libsent/src/util/mymalloc.c File Reference

Dynamic memory allocation funtions. More...

#include <sent/stddefs.h>

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void * mymalloc (size_t size)
 Allocate a memory, as the same as malloc.
void * mymalloc_big (size_t elsize, size_t nelem)
 Allocate a memory for huge block, check for limit.
void * myrealloc (void *ptr, size_t size)
 Re-allocate memory area, keeping the existing data, as the same as realloc.
void * mycalloc (size_t nelem, size_t elsize)
 Allocate memory area and set it to zero, as the same as calloc.

Detailed Description

Dynamic memory allocation funtions.

When allocation error occured within these functions, the program will exit immediately.

Akinobu LEE
Thu Feb 17 16:27:03 2005

Definition in file mymalloc.c.

Function Documentation

void* mymalloc ( size_t  size  ) 

Allocate a memory, as the same as malloc.

size [in] required size in bytes.
pointer to the the newly allocated area.

Definition at line 41 of file mymalloc.c.

Referenced by add_arc(), add_successor(), add_to_error(), add_unigram(), adin_alsa_standby(), adin_cut_callback_store_buffer(), adin_file_open(), adin_initialize(), adin_mic_standby(), adin_setup_param(), adin_tcpip_send_resume(), adin_thread_create(), aptree_read(), aptree_write(), build_gsset(), build_state2gs(), build_wchmm2(), calc_tied_mix_extend(), calc_tied_mix_init(), cdset_new(), cm_init(), CMN_realtime_new(), cn_build_wordlist(), cn_new(), config_file_parse(), confnet_create(), dfa_cp_append(), dfa_find_pause_word(), dfa_info_new(), dfa_pause_word_append(), dfa_state_init(), do_align(), ds48to16(), ds48to16_new(), edit_distance(), expand_env(), filepath(), get_nbest_uniprob(), gmm_gprune_safe_init(), gmm_init(), gms_gprune_init(), gms_init(), gms_prepare(), gprune_beam_init(), gprune_heu_init(), gprune_none_init(), gprune_safe_init(), graph_forward_backward(), hmminfo_new(), init_count_zc_e(), InitFBank(), initialize_GMM(), j_add_option(), j_jconf_am_new(), j_jconf_lm_new(), j_jconf_new(), j_jconf_search_new(), j_launch_recognition_instance(), j_mfcccalc_new(), j_process_am_new(), j_process_lm_new(), j_recog_new(), j_recogprocess_new(), make_costbl_hamming(), make_costbl_makemfcc(), make_fft_table(), make_iwcache_index(), make_phseq(), make_sintbl_wcep(), make_successor_list_unigram_factoring(), make_terminfo(), malloc_dfa_cp(), malloc_nodes(), malloc_wordtrellis(), max_successor_cache_init(), max_successor_prob_iw(), multigram_add(), multigram_add_gramlist(), multigram_add_prefix_filelist(), mybmalloc2(), new_make_word_hmm_with_lm(), new_node(), new_param(), new_SS_calculate(), new_SS_load_from_file(), new_str2phseq(), new_str2wordseq(), newnode(), ngram_info_new(), ngram_make_lookup_tree(), ngram_read_bin_v5(), nw_malloc(), opt_charconv(), opt_kanji(), opt_parse(), outprob_cache_extend(), outprob_cd_nbest_init(), param_str2code(), phoneme_rev_align(), plugin_exec_process_result(), plugin_init(), plugin_load_file(), rd_dens(), rd_mpdf(), rd_state(), rd_streamweight(), rd_tmix(), rd_trans(), rd_var(), rddfa_line(), rdhmmlist(), read_param(), read_token(), RealTimeInit(), RealTimePipeLine(), regist_cdset(), result_align_new(), result_sentence_malloc(), select_param_kind(), set_unigram(), state_rev_align(), terminfo_append(), test_expand_triphone(), tmix_create_codebook_index(), useropt_new(), viterbi_segment(), voca_load_htkdict_line(), voca_load_wordlist_line(), wchmm_duplicate_leafnode(), wchmm_fbs(), wchmm_init(), wchmm_new(), WeightCepstrum(), winfo_init(), WMP_deltabuf_new(), WMP_work_new(), word_info_new(), word_rev_align(), wordgraph_adjust_boundary_sub(), wordgraph_depth_cut(), wordgraph_new(), wordgraph_sort_and_annotate_id(), wt_dens(), wt_mpdf(), wt_state(), wt_streamweight(), wt_tmix(), wt_trans(), and wt_var().

void* mymalloc_big ( size_t  elsize,
size_t  nelem 

Allocate a memory for huge block, check for limit.

size [in] required size in bytes.
pointer to the the newly allocated area.

Definition at line 59 of file mymalloc.c.

Referenced by add_bigram(), add_unigram(), ngram_read_bin_v5(), set_ngram(), and set_unigram().

void* myrealloc ( void *  ptr,
size_t  size 

Re-allocate memory area, keeping the existing data, as the same as realloc.

ptr [in] memory pointer to be re-allocated
size [in] required new size in bytes
pointer to the the newly allocated area with existing data.

Definition at line 87 of file mymalloc.c.

Referenced by adin_cut_callback_store_buffer(), calc_tied_mix_extend(), cn_add_wg(), config_file_parse(), cp_add(), dfa_cp_append(), dfa_pause_word_append(), dfa_state_expand(), ds48to16(), expand_env(), expand_tlist(), new_str2phseq(), new_str2wordseq(), nw_expand(), outprob_cache_extend(), RealTimePipeLine(), regist_cdset(), shrink_successor(), terminfo_append(), voca_load_htkdict_line(), voca_load_wordlist_line(), wchmm_extend(), wchmm_extend_startnode(), winfo_expand(), wordgraph_add_leftword(), and wordgraph_add_rightword().

void* mycalloc ( size_t  nelem,
size_t  elsize 

Allocate memory area and set it to zero, as the same as calloc.

nelem [in] size of element in bytes
elsize [in] number of elements to allocate
pointer to the newly allocated area.

Definition at line 106 of file mymalloc.c.

Referenced by CMN(), and MVN().

Generated on Thu Jul 23 12:14:20 2009 for Julius by  doxygen 1.5.1