
MFCC計算のための定義 [詳細]

#include <sent/stddefs.h>
#include <sent/htk_defs.h>
#include <ctype.h>



struct  Value
 mfcc configuration parameter values [詳細]
struct  FBankInfo
 Workspace for filterbank analysis [詳細]
struct  DeltaBuf
 Cycle buffer for delta computation [詳細]
struct  MFCCWork
 Work area for MFCC computation [詳細]
struct  CMEAN
 Structure to hold sentence sum of MFCC for realtime CMN [詳細]
struct  CMNWork
 Work area for real-time CMN [詳細]
struct  ENERGYWork
 work area for energy normalization on real time input [詳細]


#define CPMAX   500
 DEBUG: define if you want to enable debug messages for sin/cos table operation
#define CPSTEP   5
 allocate step of cmean list per sentence
#define DEF_SMPPERIOD   625
 Default sampling period in 100ns (625 = 16kHz)
#define DEF_FRAMESIZE   400
 Default Window size in samples, similar to WINDOWSIZE in HTK (unit is different)
#define DEF_FFTNUM   512
 Number of FFT steps
#define DEF_FRAMESHIFT   160
 Default frame shift length in samples
#define DEF_PREENPH   0.97
 Default pre-emphasis coefficient, corresponds to PREEMCOEF in HTK
#define DEF_MFCCDIM   12
 Default number of MFCC dimension, corresponds to NUMCEPS in HTK
#define DEF_CEPLIF   22
 Default cepstral Liftering coefficient, corresponds to CEPLIFTER in HTK
#define DEF_FBANK   24
 Default number of filterbank channels, corresponds to NUMCHANS in HTK
#define DEF_DELWIN   2
 Default delta window size, corresponds to DELTAWINDOW in HTK
#define DEF_ACCWIN   2
 Default acceleration window size, corresponds to ACCWINDOW in HTK
#define DEF_SILFLOOR   50.0
 Default energy silence floor in dBs, corresponds to SILFLOOR in HTK
#define DEF_ESCALE   1.0
 Default scaling coefficient of log energy, corresponds to ESCALE in HTK
#define DEF_SSALPHA   2.0
 Default alpha coefficient for spectral subtraction
#define DEF_SSFLOOR   0.5
 Default flooring coefficient for spectral subtraction
#define VALUE_VERSION   2
 Integer version number of Value, for embedding


