZE in HTK (unit is different).
int frameshift
 Frame shift length in samples.
float preEmph
 Pre-emphasis coefficient, corresponds to PREEMCOEF in HTK.
int lifter
 Cepstral liftering coefficient, corresponds to CEPLIFTER in HTK.
int fbank_num
 Number of filterbank channels, corresponds to NUMCHANS in HTK.
int delWin
 Delta window size, corresponds to DELTAWINDOW in HTK.
int accWin
 Acceleration window size, corresponds to ACCWINDOW in HTK.
float silFloor
 Energy silence floor in dBs, corresponds to SILFLOOR in HTK.
float escale
 Scaling coefficient of log energy, corresponds to ESCALE in HTK.
int hipass
 High frequency cut-off in fbank analysis, -1 if disabled, corresponds to HIFREQ in HTK.
int lopass
 Low frequency cut-off in fbank analysis, -1 if disabled, corresponds to LOFREQ in HTK.
int enormal
 1 if normalise raw energy, 0 if disabled, corresponds to ENORMALISE in HTK
int raw_e
 1 if using raw energy, 0 if disabled, corresponds to RAWENERGY in HTK
float ss_alpha
 Alpha coefficient for spectral subtraction.
float ss_floor
 Flooring coefficient for spectral subtraction.
int zmeanframe
 1 if apply zero mean frame like ZMEANSOURCE in HTK
int delta
 1 if delta coef. needs to be computed
int acc
 1 if acceleration coef. needs to be computed
int energy
 1 if energy coef. needs to be computed
int c0
 1 if use 0'th cepstral parameter, 0 if disabled, corresponds to _0 qualifier in HTK
int absesup
 1 if absolute energy should be suppressed
int cmn
 1 if use Cepstrum Mean Normalization, 0 if disabled, corresponds to _Z qualifier in HTK
int mfcc_dim
 Number of MFCC dimensions.
int baselen
 Number of base MFCC dimension with energies.
int vecbuflen
 Vector length needed for computation.
int veclen
 Resulting length of vector.
int loaded
 1 if these parameters were loaded from HTK config file or binhmm header

Detailed Description

mfcc configuration parameter values

Definition at line 68 of file mfcc.h.

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