* DEMONSTRATION - Speaker adaptation [#oab71fa7]


> In the speech synthesis system, a large amount of trainin data is required.~
However, the cost for recoding speech is unaffordable.~
Speaker adaptation is a technique for control style with a small amount of adaptation data.

- Speech of the target speaker~
-- &ref(orig.wav,,target speech);

- Synthesis speech with speaker adaptation~
-- without adaptation~
&ref(adapt0.wav,,synthesis speech);
-- with adaptation using one sentence~
&ref(adapt1.wav,,synthesis speech);
-- with adaptation using three sentences~
&ref(adapt3.wav,,synthesis speech);
-- with adaptation using five sentences~
&ref(adapt5.wav,,synthesis speech);
-- with adaptation using seven sentences~
&ref(adapt7.wav,,synthesis speech);

> We could perform controling style with only a few adaptation data.~
By using this technique, we will be able to construct the speech synthesis sytem which have higer quality with a small amount of training data.

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