MFCCWorkWMP_work_new (Value *para)
 Setup work area for parameters, values, buffers, tables to compute MFCC vectors, with a given parameter configurations
void WMP_calc (MFCCWork *w, float *mfcc, Value *para)
 Calculate MFCC and log energy for one frame.
void WMP_free (MFCCWork *w)
 Free all work area for MFCC computation
void InitFBank (MFCCWork *w, Value *para)
 Build filterbank information and generate tables for MFCC comptutation.
void FreeFBank (FBankInfo *fb)
 Free FBankInfo.
void Hamming (float *wave, int framesize, MFCCWork *w)
 Apply hamming window.
void PreEmphasise (float *wave, int framesize, float preEmph)
 Apply pre-emphasis filter.
float Mel (int k, float fres)
 Return mel-frequency.
void FFT (float *xRe, float *xIm, int p, MFCCWork *w)
 Apply FFT
void MakeFBank (float *wave, MFCCWork *w, Value *para)
 Convert wave -> (spectral subtraction) -> mel-frequency filterbank
void MakeMFCC (float *mfcc, Value *para, MFCCWork *w)
 Apply DCT to filterbank to make MFCC.
float CalcC0 (MFCCWork *w, Value *para)
 Calculate 0'th cepstral coefficient.
float CalcLogRawE (float *wave, int framesize)
 Calculate Log Raw Energy.
void ZMeanFrame (float *wave, int framesize)
 Remove DC offset per frame
void WeightCepstrum (float *mfcc, Value *para, MFCCWork *w)
 Re-scale cepstral coefficients.
int Wav2MFCC (SP16 *wave, float **mfcc, Value *para, int nSamples, MFCCWork *w)
 Convert wave data to MFCC.
void Delta (float **c, int frame, Value *para)
 Calculate delta coefficients
void Accel (float **c, int frame, Value *para)
 Calculate acceleration coefficients.
void NormaliseLogE (float **c, int frame_num, Value *para)
 Normalise log energy
void CMN (float **mfcc, int frame_num, int dim)
 Cepstrum Mean Normalization (buffered) Cepstral mean will be computed within the given MFCC vectors.
DeltaBufWMP_deltabuf_new (int veclen, int windowlen)
 Allocate a new delta cycle buffer.
void WMP_deltabuf_free (DeltaBuf *db)
 Destroy the delta cycle buffer.
void WMP_deltabuf_prepare (DeltaBuf *db)
 Reset and clear the delta cycle buffer.
boolean WMP_deltabuf_proceed (DeltaBuf *db, float *new_mfcc)
 Store the given MFCC vector into the delta cycle buffer, and compute the latest delta coefficients.
boolean WMP_deltabuf_flush (DeltaBuf *db)
 Flush the delta cycle buffer the delta coefficients left in the cycle buffer.
CMNWorkCMN_realtime_new (int dimension, float weight)
 Initialize MAP-CMN at startup.
void CMN_realtime_free (CMNWork *c)
 Free work area for real-time CMN.
void CMN_realtime_prepare (CMNWork *c)
 Prepare for MAP-CMN at start of each input
void CMN_realtime (CMNWork *c, float *mfcc)
 Perform MAP-CMN for incoming MFCC vectors
void CMN_realtime_update (CMNWork *c)
 Update initial cepstral mean from previous utterances for next input.
boolean CMN_load_from_file (CMNWork *c, char *filename)
 Load CMN parameter from file.
boolean CMN_save_to_file (CMNWork *c, char *filename)
 Save the current CMN vector to a file.
void energy_max_init (ENERGYWork *energy)
 Initialize work area for energy normalization on live input.
void energy_max_prepare (ENERGYWork *energy, Value *para)
 Prepare values for energy normalization on live input.
LOGPROB energy_max_normalize (ENERGYWork *energy, LOGPROB f, Value *para)
 Peform energy normalization using maximum of last input.
float * new_SS_load_from_file (char *filename, int *slen)
 Load a noise spectrum from file.
float * new_SS_calculate (SP16 *wave, int wavelen, int *slen, MFCCWork *w, Value *para)
 Compute average spectrum of audio input.
void undef_para (Value *para)
 Reset configuration parameters for MFCC computation.
void make_default_para (Value *para)
 Set Julius default parameters for MFCC computation.
void make_default_para_htk (Value *para)
 Set HTK default configuration parameters for MFCC computation.
void apply_para (Value *dst, Value *src)
 Merge two configuration parameters for MFCC computation.
boolean htk_config_file_parse (char *HTKconffile, Value *para)
 Read and parse an HTK Config file, and set the specified option values.
void calc_para_from_header (Value *para, short param_type, short vec_size)
 Set acoustic analysis parameters from HTK HMM definition header information.
void put_para (FILE *fp, Value *para)
 Output acoustic analysis configuration parameters to stdout.



このファイルには,音声波形データからMFCC形式の特徴量ベクトル系列を 計算するための構造体の定義およびデフォルト値が含まれています. デフォルト値は Julius とともに配布されている音響モデルで使用している 値であり,HTKのデフォルトとは値が異なる部分がありますので注意して下さい.





Akinobu LEE
Fri Feb 11 03:40:52 2005

mfcc.h で定義されています。


#define CPMAX   500

DEBUG: define if you want to enable debug messages for sin/cos table operation

Maximum number of frames to store ceptral mean for realtime CMN update

mfcc.h47 行で定義されています。

参照元 CMN_realtime_update().


MFCCWork* WMP_work_new ( Value para  ) 

Setup work area for parameters, values, buffers, tables to compute MFCC vectors, with a given parameter configurations

para [in] configuration parameters
pointer to the newly allocated work area.

mfcc-core.c537 行で定義されています。

参照元 j_final_fusion(), と j_mfcccalc_new().

void WMP_calc ( MFCCWork w,
float *  mfcc,
Value para 

Calculate MFCC and log energy for one frame.

