libjulius/include/julius/define.h File Reference

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#define LM_UNDEF   0
#define LM_PROB   1
 Statistical (N-gram - Julius).
#define LM_DFA   2
 DFA (Julian).
#define LM_NGRAM   0
#define LM_DFA_GRAMMAR   1
 DFA grammar.
#define LM_DFA_WORD   2
 Isolated word recognition.
#define LM_NGRAM_USER   3
 User-defined statistical LM.
 Input rejected by power.
 Input was terminated by app. request.
 Input contains only silence.
 Input rejected by GMM.
 Input rejected by short input.
 Recognition ended with no candidate.
 Recognition output some result.
#define VERMES   if (verbose_flag) jlog
#define SHORT_WORD_LEN   2
 define this to report memory usage on exit (Linux only)
#define STARTNODE_STEP   300
#define IWSPENTRY_DEFAULT   "<UNK> [sp] sp sp"
#define CM_SEARCH
 Allow overwriting existing graph word if score is higher.
 At post-processing of graph words, this option limits the number of "fit boundary" loop up to this value.
 This option enables "-graphsearchdelay" and "-nographsearchdelay" option.
 This option enables word graph cutting by word depth at post-processing.
#define MINIMAL_BEAM_WIDTH   200
 Mimimal beam width that will be auto-determined for the 1st pass.
#define FWD_NGRAM
 (EXPERIMENTAL) early word determination on isolated word recognition mode.
#define MAX_SPEECH_ALLOC_STEP   320000
#define VTLN_RANGE   0.2
 A test to find optimal warping factor for VTLN (EXPERIMENTAL).
#define VTLN_STEP   0.02
 Use fast successor composition at 1-gram factoring.

Detailed Description

Internal symbol definitions.

The "configure" script will output the system- and user-dependent configuration in "config.h". This file defines some symboles according to the generated config.h, to switch internal functions. Most of the definitions here are for disabling experimental or debug code for development, or to keep compatibility with old Julius. These definitions are highly internal, and normal users should not alter these definitions without knowning what to do.

Akinobu LEE
Mon Mar 7 15:17:26 2005

Definition in file define.h.

Define Documentation


Allow overwriting existing graph word if score is higher.

By default, while search, Julius merges the same graph words appeared at the same location as previously stored word, and terminate search. This option make Julius to continue search in that case if fscore_head of current hypo. is greater than the already existing one. In that case, the score of existing one will be overridden by the new higher one. (from 3.5.2)

Definition at line 205 of file define.h.


At post-processing of graph words, this option limits the number of "fit boundary" loop up to this value.

This option is made to avoid long loop by the "boundary oscillation" of short words. (from 3.5.2)

Definition at line 221 of file define.h.


This option enables "-graphsearchdelay" and "-nographsearchdelay" option.

When "-graphsearchdelay" option is set, Julius modifies its alogrithm of graph generation on the 2nd pass not to apply search termination by graph merging until the first sentence candidate is found.

This option may result in slight improvement of graph accuracy only when you are going to generate a huge word graph by setting broad search. Namely, it may result in better graph accuracy when you set wide beams on both 1st pass "-b" and 2nd pass "-b2", and large number for "-n".

Definition at line 235 of file define.h.


This option enables word graph cutting by word depth at post-processing.

This option will erase many short words to explode at a wide beam width.

Definition at line 242 of file define.h.

#define MINIMAL_BEAM_WIDTH   200

Mimimal beam width that will be auto-determined for the 1st pass.

See set_beam_width() and default_width() for details.

Definition at line 249 of file define.h.

Referenced by set_beam_width().

#define FWD_NGRAM

(EXPERIMENTAL) early word determination on isolated word recognition mode.

Results will be shown via CALLBACK_RESULT_PASS1_DETERMINED.

Definition at line 264 of file define.h.

Generated on Thu Jul 23 12:12:38 2009 for Julius by  doxygen 1.5.1