
Go to the documentation of this file.
00024 /*
00025  * Copyright (c) 1991-2007 Kawahara Lab., Kyoto University
00026  * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Shikano Lab., Nara Institute of Science and Technology
00027  * Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Julius project team, Nagoya Institute of Technology
00028  * All rights reserved
00029  */
00031 #include <julius/julius.h>
00057 char *
00058 filepath(char *filename, char *dirname)
00059 {
00060   char *p;
00061   if (dirname != NULL && filename[0] != '/'
00062 #if defined(_WIN32)
00063       && filename[0] != '\\' && !(strlen(filename) >= 3 && filename[1] == ':')
00064 #endif
00065       ) {
00066     p = (char *)mymalloc(strlen(filename) + strlen(dirname) + 1);
00067     strcpy(p, dirname);
00068     strcat(p, filename);
00069   } else {
00070     p = strcpy((char *)mymalloc(strlen(filename)+1), filename);
00071   }
00072   return p;
00073 }
00090 static char *
00091 next_arg(int *cur, int argc, char *argv[])
00092 {
00093   (*cur)++;
00094   if (*cur >= argc) {
00095     jlog("ERROR: m_options: option requires argument -- %s\n", argv[*cur-1]);
00096     return NULL;
00097   }
00098   return(argv[*cur]);
00099 }
00101 static boolean
00102 check_section(Jconf *jconf, char *optname, short sec)
00103 {
00104   if (! jconf->optsectioning) return TRUE;
00106   if (jconf->optsection == sec) return TRUE;
00108   if (jconf->optsection == JCONF_OPT_DEFAULT) return TRUE;
00110   switch(sec) {
00111   case JCONF_OPT_GLOBAL:
00112     jlog("ERROR: \"%s\" is global option (should be before any instance declaration)", optname); break;
00113   case JCONF_OPT_AM:
00114     jlog("ERROR: \"%s\" is AM option", optname); break;
00115   case JCONF_OPT_LM:
00116     jlog("ERROR: \"%s\" is LM option", optname); break;
00117   case JCONF_OPT_SR:
00118     jlog("ERROR: \"%s\" is SR (search) option", optname); break;
00119   }
00120   switch(jconf->optsection) {
00121   case JCONF_OPT_GLOBAL:
00122     jlog(", but exists at global section (-GLOBAL)\n"); break;
00123   case JCONF_OPT_AM:
00124     jlog(", but exists at AM section (-AM \"%s\")\n", jconf->amnow->name); break;
00125   case JCONF_OPT_LM:
00126     jlog(", but exists at LM section (-LM \"%s\")\n", jconf->lmnow->name); break;
00127   case JCONF_OPT_SR:
00128     jlog(", but exists at recognizer section (-SR \"%s\")\n", jconf->searchnow->name); break;
00129   }
00130   jlog("ERROR: fix it, or you can disable this check by \"-nosectioncheck\"\n");
00131   return FALSE;
00132 }
00146 #define FREE_MEMORY(p) \
00147   {if (p) {free(p); p = NULL;}}
00173 boolean
00174 opt_parse(int argc, char *argv[], char *cwd, Jconf *jconf)
00175 {
00176   char *tmparg;
00177   int i;
00178   boolean unknown_opt;
00179   JCONF_AM *amconf, *atmp;
00180   JCONF_LM *lmconf, *ltmp;
00181   JCONF_SEARCH *sconf;
00182   char sname[JCONF_MODULENAME_MAXLEN];
00183 #ifdef ENABLE_PLUGIN
00184   int sid;
00185   FUNC_INT func;
00186 #endif
00187 #define GET_TMPARG  if ((tmparg = next_arg(&i, argc, argv)) == NULL) return FALSE
00189   for (i=1;i<argc;i++) {
00190     unknown_opt = FALSE;
00191     if (strmatch(argv[i],"-C")) { /* include jconf file  */
00192       GET_TMPARG;
00193       tmparg = filepath(tmparg, cwd);
00194       if (config_file_parse(tmparg, jconf) == FALSE) {
00195         return FALSE;
00196       }
00197       free(tmparg);
00198       continue;
00199     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-AM") || strmatch(argv[i], "[AM]")) {
00200       GET_TMPARG;
00201       if (tmparg[0] == '-') {
00202         jlog("ERROR: m_options: -AM needs an argument as module name\n");
00203         return FALSE;
00204       }
00205       if (tmparg[0] >= '0' && tmparg[0] <= '9') {
00206         jlog("ERROR: m_options: AM name \"%s\" not acceptable: first character should not be a digit\n", tmparg);
00207         return FALSE;
00208       }
00209       /* if not first time, create new module instance and switch to it */
00210       /* and switch current to this */
00211       amconf = j_jconf_am_new();
00212       if (j_jconf_am_regist(jconf, amconf, tmparg) == FALSE) {
00213         jlog("ERROR: failed to add new amconf as \"%s\"\n", tmparg);
00214         jlog("ERROR: m_options: failed to create amconf\n");
00215         j_jconf_am_free(amconf);
00216         return FALSE;
00217       }
00218       jconf->amnow = amconf;
00219       jconf->optsection = JCONF_OPT_AM;
00220       continue;
00221     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-AM_GMM") || strmatch(argv[i], "[AM_GMM]")) {
00222       /* switch current to GMM */
00223       if (jconf->gmm == NULL) {
00224         /* if new, allocate jconf for GMM */
00225         jconf->gmm = j_jconf_am_new();
00226       }
00227       jconf->amnow = jconf->gmm;
00228       jconf->optsection = JCONF_OPT_AM;
00229       continue;
00230     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-LM") || strmatch(argv[i], "[LM]")) {
00231       GET_TMPARG;
00232       if (tmparg[0] == '-') {
00233         jlog("ERROR: m_options: -LM needs an argument as module name\n");
00234         return FALSE;
00235       }
00236       if (tmparg[0] >= '0' && tmparg[0] <= '9') {
00237         jlog("ERROR: m_options: LM name \"%s\" not acceptable: first character should not be a digit\n", tmparg);
00238         return FALSE;
00239       }
00240       /* create new module instance and switch to it */
00241       /* and switch current to this */
00242       lmconf = j_jconf_lm_new();
00243       if (j_jconf_lm_regist(jconf, lmconf, tmparg) == FALSE) {
00244         jlog("ERROR: failed to add new lmconf as \"%s\"\n", tmparg);
00245         jlog("ERROR: m_options: failed to create lmconf\n");
00246         j_jconf_lm_free(lmconf);
00247         return FALSE;
00248       }
00249       jconf->lmnow = lmconf;
00250       jconf->optsection = JCONF_OPT_LM;
00251       continue;
00252     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-SR") || strmatch(argv[i], "[SR]")) {
00253       GET_TMPARG;
00254       if (tmparg[0] == '-') {
00255         jlog("ERROR: m_options: -SR needs three arguments: module name, AM name and LM name\n");
00256         return FALSE;
00257       }
00258       if (tmparg[0] >= '0' && tmparg[0] <= '9') {
00259         jlog("ERROR: m_options: SR name \"%s\" not acceptable: first character should not be a digit\n", tmparg);
00260         return FALSE;
00261       }
00262       /* store name temporarly */
00263       strncpy(sname, tmparg, JCONF_MODULENAME_MAXLEN);
00264       /* get link to jconf_am and jconf_lm */
00265       GET_TMPARG;
00266       if (tmparg[0] == '-') {
00267         jlog("ERROR: m_options: -SR needs three arguments: module name, AM name and LM name\n");
00268         return FALSE;
00269       }
00270       if (tmparg[0] >= '0' && tmparg[0] <= '9') { /* arg is number */
00271         if ((amconf = j_get_amconf_by_id(jconf, atoi(tmparg))) == NULL) return FALSE;
00272       } else {                  /* name string */
00273         if ((amconf = j_get_amconf_by_name(jconf, tmparg)) == NULL) return FALSE;
00274       }
00275       GET_TMPARG;
00276       if (tmparg[0] == '-') {
00277         jlog("ERROR: m_options: -SR needs three arguments: module name, AM name and LM name\n");
00278         return FALSE;
00279       }
00280       if (tmparg[0] >= '0' && tmparg[0] <= '9') { /* arg is number */
00281         if ((lmconf = j_get_lmconf_by_id(jconf, atoi(tmparg))) == NULL) return FALSE;
00282       } else {                  /* name string */
00283         if ((lmconf = j_get_lmconf_by_name(jconf, tmparg)) == NULL) return FALSE;
00284       }
00286       /* check to avoid assigning an LM for multiple SR */
00287       for(sconf=jconf->search_root;sconf;sconf=sconf->next) {
00288         if (sconf->lmconf == lmconf) {
00289           jlog("ERROR: you are going to share LM \"%s\" among multiple SRs\n");
00290           jlog("ERROR: current Julius cannot share LM among SRs\n");
00291           jlog("ERROR: you should define LM for each SR\n");
00292           return FALSE;
00293         }
00294       }
00296       /* if not first time, create new module instance and switch to it */
00297       sconf = j_jconf_search_new();
00298       sconf->amconf = amconf;
00299       sconf->lmconf = lmconf;
00300       if (j_jconf_search_regist(jconf, sconf, sname) == FALSE) {
00301         jlog("ERROR: failed to add new amconf as \"%s\"\n", sname);
00302         jlog("ERROR: m_options: failed to create search conf\n");
00303         j_jconf_search_free(sconf);
00304         return FALSE;
00305       }
00306       jconf->searchnow = sconf;
