Configuration parameters (AM) [詳細]

#include <jconf.h>


Collaboration graph


short id
 Unique ID
 Unique name
char * hmmfilename
 HMM definition file (-h)
char * mapfilename
 HMMList file to map logical (tri)phones to physical models (-hlist)
int gprune_method
 Gaussian pruning method (-gprune) Default: use value from compile-time engine configuration default.
int mixnum_thres
 Number of Gaussian to compute per mixture on Gaussian pruning (-tmix)
char * spmodel_name
 Logical HMM name of short pause model (-spmodel) Default: "sp"
char * hmm_gs_filename
 GMS: HMM definition file for GMS (-gshmm)
int gs_statenum
 GMS: number of mixture PDF to select (-gsnum)
short iwcdmethod
 Calculation method for outprob score of a lcdset on cross-word triphone (-iwcd1)
short iwcdmaxn
 N-best states to be calculated on IWCD_NBEST (-iwcd1 best N)
LOGPROB iwsp_penalty
 Transition penalty of inter-word short pause (-iwsppenalty) for multi-path mode
boolean force_multipath
 force multipath mode
struct {
   Value   para
 All MFCC computation parameters, actually used for recognition.
   Value   para_default
 default parameters of Julius
   Value   para_hmm
 parameters from binhmm header
   Value   para_htk
 parameters from HTK Config (-htkconf)
   char *   cmnload_filename
 CMN: load initial cepstral mean from file at startup (-cmnload)
   boolean   cmn_update
 CMN: update cepstral mean while recognition (-cmnnoupdate to unset)
   char *   cmnsave_filename
 CMN: save cepstral mean to file at end of every recognition (-cmnsave)
   float   cmn_map_weight
 CMN: MAP weight for initial cepstral mean on (-cmnmapweight)
struct {
   float   ss_alpha
 Alpha coefficient for spectral subtraction
   float   ss_floor
 Flooring coefficient for spectral subtraction
   boolean   sscalc
 SS: compute noise spectrum from head silence on file input (-sscalc)
   int   sscalc_len
 With "-sscalc", specify noise length at input head in msec (-sscalclen)
   char *   ssload_filename
 Load noise spectrum data from file (-ssload), that was made by "mkss".
struct __jconf_am__ * next


Configuration parameters (AM)

jconf.h68 行で定義されています。

Juliusに対してTue Dec 18 16:05:22 2007に生成されました。  doxygen 1.5.4