
音声入出力処理に関する定義 [詳細]

#include <sent/adin.h>



#define MAXSEQNUM   150
 Maximum number of words in an input.
#define MAXSPEECHLEN   320000
 Maximum length of an input in samples
#define INPUT_DELAY_SEC   8
 Maximum length of input delay in seconds
 Expansion period in frames for output probability cache
#define period2freq(A)   (10000000.0 / (float)(A))
 Macro to convert smpPeriod (100nsec unit) to frequency (Hz)
#define freq2period(A)   (10000000.0 / (float)(A))
 Macro to convert sampling frequency (Hz) to smpPeriod (100nsec unit)


int wrsamp (int fd, SP16 *buf, int len)
 Write waveform data in big endian to a file descriptor
FILE * wrwav_open (char *filename, int sfreq)
 Open/create a WAVE file and write header.
boolean wrwav_data (FILE *fp, SP16 *buf, int len)
 Write speech samples.
boolean wrwav_close (FILE *fp)
 Close the file.
int strip_zero (SP16 a[], int len)
 Strip zero samples from speech data.



このファイルには,音声の入出力に関する雑多な定義が収められています. 一発話あたりの入力長に関する制限などが定義されています.

入力ソースに関する定義は adin.h,MFCC 特徴量抽出に関する定義は mfcc.h, 特徴量パラメータについては htk_param.h を参照して下さい.

Akinobu LEE
Sat Feb 12 11:16:41 2005

speech.h で定義されています。


#define MAXSEQNUM   150

Maximum number of words in an input.

This value defines limitation of word length in one utterance input. If the number of words exceeds this value, Julius produces error. So you have to set large value enough.

speech.h50 行で定義されています。

参照元 confout_audio(), cpy_node(), と wb_init().

#define MAXSPEECHLEN   320000

Maximum length of an input in samples

This value defines limitation of speech input length in one utterance input. If the length of an input exceeds this value, Julius stop the input at that point and recognize it, disgarding the rest until the end of speech (long silence) comes.

The default value is 320000, which means you can give Julius an input of at most 20 secons in 16kHz sampling. Setting smaller value saves memory usage.

speech.h65 行で定義されています。

参照元 adin_cut(), adin_setup_param(), adin_thread_create(), confout_audio(), と RealTimeInit().

#define INPUT_DELAY_SEC   8

Maximum length of input delay in seconds

This value defines maximum delay on live speech recognition with slow machines. If an input delays over this sample, the overflowed samples will be dropped. This value is used on callback-based ad-in, namely on portaudio interface.

The default value is 8 seconds. Setting smaller value saves memory usage but risk of overflow grows on slow machines

speech.h79 行で定義されています。

参照元 adin_mic_standby().


Expansion period in frames for output probability cache

When recognition, the 1st recognition pass stores all the output probabilities of HMM states for every incoming input frame, to speed up the re-computation of acoustic likelihoods in the 2nd pass. In live input mode, this output probability cache will be re-allocated dynamically as the input becomes longer.

This value specifies the re-allocation period in frames. The probability cache are will be expanded as the input proceeds this frame.

Smaller value may improve memory efficiency, but Too small value may result in the overhead of memory re-allocation and slow down the recognition.

speech.h98 行で定義されています。

参照元 calc_tied_mix_extend(), と outprob_cache_extend().


int wrsamp ( int  fd,
SP16 buf,
int  len 

Write waveform data in big endian to a file descriptor

fd [in] file descriptor
buf [in] array of speech data
len [in] length of above
number of bytes written, -1 on error.

wrsamp.c37 行で定義されています。

FILE* wrwav_open ( char *  filename,
int  sfreq 

Open/create a WAVE file and write header.

Open or creat a new WAV file and prepare for later data writing. The frame length written here is dummy, and will be overwritten when closed by wrwav_close().

filename [in] file name
sfreq [in] sampling frequency of the data you are going to write
the file pointer.

wrwav.c74 行で定義されています。

参照元 record_sample_open().

boolean wrwav_data ( FILE *  fp,
SP16 buf,
int  len 

Write speech samples.

fp [in] file descriptor
buf [in] speech data to be written
len [in] length of above
actual number of written samples.

wrwav.c127 行で定義されています。

参照元 record_sample_write().

boolean wrwav_close ( FILE *  fp  ) 

Close the file.

The frame length in the header part is overwritten by the actual value before file close.

fp [in] file pointer to close, previously opened by wrwav_open().
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.

wrwav.c147 行で定義されています。

参照元 record_sample_close().

int strip_zero ( SP16  a[],
int  len 

Strip zero samples from speech data.

a [I/O] speech data
len [in] length of above
new length after stripping.

strip.c41 行で定義されています。

参照元 adin_cut().

Juliusに対してTue Dec 18 16:05:02 2007に生成されました。  doxygen 1.5.4