00307       jconf->optsection = JCONF_OPT_SR;
00308       continue;
00309     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-GLOBAL")) {
00310       jconf->optsection = JCONF_OPT_GLOBAL;
00311       continue;
00312     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-sectioncheck")) { /* enable section check */
00313       jconf->optsectioning = TRUE;
00314       continue;
00315     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-nosectioncheck")) { /* disable section check */
00316       jconf->optsectioning = FALSE;
00317       continue;
00318     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-input")) { /* speech input */
00319       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_GLOBAL)) return FALSE; 
00320       GET_TMPARG;
00321       jconf->input.plugin_source = -1;
00322       if (strmatch(tmparg,"file") || strmatch(tmparg,"rawfile")) {
00323         jconf->input.type = INPUT_WAVEFORM;
00324         jconf->input.speech_input = SP_RAWFILE;
00325         jconf->decodeopt.realtime_flag = FALSE;
00326       } else if (strmatch(tmparg,"htkparam") || strmatch(tmparg,"mfcfile") || strmatch(tmparg,"mfc")) {
00327         jconf->input.type = INPUT_VECTOR;
00328         jconf->input.speech_input = SP_MFCFILE;
00329         jconf->decodeopt.realtime_flag = FALSE;
00330       } else if (strmatch(tmparg,"stdin")) {
00331         jconf->input.type = INPUT_WAVEFORM;
00332         jconf->input.speech_input = SP_STDIN;
00333         jconf->decodeopt.realtime_flag = FALSE;
00334       } else if (strmatch(tmparg,"adinnet")) {
00335         jconf->input.type = INPUT_WAVEFORM;
00336         jconf->input.speech_input = SP_ADINNET;
00337         jconf->decodeopt.realtime_flag = TRUE;
00338 #ifdef USE_NETAUDIO
00339       } else if (strmatch(tmparg,"netaudio")) {
00340         jconf->input.type = INPUT_WAVEFORM;
00341         jconf->input.speech_input = SP_NETAUDIO;
00342         jconf->decodeopt.realtime_flag = TRUE;
00343 #endif
00344 #ifdef USE_MIC
00345       } else if (strmatch(tmparg,"mic")) {
00346         jconf->input.type = INPUT_WAVEFORM;
00347         jconf->input.speech_input = SP_MIC;
00348         jconf->input.device = SP_INPUT_DEFAULT;
00349         jconf->decodeopt.realtime_flag = TRUE;
00350       } else if (strmatch(tmparg,"alsa")) {
00351 #ifdef HAS_ALSA
00352         jconf->input.type = INPUT_WAVEFORM;
00353         jconf->input.speech_input = SP_MIC;
00354         jconf->input.device = SP_INPUT_ALSA;
00355         jconf->decodeopt.realtime_flag = TRUE;
00356 #else
00357         jlog("ERROR: m_options: \"-input alsa\": ALSA support is not built-in\n");
00358         return FALSE;
00359 #endif
00360       } else if (strmatch(tmparg,"oss")) {
00361 #ifdef HAS_OSS
00362         jconf->input.type = INPUT_WAVEFORM;
00363         jconf->input.speech_input = SP_MIC;
00364         jconf->input.device = SP_INPUT_OSS;
00365         jconf->decodeopt.realtime_flag = TRUE;
00366 #else
00367         jlog("ERROR: m_options: \"-input oss\": OSS support is not built-in\n");
00368         return FALSE;
00369 #endif
00370       } else if (strmatch(tmparg,"esd")) {
00371 #ifdef HAS_ESD
00372         jconf->input.type = INPUT_WAVEFORM;
00373         jconf->input.speech_input = SP_MIC;
00374         jconf->input.device = SP_INPUT_ESD;
00375         jconf->decodeopt.realtime_flag = TRUE;
00376 #else
00377         jlog("ERROR: m_options: \"-input oss\": OSS support is not built-in\n");
00378         return FALSE;
00379 #endif
00380 #endif
00381 #ifdef ENABLE_PLUGIN
00382       } else if ((sid = plugin_find_optname("adin_get_optname", tmparg)) != -1) { /* adin plugin */
00383         jconf->input.plugin_source = sid;
00384         jconf->input.type = INPUT_WAVEFORM;
00385         jconf->input.speech_input = SP_MIC;
00386         func = (FUNC_INT) plugin_get_func(sid, "adin_get_configuration");
00387         if (func == NULL) {
00388           jlog("ERROR: invalid plugin: adin_get_configuration() not exist\n");
00389           jlog("ERROR: skip option \"-input %s\"\n", tmparg);
00390           continue;
00391         }
00392         jconf->decodeopt.realtime_flag = (*func)(0);
00393       } else if ((sid = plugin_find_optname("fvin_get_optname", tmparg)) != -1) { /* vector input plugin */
00394         jconf->input.plugin_source = sid;
00395         jconf->input.type = INPUT_VECTOR;
00396         jconf->input.speech_input = SP_MFCMODULE;
00397         jconf->decodeopt.realtime_flag = FALSE;
00398 #endif
00399       } else {
00400         jlog("ERROR: m_options: unknown speech input source \"%s\"\n", tmparg);
00401         return FALSE;
00402       }
00403       continue;
00404     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-filelist")) { /* input file list */
00405       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_GLOBAL)) return FALSE; 
00406       GET_TMPARG;
00407       FREE_MEMORY(jconf->input.inputlist_filename);
00408       //jconf->input.inputlist_filename = strcpy((char*)mymalloc(strlen(tmparg)+1),tmparg);
00409       jconf->input.inputlist_filename = filepath(tmparg, cwd);
00410       continue;
00411     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-rejectshort")) { /* short input rejection */
00412       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_GLOBAL)) return FALSE; 
00413       GET_TMPARG;
00414       jconf->reject.rejectshortlen = atoi(tmparg);
00415       continue;
00416 #ifdef POWER_REJECT
00417     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-powerthres")) { /* short input rejection */
00418       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_GLOBAL)) return FALSE; 
00419       GET_TMPARG;
00420       jconf->reject.powerthres = atoi(tmparg);
00421       continue;
00422 #endif
00423     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-force_realtime")) { /* force realtime */
00424       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_GLOBAL)) return FALSE; 
00425       GET_TMPARG;
00426       if (strmatch(tmparg, "on")) {
00427         jconf->decodeopt.forced_realtime = TRUE;
00428       } else if (strmatch(tmparg, "off")) {
00429         jconf->decodeopt.forced_realtime = FALSE;
00430       } else {
00431         jlog("ERROR: m_options: \"-force_realtime\" should be either \"on\" or \"off\"\n");
00432         return FALSE;
00433       }
00434       jconf->decodeopt.force_realtime_flag = TRUE;
00435       continue;
00436     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-realtime")) { /* equal to "-force_realtime on" */
00437       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_GLOBAL)) return FALSE; 
00438       jconf->decodeopt.forced_realtime = TRUE;
00439       jconf->decodeopt.force_realtime_flag = TRUE;
00440       continue;
00441     } else if (strmatch(argv[i], "-norealtime")) { /* equal to "-force_realtime off" */
00442       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_GLOBAL)) return FALSE; 
00443       jconf->decodeopt.forced_realtime = FALSE;
00444       jconf->decodeopt.force_realtime_flag = TRUE;
00445       continue;
00446     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-forcedict")) { /* skip dict error */
00447       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_LM)) return FALSE; 
00448       jconf->lmnow->forcedict_flag = TRUE;
00449       continue;
00450     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-check")) { /* interactive model check mode */
00451       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
00452       GET_TMPARG;
00453       if (strmatch(tmparg, "wchmm")) {
00454         jconf->searchnow->sw.wchmm_check_flag = TRUE;
00455       } else if (strmatch(tmparg, "trellis")) {
00456         jconf->searchnow->sw.trellis_check_flag = TRUE;
00457       } else if (strmatch(tmparg, "triphone")) {
00458         jconf->searchnow->sw.triphone_check_flag = TRUE;
00459       } else {
00460         jlog("ERROR: m_options: invalid argument for \"-check\": %s\n", tmparg);
00461         return FALSE;
00462       }
00463       continue;
00464     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-notypecheck")) { /* don't check param type */
00465       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_GLOBAL)) return FALSE; 
00466       jconf->input.paramtype_check_flag = FALSE;
00467       continue;
00468     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-nlimit")) { /* limit N token in a node */
00469 #ifdef WPAIR_KEEP_NLIMIT
00470       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
00471       GET_TMPARG;
00472       jconf->searchnow->pass1.wpair_keep_nlimit = atoi(tmparg);
00473 #else
