__node__ Struct Reference

Sentence hypothesis at 2nd pass. More...

#include <search.h>

Collaboration diagram for __node__:

Collaboration graph

Data Fields

 Link to next hypothesis, used in stack.
 Link to previous hypothesis, used in stack.
boolean endflag
 TRUE if this is a final sentence result.
 Word sequence.
short seqnum
 Length of seq.
 Total score (forward+backward, LM+AM).
short bestt
 Best connection frame of last word in word trellis.
short estimated_next_t
 Estimated next connection time frame (= beginning of last word on word trellis): next word hypothesis will be looked up near this frame on word trellis.
 Current forward viterbi score in each frame.
LOGPROB final_g
 Extra forward score on end of frame for multipath mode.
int state
 (dfa) Current DFA state ID
 Trellis word of last word.
 Viterbi score back to last 1 phoneme.
 Last applied triphone.
boolean last_ph_sp_attached
 Last phone which the inter-word sp has been attached for multipath mode.
LOGPROB lscore
 N-gram score of last word (will be used for 1-phoneme backscan and graph output, always 0 for dfa.
LOGPROB totallscore
 (n-gram) Accumulated language score (LM only)
 Confidence score of each word.
 Graph word corresponding to the last word.
 Graph word of next previous word.
LOGPROB tail_g_score
 forward g score for later score adjustment

Detailed Description

Sentence hypothesis at 2nd pass.

Definition at line 88 of file search.h.

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Generated on Thu Jul 23 12:14:51 2009 for Julius by  doxygen 1.5.1