Perform spectral subtraction if ssbuf is specified.

w [i/o] MFCC calculation work area
mfcc [out] buffer to hold the resulting MFCC vector
para [in] configuration parameters

mfcc-core.c575 行で定義されています。

参照元 RealTimeMFCC(), と Wav2MFCC().

void WMP_free ( MFCCWork w  ) 

Free all work area for MFCC computation

w [i/o] MFCC calculation work area

mfcc-core.c617 行で定義されています。

参照元 j_mfcccalc_free().

void InitFBank ( MFCCWork w,
Value para 

Build filterbank information and generate tables for MFCC comptutation.

w [i/o] MFCC calculation work area
para [in] configuration parameters
the generated filterbank information.

mfcc-core.c169 行で定義されています。

void FreeFBank ( FBankInfo fb  ) 

Free FBankInfo.

fb [in] filterbank information

mfcc-core.c243 行で定義されています。

void Hamming ( float *  wave,
int  framesize,
MFCCWork w 

Apply hamming window.

wave [i/o] waveform data in the current frame
framesize [in] frame size
w [i/o] MFCC calculation work area

mfcc-core.c315 行で定義されています。

参照元 new_SS_calculate().

void PreEmphasise ( float *  wave,
int  framesize,
float  preEmph 

Apply pre-emphasis filter.

wave [i/o] waveform data in the current frame
framesize [i/o] frame size in samples
preEmph [in] pre-emphasis coef.

mfcc-core.c299 行で定義されています。

参照元 new_SS_calculate().

float Mel ( int  k,
float  fres 

Return mel-frequency.

k [in] channel number of filter bank
fres [in] constant value computed by "1.0E7 / (para.smp_period * fb.fftN * 700.0)"
the mel frequency.

mfcc-core.c155 行で定義されています。

参照元 InitFBank().

void FFT ( float *  xRe,
float *  xIm,
int  p,
MFCCWork w 

Apply FFT

xRe [i/o] real part of waveform
xIm [i/o] imaginal part of waveform
p [in] 2^p = FFT point
w [i/o] MFCC calculation work area

mfcc-core.c336 行で定義されています。

参照元 new_SS_calculate().

void MakeFBank ( float *  wave,
MFCCWork w,
Value para 

Convert wave -> (spectral subtraction) -> mel-frequency filterbank

wave [in] waveform data in the current frame
w [i/o] MFCC calculation work area
para [in] configuration parameters

mfcc-core.c388 行で定義されています。

void MakeMFCC ( float *  mfcc,
Value para,
MFCCWork w 

Apply DCT to filterbank to make MFCC.

mfcc [out] output MFCC vector
para [in] configuration parameters
w [i/o] MFCC calculation work area

mfcc-core.c466 行で定義されています。

float CalcC0 ( MFCCWork w,
Value para 

Calculate 0'th cepstral coefficient.

w [i/o] MFCC calculation work area
para [in] configuration parameters

mfcc-core.c448 行で定義されています。

float CalcLogRawE ( float *  wave,
int  framesize 

Calculate Log Raw Energy.

wave [in] waveform data in the current frame
framesize [in] frame size
the calculated log raw energy.

mfcc-core.c279 行で定義されています。

void ZMeanFrame ( float *  wave,
int  framesize 

Remove DC offset per frame

wave [i/o] waveform data in the current frame
framesize [in] frame size

mfcc-core.c260 行で定義されています。

参照元 new_SS_calculate().

void WeightCepstrum ( float *  mfcc,
Value para,
MFCCWork w 

Re-scale cepstral coefficients.

mfcc [i/o] a MFCC vector
para [in] configuration parameters
w [i/o] MFCC calculation work area

mfcc-core.c500 行で定義されています。

int Wav2MFCC ( SP16 wave,
float **  mfcc,
Value para,
int  nSamples,
MFCCWork w 

Convert wave data to MFCC.