00474       jlog("WARNING: m_options: WPAIR_KEEP_NLIMIT disabled, \"-nlimit\" ignored\n");
00475 #endif
00476       continue;
00477     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-lookuprange")) { /* trellis neighbor range */
00478       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
00479       GET_TMPARG;
00480       jconf->searchnow->pass2.lookup_range = atoi(tmparg);
00481       continue;
00482     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-graphout")) { /* enable graph output */
00483       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
00484       jconf->searchnow->graph.enabled = TRUE;
00485       jconf->searchnow->graph.lattice = TRUE;
00486       jconf->searchnow->graph.confnet = FALSE;
00487       continue;
00488     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-lattice")) { /* enable graph output */
00489       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
00490       jconf->searchnow->graph.enabled = TRUE;
00491       jconf->searchnow->graph.lattice = TRUE;
00492       continue;
00493     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-nolattice")) { /* disable graph output */
00494       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
00495       jconf->searchnow->graph.enabled = FALSE;
00496       jconf->searchnow->graph.lattice = FALSE;
00497       continue;
00498     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-confnet")) { /* enable confusion network */
00499       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
00500       jconf->searchnow->graph.enabled = TRUE;
00501       jconf->searchnow->graph.confnet = TRUE;
00502       continue;
00503     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-noconfnet")) { /* disable graph output */
00504       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
00505       jconf->searchnow->graph.enabled = FALSE;
00506       jconf->searchnow->graph.confnet = FALSE;
00507       continue;
00508     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-graphrange")) { /* neighbor merge range frame */
00509       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
00510       GET_TMPARG;
00511       jconf->searchnow->graph.graph_merge_neighbor_range = atoi(tmparg);
00512       continue;
00514     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-graphcut")) { /* cut graph word by depth */
00515       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
00516       GET_TMPARG;
00517       jconf->searchnow->graph.graphout_cut_depth = atoi(tmparg);
00518       continue;
00519 #endif
00521     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-graphboundloop")) { /* neighbor merge range frame */
00522       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
00523       GET_TMPARG;
00524       jconf->searchnow->graph.graphout_limit_boundary_loop_num = atoi(tmparg);
00525       continue;
00526 #endif
00528     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-graphsearchdelay")) { /* not do graph search termination before the 1st sentence is found */
00529       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
00530       jconf->searchnow->graph.graphout_search_delay = TRUE;
00531       continue;
00532     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-nographsearchdelay")) { /* not do graph search termination before the 1st sentence is found */
00533       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
00534       jconf->searchnow->graph.graphout_search_delay = FALSE;
00535       continue;
00536 #endif
00537     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-looktrellis")) { /* activate loopuprange */
00538       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
00539       jconf->searchnow->pass2.looktrellis_flag = TRUE;
00540       continue;
00541     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-multigramout")) { /* enable per-grammar decoding on 2nd pass */
00542       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
00543       jconf->searchnow->output.multigramout_flag = TRUE;
00544       continue;
00545     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-nomultigramout")) { /* disable per-grammar decoding on 2nd pass */
00546       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
00547       jconf->searchnow->output.multigramout_flag = FALSE;
00548       continue;
00549     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-oldtree")) { /* use old tree function */
00550       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
00551       jconf->searchnow->pass1.old_tree_function_flag = TRUE;
00552       continue;
00553     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-sb")) { /* score envelope width in 2nd pass */
00554 #ifdef SCAN_BEAM
00555       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
00556       GET_TMPARG;
00557       jconf->searchnow->pass2.scan_beam_thres = atof(tmparg);
00558 #else
00559       jlog("WARNING: m_options: SCAN_BEAM disabled, \"-sb\" ignored\n");
00560 #endif
00561       continue;
00562     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-discount")) { /* (bogus) */
00563       jlog("WARNING: m_options: option \"-discount\" is now bogus, ignored\n");
00564       continue;
00565     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-cutsilence")) { /* force (long) silence detection on */
00566       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_GLOBAL)) return FALSE; 
00567       jconf->detect.silence_cut = 1;
00568       continue;
00569     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-nocutsilence")) { /* force (long) silence detection off */
00570       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_GLOBAL)) return FALSE; 
00571       jconf->detect.silence_cut = 0;
00572       continue;
00573     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-pausesegment")) { /* force (long) silence detection on (for backward compatibility) */
00574       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_GLOBAL)) return FALSE; 
00575       jconf->detect.silence_cut = 1;
00576       continue;
00577     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-nopausesegment")) { /* force (long) silence detection off (for backward comatibility) */
00578       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_GLOBAL)) return FALSE; 
00579       jconf->detect.silence_cut = 0;
00580       continue;
00581     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-lv")) { /* silence detection threshold level */
00582       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_GLOBAL)) return FALSE; 
00583       GET_TMPARG;
00584       jconf->detect.level_thres = atoi(tmparg);
00585       continue;
00586     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-zc")) { /* silence detection zero cross num */
00587       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_GLOBAL)) return FALSE; 
00588       GET_TMPARG;
00589       jconf->detect.zero_cross_num = atoi(tmparg);
00590       continue;
00591     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-headmargin")) { /* head silence length */
00592       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_GLOBAL)) return FALSE; 
00593       GET_TMPARG;
00594       jconf->detect.head_margin_msec = atoi(tmparg);
00595       continue;
00596     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-tailmargin")) { /* tail silence length */
00597       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_GLOBAL)) return FALSE; 
00598       GET_TMPARG;
00599       jconf->detect.tail_margin_msec = atoi(tmparg);
00600       continue;
00601     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-hipass")||strmatch(argv[i],"-hifreq")) { /* frequency of upper band limit */
00602       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
00603       GET_TMPARG;
00604       jconf->amnow->analysis.para.hipass = atoi(tmparg);
00605       continue;
00606     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-lopass")||strmatch(argv[i],"-lofreq")) { /* frequency of lower band limit */
00607       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
00608       GET_TMPARG;
00609       jconf->amnow->analysis.para.lopass = atoi(tmparg);
00610       continue;
00611     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-smpPeriod")) { /* sample period (ns) */
00612       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
00613       GET_TMPARG;
00614       jconf->amnow->analysis.para.smp_period = atoi(tmparg);
00615       jconf->amnow->analysis.para.smp_freq = period2freq(jconf->amnow->analysis.para.smp_period);
00616       continue;
