__ngram_info__ Struct Reference

Main N-gram structure. More...

#include <ngram2.h>

Collaboration diagram for __ngram_info__:

Collaboration graph

Data Fields

int n
 N-gram order (ex. 3 for 3-gram).
int dir
 direction (either DIR_LR or DIR_RL)
boolean from_bin
 TRUE if source was bingram, otherwise ARPA.
boolean bigram_index_reversed
 TRUE if read from old (<=3.5.3) bingram, in which case the 2-gram tuple index is reversed (DIR_LR) against the RL 3-gram.
boolean bos_eos_swap
 TRUE if swap BOS and SOS on backward N-gram.
WORD_ID max_word_num
 N-gram vocabulary size.
char ** wname
 List of word strings.
 Root of index tree to search n-gram word ID from its name.
WORD_ID unk_id
 Word ID of unknown word.
int unk_num
 Number of dictionary words that are not in this N-gram vocabulary.
LOGPROB unk_num_log
 Log10 value of unk_num, used for calculating probability of unknown words.
boolean isopen
 TRUE if dictionary has unknown words, which does not appear in this N-gram.
 Main body of N-gram info.
 back-off weights for 2-gram on 1st pass
 2-gram prob for the 1st pass
LOGPROB(* bigram_prob )(struct __ngram_info__ *, WORD_ID, WORD_ID)
 Pointer of a function to compite bigram probability on the 1st pass. See bi_prob_func_set() for details.

Detailed Description

Main N-gram structure.

bigrams and trigrams are stored in the form of sequential lists. They are grouped by the same context, and referred from the context ((N-1)-gram) data by the beginning ID and its number.

Definition at line 169 of file ngram2.h.

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