__mfcc_calc__ Struct Reference

instance for a parameter vector computation More...

#include <recog.h>

Collaboration diagram for __mfcc_calc__:

Collaboration graph

Data Fields

short id
 Unique id.
 Parameter setting (entity in JCONF_AM).
boolean htk_loaded
 TRUE if the para came from "-htkconf".
boolean hmm_loaded
 TRUE if the para came from binhmm embedded header.
boolean paramtype_check_flag
 Check input parameter type with header of the hmmdefs (-notypecheck to unset).
 Parameter extraction work area.
 Parameter vector sequence to be recognized.
 Rest parameter for next segment for short-pause segmentation.
struct {
   char *   load_filename
 CMN: load initial cepstral mean from file at startup (-cmnload).
   boolean   update
 CMN: update cepstral mean while recognition (-cmnnoupdate to unset).
   char *   save_filename
 CMN: save cepstral mean to file at end of every recognition (-cmnsave).
   float   map_weight
 CMN: MAP weight for initial cepstral mean on (-cmnmapweight).
   boolean   loaded
 TRUE if CMN parameter loaded from file at boot up.
   CMNWork *   wrk
 realtime CMN work area
 Work area and setting for cepstral mean normalization.
struct {
   float *   ssbuf
 Estimated noise spectrum.
   int   sslen
 Length of ssbuf.
   float   ss_alpha
 Alpha coefficient for spectral subtraction.
   float   ss_floor
 Flooring coefficient for spectral subtraction.
   boolean   sscalc
 SS: compute noise spectrum from head silence on file input (-sscalc).
   int   sscalc_len
 With "-sscalc", specify noise length at input head in msec (-sscalclen).
   char *   ssload_filename
 Load noise spectrum data from file (-ssload), that was made by "mkss".
   MFCCWork *   mfccwrk_ss
 Parameter extraction work area for spectral subtraction.
 Work area for front-end processing.
ENERGYWork ewrk
 work area for energy normalization on real time processing
 delta MFCC cycle buffer
 accel MFCC cycle buffer
 working buffer holding current computing mfcc vector
boolean valid
 FALSE indicates that the current frame (f) is not valid and should not be used for recognition.
int f
 Current frame.
int last_time
 Processed frame length when segmented.
int sparea_start
 Re-start frame if segmenetd.
boolean segmented
 TRUE if a parent instance has decided segmented.
boolean segmented_by_input
 TRUE if an input functionhas decided segmented.
int plugin_source
 id of an plugin module if MFCC should be obtained via plugin
struct {
   boolean(*   fv_standby )()
 Pointer to function for device initialization (call once on startup).
   boolean(*   fv_begin )()
 Pointer to function to open audio stream for capturing.
   int(*   fv_read )(VECT *, int)
 Pointer to function to read samples.
   boolean(*   fv_end )()
 Pointer to function to close audio stream capturing.
   boolean(*   fv_resume )()
 Pointer to function to begin / restart recording.
   boolean(*   fv_pause )()
 Pointer to function to pause recording.
   boolean(*   fv_terminate )()
 Pointer to function to terminate current recording immediately.
 Function entry points for plugin input.
 pointer to next

Detailed Description

instance for a parameter vector computation

Definition at line 470 of file recog.h.

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Generated on Thu Jul 23 12:14:49 2009 for Julius by  doxygen 1.5.1