00617     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-smpFreq")) { /* sample frequency (Hz) */
00618       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
00619       GET_TMPARG;
00620       jconf->amnow->analysis.para.smp_freq = atoi(tmparg);
00621       jconf->amnow->analysis.para.smp_period = freq2period(jconf->amnow->analysis.para.smp_freq);
00622       continue;
00623     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-fsize")) { /* Window size */
00624       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
00625       GET_TMPARG;
00626       jconf->amnow->analysis.para.framesize = atoi(tmparg);
00627       continue;
00628     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-fshift")) { /* Frame shiht */
00629       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
00630       GET_TMPARG;
00631       jconf->amnow->analysis.para.frameshift = atoi(tmparg);
00632       continue;
00633     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-preemph")) {
00634       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
00635       GET_TMPARG;
00636       jconf->amnow->analysis.para.preEmph = atof(tmparg);
00637       continue;
00638     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-fbank")) {
00639       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
00640       GET_TMPARG;
00641       jconf->amnow->analysis.para.fbank_num = atoi(tmparg);
00642       continue;
00643     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-ceplif")) {
00644       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
00645       GET_TMPARG;
00646       jconf->amnow->analysis.para.lifter = atoi(tmparg);
00647       continue;
00648     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-rawe")) {
00649       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
00650       jconf->amnow->analysis.para.raw_e = TRUE;
00651       continue;
00652     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-norawe")) {
00653       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
00654       jconf->amnow->analysis.para.raw_e = FALSE;
00655       continue;
00656     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-enormal")) {
00657       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
00658       jconf->amnow->analysis.para.enormal = TRUE;
00659       continue;
00660     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-noenormal")) {
00661       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
00662       jconf->amnow->analysis.para.enormal = FALSE;
00663       continue;
00664     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-escale")) {
00665       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
00666       GET_TMPARG;
00667       jconf->amnow->analysis.para.escale = atof(tmparg);
00668       continue;
00669     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-silfloor")) {
00670       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
00671       GET_TMPARG;
00672       jconf->amnow->analysis.para.silFloor = atof(tmparg);
00673       continue;
00674     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-delwin")) { /* Delta window length */
00675       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
00676       GET_TMPARG;
00677       jconf->amnow->analysis.para.delWin = atoi(tmparg);
00678       continue;
00679     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-accwin")) { /* Acceleration window length */
00680       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
00681       GET_TMPARG;
00682       jconf->amnow->analysis.para.accWin = atoi(tmparg);
00683       continue;
00684     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-ssalpha")) { /* alpha coef. for SS */
00685       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
00686       GET_TMPARG;
00687       jconf->amnow->frontend.ss_alpha = atof(tmparg);
00688       continue;
00689     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-ssfloor")) { /* spectral floor for SS */
00690       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
00691       GET_TMPARG;
00692       jconf->amnow->frontend.ss_floor = atof(tmparg);
00693       continue;
00694     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-cvn")) {
00695       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
00696       jconf->amnow->analysis.para.cvn = 1;
00697       continue;
00698     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-nocvn")) {
00699       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
00700       jconf->amnow->analysis.para.cvn = 0;
00701       continue;
00702     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-vtln")) { /* VTLN */
00703       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
00704       GET_TMPARG;
00705       jconf->amnow->analysis.para.vtln_alpha = (float)atof(tmparg);
00706       GET_TMPARG;
00707       jconf->amnow->analysis.para.vtln_lower = (float)atof(tmparg);
00708       GET_TMPARG;
00709       jconf->amnow->analysis.para.vtln_upper = (float)atof(tmparg);
00710       continue;
00711     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-novtln")) { /* disable VTLN */
00712       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
00713       jconf->amnow->analysis.para.vtln_alpha = 1.0;
00714       continue;
00715     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-48")) { /* use 48kHz input and down to 16kHz */
00716       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_GLOBAL)) return FALSE; 
00717       jconf->input.use_ds48to16 = TRUE;
00718       continue;
00719     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-version") || strmatch(argv[i], "--version") || strmatch(argv[i], "-setting") || strmatch(argv[i], "--setting")) { /* print version and exit */
00720       j_put_header(stderr);
00721       j_put_compile_defs(stderr);
00722       fprintf(stderr, "\n");
00723       j_put_library_defs(stderr);
00724       return FALSE;
00725     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-quiet")) { /* minimum output */
00726       debug2_flag = verbose_flag = FALSE;
00727       continue;
00728     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-debug")) { /* debug mode: output huge log */
00729       debug2_flag = verbose_flag = TRUE;
00730       continue;
00731     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-callbackdebug")) { /* output callback debug message */
00732       callback_debug_flag = TRUE;
00733       continue;
00734     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-progout")) { /* enable progressive output */
00735       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
00736       jconf->searchnow->output.progout_flag = TRUE;
00737       continue;
00738     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-proginterval")) { /* interval for -progout */
00739       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
00740       GET_TMPARG;
00741       jconf->searchnow->output.progout_interval = atoi(tmparg);
00742       continue;
00743     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-demo")) { /* quiet + progout */
00744       debug2_flag = verbose_flag = FALSE;
00745       jconf->searchnow->output.progout_flag = TRUE;
00746       continue;
00747     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-walign")) { /* do forced alignment by word */
00748       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
00749       jconf->searchnow->annotate.align_result_word_flag = TRUE;
00750       continue;
00751     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-palign")) { /* do forced alignment by phoneme */
00752       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
00753       jconf->searchnow->annotate.align_result_phoneme_flag = TRUE;
00754       continue;
00755     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-salign")) { /* do forced alignment by state */
00756       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
00757       jconf->searchnow->annotate.align_result_state_flag = TRUE;
00758       continue;
00759     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-output")) { /* output up to N candidate */
00760       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
00761       GET_TMPARG;
00762       jconf->searchnow->output.output_hypo_maxnum = atoi(tmparg);
00763       continue;
00764     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-1pass")) { /* do only 1st pass */
00765       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
00766       jconf->searchnow->compute_only_1pass = TRUE;
00767       continue;
00768     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-hlist")) { /* HMM list file */
