* Research Promotion [#y86283cc]

- ''Expressive multilingual Speech Synthesis''
-- Investment: [[Japan Society for the Promotion of Science >http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/index.html]]
-- Topic: [[Bilateral Joint Projects/Seminars(Japanese) >http://www.jsps.go.jp/j-bilat/jrss.htm]] (Share)
-- Period: 2006.04〜2008.12

- ''Various technology of Speech Synthesis to produce digital media contents''
-- Investment: [[The Hori Information Science Promotion Foundation(Japanese) >http://www.hori-foundation.or.jp/]]
-- Topic: [[research promotion in 2007(Japanese) >http://www.hori-foundation.or.jp/activity/pdf/winh18.pdf]] (delegate:Zen)
-- Period: 2007.4〜2008.3

- ''The realization of high efficient parallel Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition based on Dynamic Constrained Search Strategy'' 
-- Investment : [[Nagoya Institute of Technology >http://eng.nitech.ac.jp/]]
-- Topic: internal furtherance research promotion in 2005 (delegate:Ri)
-- Period: 2005.4〜2006.3

- ''Trajectory models for Speech Processing'' 
-- Investment: [[EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)>http://www.epsrc.ac.uk/default.htm]]
-- Topic: [[Trajectory models for Speech Processing>http://gow.epsrc.ac.uk/ViewGrant.aspx?GrantRef=EP/D033888/1]] 
-- Period: 2005.08〜2005.10

- ''Research for improvement of Speech Synthesis based on HMM'' 
-- Investment: [[The Hori Information Science Promotion Foundation(Japanese) >http://www.hori-foundation.or.jp/]]
-- Topic: [[research promotion in 2004(Japanese)>http://www.hori-foundation.or.jp/activity/pdf/winh15.pdf]] (delegate:Maia)
-- Period: 2004.04〜2005.03

- ''Speech Synthesis using Hidden Markov Model --The aim at developing emotional computer--'' 
-- Investment: [[Nagoya Institute of Technology >http://eng.nitech.ac.jp/]]
-- Topic: rejuvenation of university promotion in 2003 (delegate:Tokuda)
-- Period: 2003.04〜2004.03

- ''Research for Speech Recognition using mechanism based on Kernel'' 
-- Investment: [[The Hori Information Science Promotion Foundation(Japanese) >http://www.hori-foundation.or.jp/]]
-- Topic: [[research promotion in 2003(Japanese)>http://www.hori-foundation.or.jp/activity/pdf/winh14.pdf]] (delegate:Amaro)
-- Period: 2003.04〜2004.03

- ''Research for Speech Recognition using mechanism based on Kernel'' 
-- Investment : [[The Hori Information Science Promotion Foundation(Japanese) >http://www.hori-foundation.or.jp/]]
-- Topic: [[research promotion in 2002(Japanese)>http://www.hori-foundation.or.jp/activity/pdf/winh13.pdf]] (delegate:Miyazima)
-- Period: 2002.04〜2003.03

- ''Pioneering research on Voice Personal Authentication based on Minimum Classification Error Criterion and Mixtures of Factor Analyzers'' 
-- Investment: [[Research Foundation for the Electrotechnology of Chubu(Japanese)>http://www006.upp.so-net.ne.jp/refec/WELCOME.HTM]]
-- Topic: research promotion in 2003 (delegate:Miyazima)
-- Period: 2003.04〜2003.04

- ''Speech Synthesis based on Hidden Markov Model --The realization variety of voice quality and speaking style--''
-- Investment: [[International Communications Foundation>http://www.icf.or.jp/english/index.html]]
-- Topic: research promotion in 2000 (delegate:Tokuda)
-- Period: 2000.04〜2002.03 

- ''Speech Synthesis based on Hidden Markov Model --The aim at developing computer talk like human--''
-- Investment: [[Kayamori Foundation of Informational Science Advancement(Japanese)>http://www.kayamorif.or.jp/]]
-- Topic: [[research promotion in 1999(Japanese)>http://www.kayamorif.or.jp/H11.htm]] (delegate:Tokuda)
-- Period: 1999.11〜2001.10

- ''Speech Synthesis based on Hidden Markov Model --The aim at developing computer talk like human--''
-- Investment: [[Research Foundation for the Electrotechnology of Chubu(Japanese)>http://www006.upp.so-net.ne.jp/refec/WELCOME.HTM]]
-- Topic: research promotion in 1999 (delegate:Tokuda)
-- Period: 1999.04〜2000.03

- ''Development of Speech Synthesis System based on Hidden Markov Model.Development of interface of Multi-Modal Speech Recognition and Synthesis''
-- Investment: [[Nagoya Institute of Technology >http://eng.nitech.ac.jp/]]
-- Topic: furtherance improvement of education cost (delegate:Tokuda)
-- Period: 1998.04〜1999.03

