** January 15, 2014 MMDAgent training session [#b0242c50]

> &ref(20140115_1.jpg,nolink); 

> January 15, 2014~
We held the [[MMDAgent>http://www.nitech.ac.jp/mei/index.html]](Japanese only) training session as an activity of our [[CREST>http://www.jst.go.jp/kisoken/crest/en/index.html]] [[uDialogue project>http://www.udialogue.org/en/]] .~
I thought they learned a lot from the training session.

> by Yoshihiro Takamatsu

** January 15, 2014 Introduction to Information Engineering [#na7c5d24]

> January 15, 2014~
The introduction to information engineering was held for the first-year students of information engineering.~
The introduction to information engineering was held for the first-year students of department of computer science.~
//We showed some demos of our reserch topics below:
This time, we performed some demonstrations of the research that has been conducted in our lab. The following topics were presented.
In this time, we performed some demonstrations of the research that has been conducted in our lab. The following topics were presented.

- Speech Synthesis
- Singing Voice Synthesis 
- Speech Recognition
- Spoken Dialog System

//> Many high school students watched our demos.~
//We would be grateful if they would get interested in information engineering.
>It would be grateful for us to know they got interested in our lab from watching them.
> by Yoshihiro Takamatsu

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