00769       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
00770       FREE_MEMORY(jconf->amnow->mapfilename);
00771       GET_TMPARG;
00772       jconf->amnow->mapfilename = filepath(tmparg, cwd);
00773       continue;
00774     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-nlr")) { /* word LR n-gram (ARPA) */
00775       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_LM)) return FALSE; 
00776       FREE_MEMORY(jconf->lmnow->ngram_filename_lr_arpa);
00777       GET_TMPARG;
00778       jconf->lmnow->ngram_filename_lr_arpa = filepath(tmparg, cwd);
00779       FREE_MEMORY(jconf->lmnow->ngram_filename);
00780       continue;
00781     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-nrl")) { /* word RL n-gram (ARPA) */
00782       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_LM)) return FALSE; 
00783       FREE_MEMORY(jconf->lmnow->ngram_filename_rl_arpa);
00784       GET_TMPARG;
00785       jconf->lmnow->ngram_filename_rl_arpa = filepath(tmparg, cwd);
00786       FREE_MEMORY(jconf->lmnow->ngram_filename);
00787       continue;
00788     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-lmp")) { /* LM weight and penalty (pass1) */
00789       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
00790       GET_TMPARG;
00791       jconf->searchnow->lmp.lm_weight = (LOGPROB)atof(tmparg);
00792       GET_TMPARG;
00793       jconf->searchnow->lmp.lm_penalty = (LOGPROB)atof(tmparg);
00794       jconf->searchnow->lmp.lmp_specified = TRUE;
00795       continue;
00796     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-lmp2")) { /* LM weight and penalty (pass2) */
00797       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
00798       GET_TMPARG;
00799       jconf->searchnow->lmp.lm_weight2 = (LOGPROB)atof(tmparg);
00800       GET_TMPARG;
00801       jconf->searchnow->lmp.lm_penalty2 = (LOGPROB)atof(tmparg);
00802       jconf->searchnow->lmp.lmp2_specified = TRUE;
00803       continue;
00804     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-transp")) { /* penalty for transparent word */
00805       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
00806       GET_TMPARG;
00807       jconf->searchnow->lmp.lm_penalty_trans = (LOGPROB)atof(tmparg);
00808       continue;
00809     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-gram")) { /* comma-separatedlist of grammar prefix */
00810       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_LM)) return FALSE; 
00811       GET_TMPARG;
00812       if (multigram_add_prefix_list(tmparg, cwd, jconf->lmnow, LM_DFA_GRAMMAR) == FALSE) {
00813         jlog("ERROR: m_options: failed to read some grammars\n");
00814         return FALSE;
00815       }
00816       continue;
00817     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-gramlist")) { /* file of grammar prefix list */
00818       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_LM)) return FALSE; 
00819       GET_TMPARG;
00820       tmparg = filepath(tmparg, cwd);
00821       if (multigram_add_prefix_filelist(tmparg, jconf->lmnow, LM_DFA_GRAMMAR) == FALSE) {
00822         jlog("ERROR: m_options: failed to read some grammars\n");
00823         free(tmparg);
00824         return FALSE;
00825       }
00826       free(tmparg);
00827       continue;
00828     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-userlm")) {
00829       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_LM)) return FALSE; 
00830       /* just set lm flags here */
00831       if (jconf->lmnow->lmtype != LM_PROB && jconf->lmnow->lmtype != LM_UNDEF) {
00832         jlog("ERROR: m_options: LM type conflicts: multiple LM specified?\n");
00833         return FALSE;
00834       }
00835       jconf->lmnow->lmtype = LM_PROB;
00836       if (jconf->lmnow->lmvar != LM_UNDEF && jconf->lmnow->lmvar != LM_NGRAM_USER) {
00837         jlog("ERROR: m_options: statistical model conflict\n");
00838         return FALSE;
00839       }
00840       jconf->lmnow->lmvar  = LM_NGRAM_USER;
00841       continue;
00842     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-nogram")) { /* remove grammar list */
00843       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_LM)) return FALSE; 
00844       multigram_remove_gramlist(jconf->lmnow);
00845       FREE_MEMORY(jconf->lmnow->dfa_filename);
00846       FREE_MEMORY(jconf->lmnow->dictfilename);
00847       if (jconf->lmnow->lmtype == LM_UNDEF) {
00848         jconf->lmnow->lmtype = LM_DFA;
00849         jconf->lmnow->lmvar  = LM_DFA_GRAMMAR;
00850       }
00851       continue;
00852     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-dfa")) { /* DFA filename */
00853       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_LM)) return FALSE; 
00854       FREE_MEMORY(jconf->lmnow->dfa_filename);
00855       GET_TMPARG;
00856       jconf->lmnow->dfa_filename = filepath(tmparg, cwd);
00857       continue;
00858     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-penalty1")) { /* word insertion penalty (pass1) */
00859       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
00860       GET_TMPARG;
00861       jconf->searchnow->lmp.penalty1 = (LOGPROB)atof(tmparg);
00862       continue;
00863     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-penalty2")) { /* word insertion penalty (pass2) */
00864       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
00865       GET_TMPARG;
00866       jconf->searchnow->lmp.penalty2 = (LOGPROB)atof(tmparg);
00867       continue;
00868     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-spmodel") || strmatch(argv[i], "-sp")) { /* name of short pause word */
00869       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
00870       FREE_MEMORY(jconf->amnow->spmodel_name);
00871       GET_TMPARG;
00872       jconf->amnow->spmodel_name = strcpy((char*)mymalloc(strlen(tmparg)+1),tmparg);
00873       continue;
00874     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-multipath")) { /* force multipath mode */
00875       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
00876       jconf->amnow->force_multipath = TRUE;
00877       continue;
00878     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-iwsp")) { /* enable inter-word short pause handing (for multipath) */
00879       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_LM)) return FALSE; 
00880       jconf->lmnow->enable_iwsp = TRUE;
00881       continue;
00882     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-iwsppenalty")) { /* set inter-word short pause transition penalty (for multipath) */
00883       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
00884       GET_TMPARG;
00885       jconf->amnow->iwsp_penalty = atof(tmparg);
00886       continue;
00887     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-silhead")) { /* head silence word name */
00888       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_LM)) return FALSE; 
00889       FREE_MEMORY(jconf->lmnow->head_silname);
00890       GET_TMPARG;
00891       jconf->lmnow->head_silname = strcpy((char*)mymalloc(strlen(tmparg)+1),tmparg);
00892       continue;
00893     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-siltail")) { /* tail silence word name */
00894       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_LM)) return FALSE; 
00895       FREE_MEMORY(jconf->lmnow->tail_silname);
00896       GET_TMPARG;
00897       jconf->lmnow->tail_silname = strcpy((char*)mymalloc(strlen(tmparg)+1),tmparg);
00898       continue;
00899     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-mapunk")) { /* unknown word */
00900       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_LM)) return FALSE; 
00901       strncpy(jconf->lmnow->unknown_name, tmparg, UNK_WORD_MAXLEN);
00902       continue;
00903     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-iwspword")) { /* add short pause word */
00904       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_LM)) return FALSE; 
00905       jconf->lmnow->enable_iwspword = TRUE;
00906       continue;
00907     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-iwspentry")) { /* content of the iwspword */
00908       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_LM)) return FALSE; 
00909       FREE_MEMORY(jconf->lmnow->iwspentry);
00910       GET_TMPARG;
00911       jconf->lmnow->iwspentry = strcpy((char*)mymalloc(strlen(tmparg)+1),tmparg);
00912       continue;
00913     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-iwcache")) { /* control cross-word LM cache */
00914 #ifdef HASH_CACHE_IW
00915       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
00916       GET_TMPARG;