- ''Speech Synthesis using Hidden Markov Model --The aim at developing emotional computer--''
-- Investment: [[CASIO Science Promotion Foundation(Japanese)>http://www.casio.co.jp/company/zaidan/]]
-- Topic: [[research promotion in 1997(Japanese)>http://www.casio.co.jp/company/zaidan/naiyou/1997ichiran.html]] (delegate:Tokuda)
-- Period: 1997.12〜1998.11

- ''Speech Synthesis using Hidden Markov Model --The aim at developing emotional computer--''
-- Investment: [[The Telecommunications Advancement Foundation(Japanese)>http://www.taf.or.jp/]]
-- Topic: research promotion in 1997 (delegate:Tokuda)
-- Period : 1997.04〜1998.03

- ''Vector Quantization based on statistics of vectors --Application to low bit rate speech and image coding--''
-- Investment: [[The Hori Information Science Promotion Foundation(Japanese) >http://www.hori-foundation.or.jp/]]
-- Topic: [[research promotion in 1997(Japanese)>http://www.hori-foundation.or.jp/activity/winh8.htm]] (delegate:Tokuda)
-- Period: 1997.04〜1998.03

- ''Speech Synthesis using Hidden Markov Model --The aim at developing emotional computer--''
-- Investment: [[JGC-S SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION(Japanese)>http://www.jgcs.or.jp/]]
-- Topic: research promotion in 1996 (delegate:Tokuda)
-- Period: 1996.09〜1997.08

- ''Speech Synthesis based on Hidden Markov Model --The aim at developing emotional computerて--''
-- Investment: [[The Okawa Foundation for Information and Telecommunications>http://www.okawa-foundation.or.jp/e/index.html]]
-- Topic: research promotion in 1996 (delegate:Tokuda)
-- 1Period: 1996.09〜1997.08

- ''Speech Synthesis using Hidden Markov Model --The aim at developing machine talk like human--''
-- Investment: [[THE  TATEMATSU  FOUNDATION(Japanese)>http://www.tatematsu.or.jp/]]
-- Topic: additional research promotion (delegate:Tokuda)
-- Period: 1996.04〜1997.03

- ''Development of low bit rate speech coding system using Mel-Generalized Cepstrum''
-- Investment: [[Tokyo Institude of Technology>http://www.titech.ac.jp/home.html]]
-- Topic: cooperative research fund (share)
-- Period: 1995.04〜1996.03

- ''Mel-Cepstral Analysis of Speech and its application to Adaptive Signal Processing''
-- Investment: [[Tokyo Institude of Technology>http://www.titech.ac.jp/home.html]]
-- Topic: cooperative research fund (share)
-- Period: 1990.04〜1991.03

* Attending international conferences Promotion and another Promotion [#acbd4574]

-- Investment: [[Research Foundation for the Electrotechnology of Chubu(Japanese)>http://www006.upp.so-net.ne.jp/refec/WELCOME.HTM]]
-- Topic: Publication Promotion (delegate:Miyazima)
-- Year: 2001

-- Investment: [[International Information Science Foundation>http://www.iisf.or.jp/index-en.html]]
-- Topic: [[Promotion for dispatching researchers to overseas>http://www.iisf.or.jp/subsidize-en.html]] (delegate:Miyazima)
-- Year: 2001

-- Investment: [[NEC C&C Foundation>http://www.candc.or.jp/en/index.html]]
-- Topic: [[Grants for Researchers Attending International Conferences>http://www.candc.or.jp/en/grants.html]] (delegate:Miyazima)
-- Year: 2000

-- Investment: [[The Telecommunications Advancement Foundation(Japanese)>http://www.taf.or.jp/]]
-- Topic: [[Promotion of travel expenses for overseas(Japanese)>http://www.taf.or.jp/fbunka/D_ktoko.html]] (delegate:Tokuda)
-- Year: 1995

-- Investment: [[The Hara Research Foundation(Japanese)>http://www.hara-rf.jp/]]
-- Topic: [[The 5th Promotion for giving papers in International Conference(Japanese)>http://www.hara-rf.jp/subsidy/results/result005]] (delegate:Tokuda)
-- Year: 1994

-- Investment: [[Tokyo Institude of Technology>http://www.titech.ac.jp/home.html]]
-- Topic: Tokyo Institute of Technology The Centennial Memorial International Academic exchange fund(first class) (delegate:Tokuda)
-- Year: 1992

-- Investment: [[NEC C&C Foundation>http://www.candc.or.jp/en/index.html]]
-- Topic: [[Grants for Researchers Attending International Conferences>http://www.candc.or.jp/en/grants.html]] (delegate:Tokuda)
-- Year: 1990

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