Research Topics - Speech communication and Speech language understanding

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Speech communication is necessary technology to computer answer the utterance from visitor. This technology can communicate between the computer and visitor.
Also, study of spoken dialog system has a wide-range due to this system is complicated system.

Study fields

Spoken language recognition

Unlike written language, spoken language contains speech error, hesitation in speech, and so on. So recognition performance depends on the way of speaking.
Study of Spoken language recognition is try to improve recognition performance.

Answer selection

The system selects answer when the system is given a utterance from visitor.
Answer selection is study of how to select answer for improve the system performance.

Develop a spoken dialog system

We have been trying to develop a public information kiosk based on a spoken dialog system to contribute to society.
This system called "Nitech Campus information Guidance System", and is located at the ground floor of second building in Nagoya Institute of Technology.
Also, this system can guide visitors about public facilities, weather forecasts, and so on.

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