00917       jconf->searchnow->pass1.iw_cache_rate = atof(tmparg);
00918       if (jconf->searchnow->pass1.iw_cache_rate > 100) jconf->searchnow->pass1.iw_cache_rate = 100;
00919       if (jconf->searchnow->pass1.iw_cache_rate < 1) jconf->searchnow->pass1.iw_cache_rate = 1;
00920 #else
00921       jlog("WARNING: m_options: HASH_CACHE_IW disabled, \"-iwcache\" ignored\n");
00922 #endif
00923       continue;
00924     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-sepnum")) { /* N-best frequent word will be separated from tree */
00926       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_LM)) return FALSE; 
00927       GET_TMPARG;
00928       jconf->lmnow->separate_wnum = atoi(tmparg);
00929 #else
00930       jlog("WARNING: m_options: SEPARATE_BY_UNIGRAM disabled, \"-sepnum\" ignored\n");
00931       i++;
00932 #endif
00933       continue;
00934 #ifdef USE_NETAUDIO
00935     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-NA")) { /* netautio device name */
00936       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_GLOBAL)) return FALSE; 
00937       FREE_MEMORY(jconf->input.netaudio_devname);
00938       GET_TMPARG;
00939       jconf->input.netaudio_devname = strcpy((char*)mymalloc(strlen(tmparg)+1),tmparg);
00940       continue;
00941 #endif
00942     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-adport")) { /* adinnet port num */
00943       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_GLOBAL)) return FALSE; 
00944       GET_TMPARG;
00945       jconf->input.adinnet_port = atoi(tmparg);
00946       continue;
00947     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-nostrip")) { /* do not strip zero samples */
00948       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_GLOBAL)) return FALSE; 
00949       jconf->preprocess.strip_zero_sample = FALSE;
00950       continue;
00951     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-zmean")) { /* enable DC offset by zero mean */
00952       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_GLOBAL)) return FALSE; 
00953       jconf->preprocess.use_zmean = TRUE;
00954       continue;
00955     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-nozmean")) { /* disable DC offset by zero mean */
00956       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_GLOBAL)) return FALSE; 
00957       jconf->preprocess.use_zmean = FALSE;
00958       continue;
00959     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-zmeanframe")) { /* enable frame-wise DC offset by zero mean */
00960       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
00961       jconf->amnow->analysis.para.zmeanframe = TRUE;
00962       continue;
00963     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-nozmeanframe")) { /* disable frame-wise DC offset by zero mean */
00964       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
00965       jconf->amnow->analysis.para.zmeanframe = FALSE;
00966       continue;
00967     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-usepower")) { /* use power instead of magnitude in filterbank analysis */
00968       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
00969       jconf->amnow->analysis.para.usepower = TRUE;
00970       continue;
00971     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-nousepower")) { /* use magnitude in fbank analysis (default)  */
00972       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
00973       jconf->amnow->analysis.para.usepower = FALSE;
00974       continue;
00975     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-spsegment")) { /* enable short-pause segmentation */
00976       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
00977       jconf->searchnow->successive.enabled = TRUE;
00978       continue;
00979     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-spdur")) { /* speech down-trigger duration threshold in frame */
00980       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
00981       GET_TMPARG;
00982       jconf->searchnow->successive.sp_frame_duration = atoi(tmparg);
00983       continue;
00984 #ifdef SPSEGMENT_NAIST
00985     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-spmargin")) { /* speech up-trigger backstep margin in frame */
00986       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
00987       GET_TMPARG;
00988       jconf->searchnow->successive.sp_margin = atoi(tmparg);
00989       continue;
00990     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-spdelay")) { /* speech up-trigger delay frame */
00991       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
00992       GET_TMPARG;
00993       jconf->searchnow->successive.sp_delay = atoi(tmparg);
00994       continue;
00995 #endif
00996     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-pausemodels")) { /* short-pause duration threshold */
00997       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
00998       FREE_MEMORY(jconf->searchnow->successive.pausemodelname);
00999       GET_TMPARG;
01000       jconf->searchnow->successive.pausemodelname = strcpy((char*)mymalloc(strlen(tmparg)+1),tmparg);
01001       continue;
01002     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-gprune")) { /* select Gaussian pruning method */
01003       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
01004       GET_TMPARG;
01005       if (strmatch(tmparg,"safe")) { /* safest, slowest */
01006         jconf->amnow->gprune_method = GPRUNE_SEL_SAFE;
01007       } else if (strmatch(tmparg,"heuristic")) {
01008         jconf->amnow->gprune_method = GPRUNE_SEL_HEURISTIC;
01009       } else if (strmatch(tmparg,"beam")) { /* fastest */
01010         jconf->amnow->gprune_method = GPRUNE_SEL_BEAM;
01011       } else if (strmatch(tmparg,"none")) { /* no prune: compute all Gaussian */
01012         jconf->amnow->gprune_method = GPRUNE_SEL_NONE;
01013       } else if (strmatch(tmparg,"default")) {
01014         jconf->amnow->gprune_method = GPRUNE_SEL_UNDEF;
01015 #ifdef ENABLE_PLUGIN
01016       } else if ((sid = plugin_find_optname("calcmix_get_optname", tmparg)) != -1) { /* mixture calculation plugin */
01017         jconf->amnow->gprune_method = GPRUNE_SEL_USER;
01018         jconf->amnow->gprune_plugin_source = sid;
01019 #endif
01020       } else {
01021         jlog("ERROR: m_options: no such pruning method \"%s\"\n", argv[0], tmparg);
01022         return FALSE;
01023       }
01024       continue;
01025 /* 
01026  *     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-reorder")) {
01027  *       result_reorder_flag = TRUE;
01028  *       continue;
01029  */
01030     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-no_ccd")) { /* force triphone handling = OFF */
01031       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
01032       jconf->searchnow->ccd_handling = FALSE;
01033       jconf->searchnow->force_ccd_handling = TRUE;
01034       continue;
01035     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-force_ccd")) { /* force triphone handling = ON */
01036       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
01037       jconf->searchnow->ccd_handling = TRUE;
01038       jconf->searchnow->force_ccd_handling = TRUE;
01039       continue;
01040     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-iwcd1")) { /* select cross-word triphone computation method */
01041       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
01042       GET_TMPARG;
01043       if (strmatch(tmparg, "max")) { /* use maximum score in triphone variants */
01044         jconf->amnow->iwcdmethod = IWCD_MAX;
01045       } else if (strmatch(tmparg, "avg")) { /* use average in variants */
01046         jconf->amnow->iwcdmethod = IWCD_AVG;
01047       } else if (strmatch(tmparg, "best")) { /* use average in variants */
01048         jconf->amnow->iwcdmethod = IWCD_NBEST;
01049         GET_TMPARG;
01050         jconf->amnow->iwcdmaxn = atoi(tmparg);
01051       } else {
01052         jlog("ERROR: m_options: -iwcd1: wrong argument (max|avg|best N): %s\n", argv[0], tmparg);
01053         return FALSE;
01054       }
01055       continue;
01056     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-tmix")) { /* num of mixture to select */
01057       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
01058       if (i + 1 < argc && isdigit(argv[i+1][0])) {
01059         jconf->amnow->mixnum_thres = atoi(argv[++i]);
01060       }
01061       continue;
01062     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-b2") || strmatch(argv[i],"-bw") || strmatch(argv[i],"-wb")) { /* word beam width in 2nd pass */
01063       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
01064       GET_TMPARG;