Also does spectral subtraction if ssbuf specified.

wave [in] waveform data
mfcc [out] buffer to store the resulting MFCC parameter vector [t][0..veclen-1], should be already allocated
para [in] configuration parameters
nSamples [in] length of waveform data
w [i/o] MFCC calculation work area
the number of processed frames.

wav2mfcc-buffer.c57 行で定義されています。

参照元 wav2mfcc().

void Delta ( float **  c,
int  frame,
Value para 

Calculate delta coefficients

c [i/o] MFCC vectors, in which the delta coeff. will be appended.
frame [in] number of frames
para [in] configuration parameters

wav2mfcc-buffer.c141 行で定義されています。

参照元 Wav2MFCC().

void Accel ( float **  c,
int  frame,
Value para 

Calculate acceleration coefficients.

c [i/o] MFCC vectors, in which the delta coeff. will be appended.
frame [in] number of frames
para [in] configuration parameters

wav2mfcc-buffer.c179 行で定義されています。

参照元 Wav2MFCC().

void NormaliseLogE ( float **  mfcc,
int  frame_num,
Value para 

Normalise log energy

mfcc [i/o] array of MFCC vectors
frame_num [in] number of frames
para [in] configuration parameters

wav2mfcc-buffer.c109 行で定義されています。

参照元 Wav2MFCC().

void CMN ( float **  mfcc,
int  frame_num,
int  dim 

Cepstrum Mean Normalization (buffered) Cepstral mean will be computed within the given MFCC vectors.

mfcc [i/o] array of MFCC vectors
frame_num [in] number of frames
dim [in] total dimension of MFCC vectors

wav2mfcc-buffer.c218 行で定義されています。

参照元 Wav2MFCC().

DeltaBuf* WMP_deltabuf_new ( int  veclen,
int  windowlen 

Allocate a new delta cycle buffer.

veclen [in] length of a vector
windowlen [in] window width for computing delta
pointer to newly allocated delta cycle buffer structure.

wav2mfcc-pipe.c59 行で定義されています。

参照元 RealTimeInit().

void WMP_deltabuf_free ( DeltaBuf db  ) 

Destroy the delta cycle buffer.

db [i/o] delta cycle buffer

wav2mfcc-pipe.c86 行で定義されています。

参照元 j_mfcccalc_free().

void WMP_deltabuf_prepare ( DeltaBuf db  ) 

Reset and clear the delta cycle buffer.

db [i/o] delta cycle buffer

wav2mfcc-pipe.c104 行で定義されています。

参照元 reset_mfcc().

boolean WMP_deltabuf_proceed ( DeltaBuf db,
float *  new_mfcc 

Store the given MFCC vector into the delta cycle buffer, and compute the latest delta coefficients.

db [i/o] delta cycle buffer
new_mfcc [in] MFCC vector
TRUE if next delta coeff. computed, in that case it is saved in db->delta[], or FALSE if delta is not yet computed by short of data.

wav2mfcc-pipe.c163 行で定義されています。

参照元 RealTimeMFCC(), と RealTimeParam().

boolean WMP_deltabuf_flush ( DeltaBuf db  ) 

Flush the delta cycle buffer the delta coefficients left in the cycle buffer.

db [i/o] delta cycle buffer
TRUE if next delta coeff. computed, in that case it is saved in db->delta[], or FALSE if all delta computation has been flushed and no data is available.

wav2mfcc-pipe.c205 行で定義されています。

参照元 RealTimeParam().

CMNWork* CMN_realtime_new ( int  dimension,
float  weight 

Initialize MAP-CMN at startup.

dimension [in] vector dimension
weight [in] initial cepstral mean weight

wav2mfcc-pipe.c246 行で定義されています。

参照元 RealTimeInit().

void CMN_realtime_free ( CMNWork c  ) 

Free work area for real-time CMN.

c [i/o] CMN calculation work area

wav2mfcc-pipe.c279 行で定義されています。

参照元 j_mfcccalc_free().

void CMN_realtime_prepare ( CMNWork c  ) 

Prepare for MAP-CMN at start of each input

c [i/o] CMN calculation work area

wav2mfcc-pipe.c298 行で定義されています。

参照元 RealTimePipeLinePrepare().

void CMN_realtime ( CMNWork c,
float *  mfcc 

Perform MAP-CMN for incoming MFCC vectors

c [i/o] CMN calculation work area
mfcc [in] MFCC vector

wav2mfcc-pipe.c314 行で定義されています。

参照元 RealTimeMFCC(), と RealTimeParam().

void CMN_realtime_update ( CMNWork c  ) 

Update initial cepstral mean from previous utterances for next input.

c [i/o] CMN calculation work area

wav2mfcc-pipe.c343 行で定義されています。

参照元 RealTimeCMNUpdate().

boolean CMN_load_from_file ( CMNWork c,
char *  filename 

Load CMN parameter from file.

