Context-Dependent HMM set

同じベース音素の同じ位置にあるHMM状態の集合 [詳細]


struct  CD_State_Set
 Context-dependent state set, equivalent to HTK_HMM_State, part of pseudo phone [詳細]
struct  CD_State_Set
 Context-dependent state set, equivalent to HTK_HMM_State, part of pseudo phone [詳細]
struct  _cd_set
 Context-dependent HMM set (called "pseudo") for a logical context [詳細]
 Top structure to hold all the HMM sets [詳細]
struct  _HMM_logical
 Logical HMM to map logical names to physical/pseudo HMM [詳細]
#define CD_STATE_SET_STEP   10
 CD_State_Set memory allocation step
static void cdset_init (HTK_HMM_INFO *hmminfo)
static CD_Setcdset_new ()
CD_Setcdset_lookup (HTK_HMM_INFO *hmminfo, char *cdstr)
CD_Setlcdset_lookup_by_hmmname (HTK_HMM_INFO *hmminfo, char *hmmname)
CD_Setrcdset_lookup_by_hmmname (HTK_HMM_INFO *hmminfo, char *hmmname)
static void put_cdset (void *ptr)
void put_all_cdinfo (HTK_HMM_INFO *hmminfo)
boolean regist_cdset (APATNODE **root, HTK_HMM_Data *d, char *cdname)
boolean remove_cdset (HTK_HMM_INFO *hmminfo, char *cdname)
boolean make_cdset (HTK_HMM_INFO *hmminfo)
static void callback_free_lcdset_content (void *arg)
void free_cdset (APATNODE **root)


typedef _cd_set CD_Set
 Context-dependent HMM set (called "pseudo") for a logical context
typedef _HMM_logical HMM_Logical
 Logical HMM to map logical names to physical/pseudo HMM



この構造体は第1パスで単語間トライフォンを扱うのに用いられます. 木構造化辞書上で,単語の末端のトライフォンHMMにおける各状態は, 通常のHMMとは異なりその終端音素と同じベース音素を持つトライフォンの 同じ位置の状態のリストを持ちます.このリスト化されたコンテキスト依存 HMMの集合は,"pseudo" phone とも呼ばれます.

第1パス計算時には,その状態の音響尤度は,真の単語間トライフォンの 近似値として,リスト中の各状態の音響尤度の最大値(あるいは平均値, あるいはNbestの状態の平均値)が用いられる.







typedef struct _cd_set CD_Set

Context-dependent HMM set (called "pseudo") for a logical context

Context-dependent HMM set for a logical context (e.g. "a-k", "e+b", "e", each corresponds to triphone list of "a-k+*", "*-e+b", "*-e+*").

typedef struct _HMM_logical HMM_Logical

Logical HMM to map logical names to physical/pseudo HMM

This data maps logical HMM name to physical (defined) HMM or pseudo HMM. The logical HMM names are basically loaded from HMMList mapping file. Biphone/monophone HMM names, not listed in the HMMList file, are mapped to pseudo phones, which represents the context-dependent HMM set.

For example, if logical biphone HMM name "e-k" is defined in HMM definition file or its mapping is specified in the HMMList file, the Logical HMM name "e-k" will be mapped to the corresponding defined HMM. If "e-k" does not exist in both HMM definition file and HMMList file, triphones whose name matches "e-k+*" will be gathered to phone context-dependent HMM set "e-k", and the logical HMM name "e-k" will be mapped to this HMM set.

The context-dependent HMM is also called a "pseudo" phone in Julius.


static void cdset_init ( HTK_HMM_INFO hmminfo  )  [static]

Initialize total pseudo HMM information in the given HMM definition data.

hmminfo [i/o] HTK HMM definitions

cdset.c87 行で定義されています。

参照元 make_cdset().

static CD_Set* cdset_new (  )  [static]

Allocate a CD_Set data for a new pseudo phone set.

pointer to newly allocated CD_Set.

cdset.c98 行で定義されています。

参照元 regist_cdset().

CD_Set* cdset_lookup ( HTK_HMM_INFO hmminfo,
char *  cdstr 

Look up for a pseudo phone with the name, and return the content.

hmminfo [in] HMM information to search for.
cdstr [in] string of pseudo phone name to search.
pointer to the pseudo phone if found, or NULL if not found.

cdset.c112 行で定義されています。

参照元 hmm_add_pseudo_phones_sub()lcdset_lookup_by_hmmname()rcdset_lookup_by_hmmname().

CD_Set* lcdset_lookup_by_hmmname ( HTK_HMM_INFO hmminfo,
char *  hmmname 

Look up for a pseudo phone by the "left - center" name of the given phone name.

hmminfo [in] HMM information to search for.
hmmname [in] string of the phone name.
pointer to the pseudo phone if found, or NULL if not found.

cdset.c132 行で定義されています。

参照元 outprob_style()wchmm_add_word().

CD_Set* rcdset_lookup_by_hmmname ( HTK_HMM_INFO hmminfo,
char *  hmmname 

Look up for a pseudo phone by the "center + right" name of the given phone name.

hmminfo [in] HMM information to search for.
hmmname [in] string of the phone name.
pointer to the pseudo phone if found, or NULL if not found.

cdset.c148 行で定義されています。

static void put_cdset ( void *  ptr  )  [static]

Output text information of a pseudo phone to stdout.

ptr [in] pointer to a pseudo phone set.

cdset.c162 行で定義されています。

参照元 put_all_cdinfo().

void put_all_cdinfo ( HTK_HMM_INFO hmminfo  ) 

Output all pseudo phone set information to stdout

hmminfo [in] HMM definition data that holds pseudo phone data.

cdset.c190 行で定義されています。

boolean regist_cdset ( APATNODE **  root,
HTK_HMM_Data d,
char *  cdname 

Register a physical HMM as a member of a pseudo phone set.

root [i/o] root node of HMM search index node.
d [in] a physical defined HMM to be added.
cdname [in] name of the pseudo phone set.
TRUE if newly registered, FALSE if the specified physical HMM already exists in the pseudo phone.

cdset.c206 行で定義されています。

参照元 make_cdset().

boolean remove_cdset ( HTK_HMM_INFO hmminfo,
char *  cdname 

Remove an pseudo phone set entry from index tree


cdset.c318 行で定義されています。

boolean make_cdset ( HTK_HMM_INFO hmminfo  ) 

Construct the whole pseudo HMM information, and also add them to the logical Triphone tree.

hmminfo [i/o] HMM definition data. The generated data will also be stored within this.
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.

cdset.c351 行で定義されています。

参照元 initialize_HMM().

static void callback_free_lcdset_content ( void *  arg  )  [static]

callback for aptree function to free the content of pseudo phone set.

arg [in] pointer to the pseudo phone set to be free

cdset.c388 行で定義されています。

参照元 free_cdset().

void free_cdset ( APATNODE **  root  ) 

Remove all the registered category-indexed pseudo state sets. This function will be called when a grammar is changed to re-build the state sets.

root [i/o] pointer to hold the root index pointer

cdset.c410 行で定義されています。

参照元 hmminfo_free().

Juliusに対してTue Dec 26 16:21:23 2006に生成されました。  doxygen 1.5.0