01065       jconf->searchnow->pass2.enveloped_bestfirst_width = atoi(tmparg);
01066       continue;
01067     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-hgs")) { /* Gaussian selection model file */
01068       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
01069       FREE_MEMORY(jconf->amnow->hmm_gs_filename);
01070       GET_TMPARG;
01071       jconf->amnow->hmm_gs_filename = filepath(tmparg, cwd);
01072       continue;
01073     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-booknum")) { /* num of state to select in GS */
01074       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
01075       GET_TMPARG;
01076       jconf->amnow->gs_statenum = atoi(tmparg);
01077       continue;
01078     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-gshmm")) { /* same as "-hgs" */
01079       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
01080       FREE_MEMORY(jconf->amnow->hmm_gs_filename);
01081       GET_TMPARG;
01082       jconf->amnow->hmm_gs_filename = filepath(tmparg, cwd);
01083       continue;
01084     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-gsnum")) { /* same as "-booknum" */
01085       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
01086       GET_TMPARG;
01087       jconf->amnow->gs_statenum = atoi(tmparg);
01088       continue;
01089     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-cmnload")) { /* load CMN parameter from file */
01090       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
01091       FREE_MEMORY(jconf->amnow->analysis.cmnload_filename);
01092       GET_TMPARG;
01093       jconf->amnow->analysis.cmnload_filename = filepath(tmparg, cwd);
01094       continue;
01095     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-cmnsave")) { /* save CMN parameter to file */
01096       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
01097       FREE_MEMORY(jconf->amnow->analysis.cmnsave_filename);
01098       GET_TMPARG;
01099       jconf->amnow->analysis.cmnsave_filename = filepath(tmparg, cwd);
01100       continue;
01101     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-cmnupdate")) { /* update CMN parameter */
01102       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
01103       jconf->amnow->analysis.cmn_update = TRUE;
01104       continue;
01105     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-cmnnoupdate")) { /* not update CMN parameter */
01106       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
01107       jconf->amnow->analysis.cmn_update = FALSE;
01108       continue;
01109     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-cmnmapweight")) { /* CMN weight for MAP */
01110       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
01111       GET_TMPARG;
01112       jconf->amnow->analysis.cmn_map_weight = (float)atof(tmparg);
01113       continue;
01114     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-sscalc")) { /* do spectral subtraction (SS) for raw file input */
01115       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
01116       jconf->amnow->frontend.sscalc = TRUE;
01117       FREE_MEMORY(jconf->amnow->frontend.ssload_filename);
01118       continue;
01119     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-sscalclen")) { /* head silence length used to compute SS (in msec) */
01120       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
01121       GET_TMPARG;
01122       jconf->amnow->frontend.sscalc_len = atoi(tmparg);
01123       continue;
01124     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-ssload")) { /* load SS parameter from file */
01125       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
01126       FREE_MEMORY(jconf->amnow->frontend.ssload_filename);
01127       GET_TMPARG;
01128       jconf->amnow->frontend.ssload_filename = filepath(tmparg, cwd);
01129       jconf->amnow->frontend.sscalc = FALSE;
01130       continue;
01132     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-cmalpha")) { /* CM log score scaling factor */
01133       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
01134 #ifdef CM_MULTIPLE_ALPHA
01135       GET_TMPARG;
01136       jconf->searchnow->annotate.cm_alpha_bgn = (LOGPROB)atof(tmparg);
01137       GET_TMPARG;
01138       jconf->searchnow->annotate.cm_alpha_end = (LOGPROB)atof(tmparg);
01139       GET_TMPARG;
01140       jconf->searchnow->annotate.cm_alpha_step = (LOGPROB)atof(tmparg);
01141       jconf->searchnow->annotate.cm_alpha_num = (int)((jconf->searchnow->annotate.cm_alpha_end - jconf->searchnow->annotate.cm_alpha_bgn) / jconf->searchnow->annotate.cm_alpha_step) + 1;
01142       if (jconf->searchnow->annotate.cm_alpha_num > 100) {
01143         jlog("ERROR: m_option: cm_alpha step num exceeds limit (100)\n");
01144         return FALSE;
01145       }
01146 #else
01147       GET_TMPARG;
01148       jconf->searchnow->annotate.cm_alpha = (LOGPROB)atof(tmparg);
01149 #endif
01150       continue;
01151 #ifdef CM_SEARCH_LIMIT
01152     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-cmthres")) { /* CM cut threshold for CM decoding */
01153       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
01154       GET_TMPARG;
01155       jconf->searchnow->annotate.cm_cut_thres = (LOGPROB)atof(tmparg);
01156       continue;
01157 #endif
01158 #ifdef CM_SEARCH_LIMIT_POP
01159     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-cmthres2")) { /* CM cut threshold for CM decoding */
01160       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
01161       GET_TMPARG;
01162       jconf->searchnow->annotate.cm_cut_thres_pop = (LOGPROB)atof(tmparg);
01163       continue;
01164 #endif
01165 #endif /* CONFIDENCE_MEASURE */
01166     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-gmm")) { /* load SS parameter from file */
01167       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_GLOBAL)) return FALSE; 
01168       FREE_MEMORY(jconf->reject.gmm_filename);
01169       GET_TMPARG;
01170       jconf->reject.gmm_filename = filepath(tmparg, cwd);
01171       continue;
01172     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-gmmnum")) { /* num of Gaussian pruning for GMM */
01173       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_GLOBAL)) return FALSE; 
01174       GET_TMPARG;
01175       jconf->reject.gmm_gprune_num = atoi(tmparg);
01176       continue;
01177     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-gmmreject")) {
01178       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_GLOBAL)) return FALSE; 
01179       GET_TMPARG;
01180       FREE_MEMORY(jconf->reject.gmm_reject_cmn_string);
01181       jconf->reject.gmm_reject_cmn_string = strcpy((char *)mymalloc(strlen(tmparg)+1), tmparg);
01182       continue;
01183 #ifdef GMM_VAD
01184     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-gmmmargin")) { /* backstep margin */
01185       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_GLOBAL)) return FALSE; 
01186       GET_TMPARG;
01187       jconf->detect.gmm_margin = atoi(tmparg);
01188       continue;
01189     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-gmmup")) { /* uptrigger threshold */
01190       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_GLOBAL)) return FALSE; 
01191       GET_TMPARG;
01192       jconf->detect.gmm_uptrigger_thres = atof(tmparg);
01193       continue;
01194     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-gmmdown")) { /* uptrigger threshold */
01195       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_GLOBAL)) return FALSE; 
01196       GET_TMPARG;
01197       jconf->detect.gmm_downtrigger_thres = atof(tmparg);
01198       continue;
01199 #endif
01200     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-htkconf")) {
01201       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
01202       GET_TMPARG;
01203       if (htk_config_file_parse(tmparg, &(jconf->amnow->analysis.para_htk)) == FALSE) {
01204         jlog("ERROR: m_options: failed to read %s\n", tmparg);
01205         return FALSE;
01206       }
01207       continue;
01208     } else if (strmatch(argv[i], "-wlist")) {
01209       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_LM)) return FALSE; 
01210       GET_TMPARG;
01211       tmparg = filepath(tmparg, cwd);
01212       if (multigram_add_prefix_filelist(tmparg, jconf->lmnow, LM_DFA_WORD) == FALSE) {
01213         jlog("ERROR: m_options: failed to read some word lists\n");
01214         free(tmparg);
01215         return FALSE;
01216       }
01217       free(tmparg);
01218       continue;
01219     } else if (strmatch(argv[i], "-wsil")) {
01220       /* 
