** December 21, 2009 SLP [#ufe4e510]

> &ref(20091221_1.jpg,nolink);

> December 21, 2009 (2days)~
[[SLP>http://sig-slp.jp/2009-SLP-79.html]] was held in [[University of Tokyo>http://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/index_j.html]].~
[[SLP>http://sig-slp.jp/2009-SLP-79.html]] was held in [[The University of Tokyo>http://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/index_e.html]].~
The discussion about research of speech recognition was also held and
Akinobu Lee debated as one of members of this.
Akinobu Lee debated as a member of panelists.

*** Chairperson [#md24efc7]
- Akinobu Lee (Associate Prof)

*** Perticipants [#md24efc7]
- Keiichi Tokdua (Prof)
- Yoshihiko Nankaku (Research Associate)
- Keiichi Tokuda (Prof)
- Yoshihiko Nankaku (Assistant Prof)

*** Presenter [#g72038df]
- Keiichiro Oura (D2)
- Yoshitaka Yoshimi (M2)
- Kyosuke Kazumi (M1)
- Akira Saito (M1)
- Toyohiro Hayashi (M1)
- Toshinori Fukuta (M1)

> by Kyosuke Kazumi

//> August 03, 2008 (7 days)~
//We attended the 2nd meeting of FP7 EMIME project
//held at Helsinki University of Technogy, Finland.~
//And attended the Nordic Prosody 2008 at the university.~
//Finally, We gave a lecture in Finland-Japan bilateral seminar.

//*** Perticipants [#b278fd19]
//- Keiichi Tokuda (Prof)
//- Yi-Jian Wu (PostDoc)

//> by Keiichi Tokuda

//> August 01, 2008~
//There was the 12th master's thesis interim announcement of laboratory related to speech in Tokai.~
//All members of M2 did good job.~
//Also, Siota Sayaka won  Poster Prize and Tsuji Yosuke won Outline Lecture //Prize.~

//> by Hiroshi Kojima

//> 2008年03月30日から6日間~

//*** 参加 [#u2144f4c]
//- 李晃伸 (Associate Prof)

//*** 発表 [#e5328bfe]
//- 徳田恵一 (Prof)
//- 南角吉彦 (Research Associate)
//- Yi-Jian Wu (PostDoc)
//- [[戸田 智基>http://spalab.naist.jp/~tomoki/index_j.html]] (OB, //[[NAIST>http://www.naist.jp/index_j.html]])
//- [[Ranniery Maia>http://www.slc.atr.jp/~rmaia/]] (OB, //[[ATR>http://www.atr.jp/]])

//> by 徳田恵一

//** July 25, 2008 Frank Soong's lecture [#g0234058]

//> &ref(20080725_1.jpg,nolink); &ref(20080725_2.jpg,nolink); //&ref(20080725_3.jpg,nolink);

//> July 25, 2008~
//There was a symposium that commemorated the simulation engineering major establishment.~
//Mr. Frank Soong's lecture was especially beneficial through various lectures.~

//> by Hiroshi Kojima

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