If the number of MFCC dimension in the file does not match the specified one, an error will occur.

c [i/o] CMN calculation work area
filename [in] file name
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.

wav2mfcc-pipe.c443 行で定義されています。

参照元 RealTimeInit().

boolean CMN_save_to_file ( CMNWork c,
char *  filename 

Save the current CMN vector to a file.

c [i/o] CMN calculation work area
filename [in] filename to save the data.
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.

wav2mfcc-pipe.c491 行で定義されています。

参照元 RealTimeCMNUpdate().

void energy_max_init ( ENERGYWork energy  ) 

Initialize work area for energy normalization on live input.

This should be called once on startup.

energy [in] energy normalization work area

wav2mfcc-pipe.c533 行で定義されています。

参照元 RealTimeInit().

void energy_max_prepare ( ENERGYWork energy,
Value para 

Prepare values for energy normalization on live input.

This should be called before each input segment.

energy [in] energy normalization work area
para [in] MFCC computation configuration parameter

wav2mfcc-pipe.c546 行で定義されています。

参照元 reset_mfcc().

LOGPROB energy_max_normalize ( ENERGYWork energy,
Value para 

Peform energy normalization using maximum of last input.

energy [in] energy normalization work area
f [in] raw energy
para [in] MFCC computation configuration parameter
value of the normalized log energy.

wav2mfcc-pipe.c563 行で定義されています。

参照元 RealTimeMFCC().

float* new_SS_load_from_file ( char *  filename,
int *  slen 

Load a noise spectrum from file.

filename [in] path name of noise spectrum file
slen [out] length of the returned buffer
a newly allocated buffer that holds the loaded noise spectrum.

ss.c66 行で定義されています。

参照元 RealTimeInit(), と wav2mfcc().

float* new_SS_calculate ( SP16 wave,
int  wavelen,
int *  slen,
MFCCWork w,
Value para 

Compute average spectrum of audio input.

This is used to estimate a noise spectrum from input samples.

wave [in] input audio data sequence
wavelen [in] length of above
slen [out] length of returned buffer
w [i/o] MFCC calculation work area
para [in] parameter
a newly allocated buffer that contains the calculated spectrum.

ss.c111 行で定義されています。

参照元 wav2mfcc().

void undef_para ( Value para  ) 

Reset configuration parameters for MFCC computation.

para [out] feature extraction parameters

para.c39 行で定義されています。

参照元 initialize_GSHMM(), と jconf_set_default_values_am().

void make_default_para ( Value para  ) 

Set Julius default parameters for MFCC computation.

para [out] feature extraction parameters

para.c80 行で定義されています。

参照元 jconf_set_default_values_am().

void make_default_para_htk ( Value para  ) 

Set HTK default configuration parameters for MFCC computation.

This will be refered when parameters are given as HTK Config file.

para [out] feature extraction parameters

para.c110 行で定義されています。

参照元 jconf_set_default_values_am().

void apply_para ( Value dst,
Value src 

Merge two configuration parameters for MFCC computation.

dst [out] feature extraction parameters to set to
src [out] feature extraction parameters to set from

para.c135 行で定義されています。

参照元 initialize_GMM(), と initialize_HMM().

boolean htk_config_file_parse ( char *  HTKconffile,
Value para 

Read and parse an HTK Config file, and set the specified option values.

HTKconffile [in] HTK Config file path name
para [out] MFCC parameter to set
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.

para.c178 行で定義されています。

参照元 opt_parse().

void calc_para_from_header ( Value para,
short  param_type,
short  vec_size 

Set acoustic analysis parameters from HTK HMM definition header information.

para [out] acoustic analysis parameters
param_type [in] parameter type specified at HMM header
vec_size [in] vector size type specified at HMM header

para.c288 行で定義されています。

参照元 initialize_GMM(), と initialize_HMM().

void put_para ( FILE *  fp,
Value para 

Output acoustic analysis configuration parameters to stdout.

fp [in] file pointer
para [in] configuration parameter

para.c324 行で定義されています。

参照元 print_engine_info().

Juliusに対してTue Dec 18 16:05:02 2007に生成されました。  doxygen 1.5.4