01221        * if (jconf->lmnow->lmvar != LM_UNDEF && jconf->lmnow->lmvar != LM_DFA_WORD) {
01222        *   jlog("ERROR: \"-wsil\" only valid for isolated word recognition mode\n");
01223        *   return FALSE;
01224        * }
01225        */
01226       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_LM)) return FALSE; 
01227       GET_TMPARG;
01228       strncpy(jconf->lmnow->wordrecog_head_silence_model_name, tmparg, MAX_HMMNAME_LEN);
01229       GET_TMPARG;
01230       strncpy(jconf->lmnow->wordrecog_tail_silence_model_name, tmparg, MAX_HMMNAME_LEN);
01231       GET_TMPARG;
01232       if (strmatch(tmparg, "NULL")) {
01233         jconf->lmnow->wordrecog_silence_context_name[0] = '\0';
01234       } else {
01235         strncpy(jconf->lmnow->wordrecog_silence_context_name, tmparg, MAX_HMMNAME_LEN);
01236       }
01237       continue;
01238 #ifdef DETERMINE
01239     } else if (strmatch(argv[i], "-wed")) {
01240       //if (jconf->lmnow->lmvar != LM_UNDEF && jconf->lmnow->lmvar != LM_DFA_WORD) {
01241       //jlog("ERROR: \"-wed\" only valid for isolated word recognition mode\n");
01242       //return FALSE;
01243       //}
01244       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
01245       GET_TMPARG;
01246       jconf->searchnow->pass1.determine_score_thres = atof(tmparg);
01247       GET_TMPARG;
01248       jconf->searchnow->pass1.determine_duration_thres = atoi(tmparg);
01249       continue;
01250 #endif
01251     } else if (strmatch(argv[i], "-inactive")) { /* start inactive */
01252       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
01253       jconf->searchnow->sw.start_inactive = TRUE;
01254       continue;
01255     } else if (strmatch(argv[i], "-active")) { /* start active (default) */
01256       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
01257       jconf->searchnow->sw.start_inactive = FALSE;
01258       continue;
01259     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-fallback1pass")) { /* use 1st pass result on search failure */
01260       if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
01261       jconf->searchnow->sw.fallback_pass1_flag = TRUE;
01262       continue;
01263 #ifdef ENABLE_PLUGIN
01264     } else if (strmatch(argv[i],"-plugindir")) {
01265       GET_TMPARG;
01266       plugin_load_dirs(tmparg);
01267       continue;
01268 #endif
01269     }
01270     if (argv[i][0] == '-' && strlen(argv[i]) == 2) {
01271       /* 1-letter options */
01272       switch(argv[i][1]) {
01273       case 'h':                 /* hmmdefs */
01274         if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_AM)) return FALSE; 
01275         FREE_MEMORY(jconf->amnow->hmmfilename);
01276         GET_TMPARG;
01277         jconf->amnow->hmmfilename = filepath(tmparg, cwd);
01278         break;
01279       case 'v':                 /* dictionary */
01280         if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_LM)) return FALSE; 
01281         FREE_MEMORY(jconf->lmnow->dictfilename);
01282         GET_TMPARG;
01283         jconf->lmnow->dictfilename = filepath(tmparg, cwd);
01284         break;
01285       case 'w':                 /* word list (isolated word recognition) */
01286         if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_LM)) return FALSE; 
01287         GET_TMPARG;
01288         if (multigram_add_prefix_list(tmparg, cwd, jconf->lmnow, LM_DFA_WORD) == FALSE) {
01289           jlog("ERROR: m_options: failed to read some word list\n");
01290           return FALSE;
01291         }
01292         break;
01293       case 'd':                 /* binary N-gram */
01294         /* lmvar should be overriden by the content of the binary N-gram */
01295         if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_LM)) return FALSE; 
01296         FREE_MEMORY(jconf->lmnow->ngram_filename);
01297         FREE_MEMORY(jconf->lmnow->ngram_filename_lr_arpa);
01298         FREE_MEMORY(jconf->lmnow->ngram_filename_rl_arpa);
01299         GET_TMPARG;
01300         jconf->lmnow->ngram_filename = filepath(tmparg, cwd);
01301         break;
01302       case 'b':                 /* beam width in 1st pass */
01303         if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
01304         GET_TMPARG;
01305         jconf->searchnow->pass1.specified_trellis_beam_width = atoi(tmparg);
01306         break;
01307       case 's':                 /* stack size in 2nd pass */
01308         if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
01309         GET_TMPARG;
01310         jconf->searchnow->pass2.stack_size = atoi(tmparg);
01311         break;
01312       case 'n':                 /* N-best search */
01313         if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
01314         GET_TMPARG;
01315         jconf->searchnow->pass2.nbest = atoi(tmparg);
01316         break;
01317       case 'm':                 /* upper limit of hypothesis generation */
01318         if (!check_section(jconf, argv[i], JCONF_OPT_SR)) return FALSE; 
01319         GET_TMPARG;
01320         jconf->searchnow->pass2.hypo_overflow = atoi(tmparg);
01321         break;
01322       default:
01323         //jlog("ERROR: m_options: wrong argument: %s\n", argv[0], argv[i]);
01324         //return FALSE;
01325         unknown_opt = TRUE;
01326       }
01327     } else {                    /* error */
01328       //jlog("ERROR: m_options: wrong argument: %s\n", argv[0], argv[i]);
01329       //return FALSE;
01330       unknown_opt = TRUE;
01331     }
01332     if (unknown_opt) {
01333       /* call user-side option processing */
01334       switch(useropt_exec(jconf, argv, argc, &i)) {
01335       case 0:                   /* does not match user-side options */
01336         jlog("ERROR: m_options: wrong argument: \"%s\"\n", argv[i]);
01337         return FALSE;
01338       case -1:                  /* Error in user-side function */
01339         jlog("ERROR: m_options: error in processing \"%s\"\n", argv[i]);
01340         return FALSE;
01341       }
01342     }
01343   }
01345   /* set default values if not specified yet */
01346   for(atmp=jconf->am_root;atmp;atmp=atmp->next) {
01347     if (!atmp->spmodel_name) {
01348       atmp->spmodel_name = strcpy((char*)mymalloc(strlen(SPMODEL_NAME_DEFAULT)+1),
01349                           SPMODEL_NAME_DEFAULT);
01350     }
01351   }
01352   for(ltmp=jconf->lm_root;ltmp;ltmp=ltmp->next) {
01353     if (!ltmp->head_silname) {
01354       ltmp->head_silname = strcpy((char*)mymalloc(strlen(BEGIN_WORD_DEFAULT)+1),
01355                                   BEGIN_WORD_DEFAULT);
01356     }
01357     if (!ltmp->tail_silname) {
01358       ltmp->tail_silname = strcpy((char*)mymalloc(strlen(END_WORD_DEFAULT)+1),
01359                                   END_WORD_DEFAULT);
01360     }
01361     if (!ltmp->iwspentry) {
01362       ltmp->iwspentry = strcpy((char*)mymalloc(strlen(IWSPENTRY_DEFAULT)+1),
01363                                IWSPENTRY_DEFAULT);
01364     }
01365   }
01366 #ifdef USE_NETAUDIO
01367   if (!jconf->input.netaudio_devname) {
01368     jconf->input.netaudio_devname = strcpy((char*)mymalloc(strlen(NETAUDIO_DEVNAME)+1),
01369                               NETAUDIO_DEVNAME);
01370   }
01371 #endif  /* USE_NETAUDIO */
01373   return TRUE;
01374 }
01389 void
01390 opt_release(Jconf *jconf)
01391 {
01392   JCONF_AM *am;
01393   JCONF_LM *lm;
01394   JCONF_SEARCH *s;
01396   FREE_MEMORY(jconf->input.inputlist_filename);
01397 #ifdef USE_NETAUDIO
01398   FREE_MEMORY(jconf->input.netaudio_devname);
01399 #endif  /* USE_NETAUDIO */
01400   FREE_MEMORY(jconf->reject.gmm_filename);
01401   FREE_MEMORY(jconf->reject.gmm_reject_cmn_string);
01403   for(am=jconf->am_root;am;am=am->next) {
01404     FREE_MEMORY(am->hmmfilename);
01405     FREE_MEMORY(am->mapfilename);
01406     FREE_MEMORY(am->spmodel_name);
01407     FREE_MEMORY(am->hmm_gs_filename);
01408     FREE_MEMORY(am->analysis.cmnload_filename);
01409     FREE_MEMORY(am->analysis.cmnsave_filename);
01410     FREE_MEMORY(am->frontend.ssload_filename);
01411   }
01412   for(lm=jconf->lm_root;lm;lm=lm->next) {
01413     FREE_MEMORY(lm->ngram_filename);
01414     FREE_MEMORY(lm->ngram_filename_lr_arpa);
01415     FREE_MEMORY(lm->ngram_filename_rl_arpa);
01416     FREE_MEMORY(lm->dfa_filename);
01417     FREE_MEMORY(lm->head_silname);
01418     FREE_MEMORY(lm->tail_silname);
01419     FREE_MEMORY(lm->iwspentry);
01420     FREE_MEMORY(lm->dictfilename);
01421     multigram_remove_gramlist(lm);
01422   }
01423   for(s=jconf->search_root;s;s=s->next) {
01424     FREE_MEMORY(s->successive.pausemodelname);
01425   }
01426 }
01428 /* end of file */

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