** March 09, 2016 ASJ 2016 Spring Meeting [#haebdba7]

> March 09, 2016 (3days)~
The [[ASJ>http://www.asj.gr.jp/eng/index.html]] 2016 Spring Meeting
was held at [[Toin University of Yokohama>http://toin.ac.jp/univ/en/]]. ~
I was very nervous because I attended and read a paper at an academic meeting for the first time.
But I had a precious experience.

*** Chairman [#n6ee89ca]
- Yoshihiko Nankaku (Associate Prof)

*** Vice-chairman [#a6d0737f]
- Keiichiro Oura (Assistant Prof)
- Kei Hashimoto (Assistant Prof)

*** Presenters [#gea8459a]
- Keiichiro Oura (Assistant Prof)
- Kei Hashimoto (Assistant Prof)
- Kei Sawada (D3)
- Takenori Yoshimura (D1)
- Tatsuya Suzuki (M2)
- Masanari Nishimura (B4)
- Naoki Hosaka (B4)

>by Masanari Nishimura

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